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trouble with nouveau driver

Posted: Sat 26 Feb 2011, 21:36
by don570
I've had a lot of trouble with the nouveau driver for nvidia cards.

I've been booting up with pfix=ram to do testing work
and I get endless travail.

I think I have a procedure that works now.

During bootup procedure I choose xorgwizard.

I click test video.-----> I see that refresh rates are left blank.
That is bad sign.

I next choose to edit xorg.conf . -----> I change nouveau to nv
and save file.

I do video test again and a nice neat dialog box now
comes on the screen with the refresh rates filled in properly
but it says I am still using 'nouveau' (probably a bug in xorgwizard)

I can now proceed to boot up in the normal fashion
and everything is fine. glxgears works faster as well.


pupclockset is hidden away


pschedule should be upgraded to version 1.0 and
placed in the menu.


I was forced to downgrade gparted to version 7.0
to get a version that would show French in the menus.


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 02:24
by starhawk
Jemimah, you should probably be aware that Fluppy 013 does not seem to work with my HP Pavilion s7220n. Yes, it is a desktop system, *but* it uses a Celeron M (laptop-type CPU), so it /should/ work...

FWIW, Fluppy 011 boots just fine. Haven't tried 012, tho.

On a partially related topic, please check your PMs at your earliest possible convenience...

Posted: Tue 01 Mar 2011, 05:02
by Roy

I finally got around to loading Fluppy13 onto my Mini-9 netbook (frugal) and... wow! Connected straight away to my rooted Android cell phone -- with the Broadcom wl module as the default! That's terrific!

Buttttttt.... then I turned off my cell phone and went to a wireless hotspot -- and Fluppy13 was determined to connect to my missing cell phone wifi (and nothing else). Finally deleted my cell phone's wireless profile and Fluppy connected to networks that were actually available.

I generated a before and after diagnostics, if you are interested in seeing them. Just PM me if they might be of interest to you. One other thing that I did -- told Frisbee to ignore my ethernet connection -- shouldn't/didn't cause any problems with wireless, I would think.


Posted: Tue 01 Mar 2011, 05:21
by edoc
Fluppy 13 loaded fine on the ACER Aspire 5535-5452 AMD Athlon dual-core 64 laptop w/ ATI graphics.

Also looks good on the Samsung NB30 Netbook.

fluppy 013 fine on Lenovo S10e

Posted: Tue 01 Mar 2011, 07:26
by tinker
The subject says it all - fluppy 013 runs fine on my Lenovo S10e. I had previously used version 010. It feels like a big leap, especially in terms of application updates and many new utilities to tweak settings. I have several other puppy (not fluppy) installations which are much older, and I can see that I need to bring them up to a more current level to get similar goodness.

Great stuff, Jemimah.

Posted: Wed 02 Mar 2011, 20:48
by edoc
I don't see anywhere in the BIOS of my ACER Aspire 5535 laptop to do make the following adjustment - is this supposed to be done via an app after boot?

Is there such an app in (or for) Fluppy, please?
To reduce the heating
1-go to Power Options
2-Select Change Plan Setting
3-Select Change advanced power settings
4-Select Processor power management
5-select The maximum processor power
6-thin change the tow numbers of 100% to 50%
(you can make that for all Three plans)
- that’s make processor works very good in just 50% of it power all time
- and you Will not feel a great change in performance

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 01:09
by CLAM01

Look on your fluppy013 desktop for a 'control center' icon (top row). Click that and you should find "power options", "change..." etc. there.

CPU Temps and BIOS controlled Fans

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 01:23
by CLAM01
In applications where CPU temperature triggers a BIOS switch to start fans, when running Puppy linux (all flavors I have tried so far) you have to boot your puppy, run until the CPU temp is high enough for the BIOS to start the fan(s), then reboot so the BIOS will start the fan(s).

Puppies don't trigger BIOSs to start fans (in my experience).

Running with CPU frequency scaling lowers running temperatures, so temps won't go so high, and will rise slower, but if you have fans, as in laptops, you need to do double-boots to start them.

Note that fans will start when the BIOS gets a critical temp signal from the CPU, but critical temp is usually up around 90C.

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 02:01
by edoc
CLAM01 wrote:edoc,

Look on your fluppy013 desktop for a 'control center' icon (top row). Click that and you should find "power options", "change..." etc. there.
There is no icon for "control center".

There is "setup".

Is "control center" in the generic fluppy013 install?

