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Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2007, 17:57
by Caneri
Hi Thomas,

check your case you see this post first.


Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2007, 19:39
by tombh
wNOP version 0.2 now available -- visit the thread here.

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2007, 05:19
by floborg
tombh wrote: PS. You don't have to do this but just out of interest what does

Code: Select all

ps | grep compiz | grep -v grep
return after those errors?

Just wondering how far compiz gets? Do the window borders disappear? Does holding ALT to drag a window work?

tom :)
After starting up, selecting Compiz from the wizard, installing the pet, and then restarting X, that grep command does nothing after neither the regular compiz-manager command nor the skip checks command. Further, the window borders disappear after running the skip checks command.

Posted: Fri 28 Dec 2007, 12:55
by tombh
Thanks floborg,

Yeah doesn't appear to be any life at all then in Compiz-Fusion when you run it. That grep command just sees if it is a running process, which it appears it isn't. So I think we can safely say that CF won't run on your card, which is a shame, but we've learnt a lot. Thanks again :)