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#1661 Post by mcewanw »

Also may or may not be irrelevant to what you are working on now, Terry and Fred:

By forum member 'komato': How I customize my Puppy menu (for JWM) - Method 1

By forum member 'komato': How I customize my Puppy menu (for jwm) - Method 2:

Early comments by BarryK about xdg menu system in Puppy: ... 598#106598

and rarsa (who designed the original xdg implementation in Puppy) then commented: ... 748#106748 ... 889#106889

and finally, another BarryK comment in same thread: ... 029#107029
Last edited by mcewanw on Tue 04 Mar 2014, 23:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#1662 Post by fredx181 »

William, thanks for your menu suggestions, will look at it tomorrow, to sleepy now.
jwm-xdgmenu I tried but had some problems with it, maybe newer/other version will be OK.

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#1663 Post by sunburnt »

William; Looks like a lot of disagreement on the xdg menu setup.
In giving it a quick look, I agree with Dougal ( He wrote the drive icons utility, maybe HotPup.).
All the menu methods I`ve seen are horribly complex. Debian`s, xdg, pupmenu, etc.

# To think it`s really a very simple task... "Engineers love to obfuscate" ( obscure the obvious ).
# Read desktop files, translate app categories to menu categories, and write a new menu file.

Some of it is everyone insisting on using XML type tagged syntax ( Don`t get me started... :roll: ).
But most of it is the piles of files that are needed, both exec.+ scripts, and config. files.

# It`s rather sad really, I used to talk with most of these guys, but now you never see them here.
MU, GuesToo, rarsa, Dougal, Pizzasgood, and so many more that I can`t remember their names.
But I like my new friends very well ( Toni, Fred, William, Sergey, and a few newer ones here.).
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#1664 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Here is separate module with your menu method: ... 2.squashfs
Boot with module placed in live or just load it as separate sfs.
Type in terminal:

Code: Select all

It is script in /opt/bin Later I will add menu entry.
To bring back the debian menu choose System->Menu-Debian

It is with submenus included for the tests.

The problems I see it can not give template path to point $HOME. It works only for root. _$HOME_ and $HOME_ do not work.
If we can fix this and make it work for IceWM as well maybe Terry's method also can be converted to work for IceWM
Then we will have 3 menu options :)

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#1665 Post by saintless »

sunburnt wrote:Fred & Toni; If one of you could compile the new JWM. ... 2.1.tar.xz

Toni; As it`s not a Debian file, put it in /opt/bin and apt-get remove the old one.
Hi, Terry.
Never compiled from source but I will try to learn.
I do not agree to put jwm in /opt/bin
Window Manager is essential program and debain package database should have information for it. Also JWM v.2.1 is in debian repository tested as stable. We can not be sure the latest JWM will work the same way on DebianDog. For example we need to make sure debian menu system will work with the old /etc/menu-methods/jwm update file. It is not acceptable to remove debian-menu method just to get newer version JWM.
If we change JWM we should make it proper by creating working deb package and tested proper before include it in DebianDog.

About jwm -reload:
What do we gain if we have it as option? Why jwm -restart is no good anymore?

One more thing about the current menu method from Terry.
After apt-get-ing program update-menus is executed after every installed package. I mean if we install gftp with 3 dependencies update-menus will run 4 times. Imagine if the package has 30-40 dependencies.
When we use Terry's menu update-menus is link to mk-menus.
If we have 200 .desktop files the apt-get install procedure will take much longer running mk-menus after every package.

The question is do we keep update-menus link to mk-menus or we will use different update-menus approach?

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#1666 Post by saintless »

catsezmoo wrote:FWIW, the now-defunct livarp distro used xdm, and employed a dmenu solution to present a chooser:

Code: Select all

# a simple session-selector
# session list
# ------------
choice=`echo -e "01: vtwm\n02: dwm\n03: ratpoison\n04: wmfs\n05: dwm_reloaded\n06: spectrwm\n07: evilwm\n08: openbox\n09: pekwm\n10: awesome\n11: fluxbox\n12: scripts de lancement\n13: éteindre" | dmenu -fn "snap" -nb "#222222" -nf "#7D7D7D" -sb "#005885" -sf "#D7D7D7" -p "choisir ou éditer une session:" | cut -d ':' -f 1`
# session launchers
# -----------------
case $choice in
01) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
02) exec /usr/bin/dwm ;;
03) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
04) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
05) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
06) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
07) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
08) exec /usr/bin/openbox-session ;;
09) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
10) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
11) exec $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
12) geany -s $HOME/bin/start/* $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart $HOME/.xinitrc; $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
13) sudo shutdown -h now ;;
*) $HOME/bin/start/ ;;
exit 0
ref: ... /bin/start

startx was called by one of the chained scripts, depending on user choice.
Note that the dmenu also contained an option for user to launch geany and edit config files.
Thank you, Catsezmoo.
I will look at this but I doubt we can start different WM from login prompt safely with the current scheme. We use $HOME/.xsession file which calls different /startup script for JWM and ICEWM. It will get more complicated to change the .xsession and startup from login prompt using one more separate script for every WM option.
As you pointed SLiM has this options included anyway and Antix has a fix to make it work on debian. It can be installed from the user and XDM can be purged or left as second login manager since it takes almost no space.