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 02:07
by edoc
BIOS - the fan - Puppy - ACER

The ACER Aspire 5535 had a defective cooling system for which ACER has steadfastly refused to provide a recall. (I don't buy anything from ACER any more.)

One may clean out the cooling system and replace the cooked thermal paste to reduce the rapid overheating but it does not last as the system is simply too wimpy to handle the power.

The fan runs continuously, but even mounted on a large laptop cooler it overheats, and under stress - even with an external fan blowing across the laptop and the laptop cooler - it overheats!

Turning down the operation of the laptop by 50% is the only way to stabilize it - meaning that the cooling system was under-engineered by 50% when it was designed and manufactured and sold.

So, those of us foolish enough to trust ACER paid for power we cannot use. Sigh.

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 21:15
by Sage
Did someone say it before? The k/b setting doesn't work for the UK-GB. The '@' symbol has to be interchanged with ' " ' and v.v. Other anomalies, too. Where's the pound sterling!

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 21:37
by peebee
Sage wrote:Did someone say it before? The k/b setting doesn't work for the UK-GB. The '@' symbol has to be interchanged with ' " ' and v.v. Other anomalies, too. Where's the pound sterling!
Works just fine in this part of the UK


Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 23:20
by edoc
CLAM01 wrote:edoc,

Look on your fluppy013 desktop for a 'control center' icon (top row). Click that and you should find "power options", "change..." etc. there.
Is it possible that I need to load the DevX?
Note: the devx must be renamed to flp_devx_013.sfs

Posted: Thu 03 Mar 2011, 23:46
by edoc
Just added DevX - no joy - still no "control center" or "power options".

This is a Frugal install, does that matter?

Is there something else I need to add, please?

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 01:14
by edoc
Is what you are talking about based on this utility?

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 03:55
by CLAM01
Hi edoc,

Sorry to not be able to get back eaerlier on this. I posted from another puppy and from memory. I had to get back to get my fluppy13 disk to check what I was remembering.

The control panel icon is called 'setup' on the desktop. In the menu, and on the app it is 'control panel'. On the control panel you go to system, in the top row and to acpi-control settings.

The offering is meagre. Fluppy starts cpu-frequency control automatically, or should, so the control panel offers only the powersave, performance and turbo options.

I would try the 'powersave', which should keep your CPU frequency lower through a wider range. As I recall, from other applications, 'turbo' boosts to full CPU scale at a low percentage of use, 'performance'boosts at about 50% use, and 'powersave' doesn't boost until you are using about 90% of your cpu. With a lot going on, with a browser or two open and so on, the 50% is easy to exceed. Note, you can also change these settings by right-clicking on the lightning icon in the tray and then selecting.

Fluppy has a nice cpu temp aplet, but does not provide frequency info. But if you click menu, system and hardware information you will get a window with items down the left. click 'processor' to get your processor frequency the right panel. You should see your processor model and then @ and your top GHz frequency, followed by your controlled frequency in MHz (thousands instead of ones).

The MHz should be what starting CPU frequency scaling in other puppies gives you. You can monitor using the hardware info window in a virtual desktop, to see when the MHz number(s) go to full speed. That will be when your system starts to heat.

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 04:05
by edoc

It has been set to Powersave - still overheats.

System Info - Hardware - Processor:
AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dial-Core QL-64 2100.09MHz
AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dial-Core QL-64 2100.09MHz

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 07:36
by Sage
Works just fine in this part of the UK
Thanks for that - very interesting. I am using a FULL install on a desktop box, as always. How about you. I do realise that this is neither the preferred modus operandi, nor HW.

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 07:44
by peebee
Sage wrote:
Works just fine in this part of the UK
Thanks for that - very interesting. I am using a FULL install on a desktop box, as always. How about you. I do realise that this is neither the preferred modus operandi, nor HW.
Hi Sage
The post was from a frugal install on my HP550 laptop.
I've also got Fluppy running frugal install OK on my desktop as well and the UK keyboard is fine there as well !"£$%^&*()_+{}:@~<>?

You have presumably gone into Setup (on desktop) - System - Mouse/Keyboard wizard and tried resetting?


Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2011, 10:51
by Sage
You have presumably gone into Setup...
Oh yes, many times, with log-out, soft and hard resets!
The Keyboard Wizard is showing 'UK', and it's in the /etc/... location, too, so there must be something wrong with the code rather than my kit. Frugal must have set the .sfs permanently whilst the FULL install fails to do ??? Symlinks and suchlike are definitely not my bag! Maybe our Jewel will offer more pearls of wisdom?!