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conflict between pupsaveconfig and LXDE-shutdown

Posted: Thu 10 Jul 2014, 09:25
by Pelo
conflict between pupsaveconfig and LXDE-shutdown. I am now used to pupsaveconfig and i install it in my puppies if not yet installed as default.
However pupsaveconfig prevents shutdown with LXDE_shutdown gui. Then i must use CTRL alt +backspace instead of the pretty guy of LXDE.
Do you know how i can marry them together, i.e. shutdown with LXDE and then still having the question 'save yes/no" in next step ?

Posted: Wed 16 Jul 2014, 12:55
by rg66
Frugal install with save file, running pupsaveconfig and clicking ok deletes most of pupsave.conf. Pupsave.conf is sometimes handy for variables in scripts, is there a way to stop this?


Code: Select all

# SFSCHOICE is not in use any more

Code: Select all


Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2015, 10:49
by mistfire
Shinobar can you add save to folder method (applicable for ext partitions only) for saving puppy user settings? Just look the pupsaveconfig on x-slacko for references.

pupsaveconfig hard disk frugal installation

Posted: Thu 07 May 2015, 03:49
by Mayou
Toutou Linux 4.3.1 pupsaveconfig nice tool for usb and hard disk too.
just change atahd by ataflash and your pupsaveconfig will ask you if you want to save your session ( to your Hard Drive)

busybox commands by musher0

Posted: Thu 05 Nov 2015, 14:08
by Pelo
Zut ! i don't succeed to link

But ASRI explains in french how to use it

Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 06:30
by Pelo
Pupsavconfig translated French by ASRI, manager of Puppy ASRI Edu for schools, teachers and Pupils
Pet provided, ASRI explains in french how to use it, what pupsaveconfig does, and when you cannot use it
Do french teachers speak English ? Usually they do, but Linux needs some further explanations, not learnt at school.
Personaly, 2.2.2 remains the version in my tool case.