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#1667 Post by mcewanw »

I'm curious, Toni, how come xdm is so small an addition now (a few hundred kB). Did you not say much earlier it took up about 15MB (as did nodm)? Since it is so small now, I feel it is definitely worth keeping (even if there is a SLiM addon option) since it should be able to do a lot more than SLiM being able to manage remote X sessions.

Did you find a 'fix' that antiX used to allow SLiM with icewm, jwm and so on? I was in the process of downloading antiX (still am) to check that out.

Regarding the menu issues, I note that Puppy adopted a non-dynamic/static (run fixmenus) approach to avoid delays at populating the menu. But also they seem to use gnome-menus and C program routines to speed up searches.
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#1668 Post by saintless »

Hi, William.

Code: Select all

I'm curious, Toni, how come xdm is so small an addition now (a few hundred kB). Did you not say much earlier it took up about 15MB (as did nodm)?
Yes, it has 15 Mb dependencies if you apt-get it.
Same approach like JWM deb package. First I rebulded the deb package without the biggest dependencies. Then tested. Then I removed all dependencies and rebuilded the deb again. XDM still working with only xdm scripts added except the console login font is only white color. I'm not sure if we loose something else but for our issue xdm is perfect this way.
Did you find a 'fix' that antiX used to allow SLiM with icewm, jwm and so on? I was in the process of downloading antiX (still am) to check that out.
Not yet and I do not see it as high priority when we have small xdm working. I will concentrate on new JWM version now if I can get it build working deb package. Need to read and test how to build from source first.
Regarding the menu issues, I note that Puppy adopted a non-dynamic/static (run fixmenus) approach to avoid delays at populating the menu. But also they seem to use gnome-menus and C program routines to speed up searches.
I also think manual run mk-menus is the best for DebianDog or some mechanism to run it only once after apt-get finish the install process.

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#1669 Post by mcewanw »

Thanks for the explanation Toni. Could you (or have you already) posted instructions on how to rebuild a deb package in this manner (including how to remove deps for testing)? Or is it something Fred has posted earlier?
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#1670 Post by saintless »

Hi, William.
I made this module for you earlier: ... e.squashfs
Just load it as separate sfs or boot after place it in /live
You will see /BuildDeb folder (or similar name) on top folder level with script and instructions in txt file from Fred.
Put the deb in this folder and run the script (see the instruction file for usage).
Test it and ask again if something is not clear.

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#1671 Post by mcewanw »

saintless wrote:Hi, William.
I made this module for you earlier: ... e.squashfs
Just load it as separate sfs or boot after place it in /live
You will see /BuildDeb folder (or similar name) on top folder level with script and instructions in txt file from Fred.
Put the deb in this folder and run the script (see the instruction file for usage).
Test it and ask again if something is not clear.

Yes, I thought you had, but I couldn't remember the details... I'll try it sometime... time always being the problem...
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#1672 Post by saintless »

Hi, Terry and all.

Here is my new build jwm_2.2.1-1_i386.deb debian package: ... 1_i386.deb
Just install it in 01-v6.squashfs and it will replace jwm-2.1 and dpkg database is happy with the latest jwm version.
jwm -reload is working. Check also jwm -v
I think the only missing from the dependencies is libpng3. Download and install: ... 1_i386.deb

Test if this JWM is better and how it behaves on DebianDog. I will do some testing as well and then we can decide to change it in the next testing module.

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#1673 Post by fredx181 »

Hi William, Toni
saintless wrote:Hi, William.
I made this module for you earlier: ... e.squashfs
Just load it as separate sfs or boot after place it in /live
You will see /BuildDeb folder (or similar name) on top folder level with script and instructions in txt file from Fred.
Put the deb in this folder and run the script (see the instruction file for usage).
Test it and ask again if something is not clear.

Here's a more simple script for rebuilding .deb I made.
It doesn't need binutils, just dpkg
Say you call it "redeb", usage is:
redeb <package>.deb , to extract to named folder in the same directory and:
redeb <directory> to build , and new folder <packagename>_newbuild will be created with the new build .deb inside.
EDIT: changed a bit so it will cd to directory where .deb is in.

Code: Select all

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "usage: redeb <package>.deb to extract  or: redeb <packagedirectory> to build"
exit 0
cd "`dirname $FILE`"
#newdir=`echo "${FILE%%.*}"`

ifdeb=`echo "${FILE##*.}"`

if [ "$ifdeb" = "deb" ]; then

newdir=`basename $1 .deb`
echo $newdir
mkdir $newdir
dpkg-deb -x $FILE $newdir
dpkg-deb -e $FILE $newdir/DEBIAN

elif [[ $ifdeb != "deb" ]] && [ ! -d $FILE ]; then
echo " The file you chose is not a .deb file. "
yad --title="Extract deb" --center --text=" The file you chose is not a .deb file. " --button="gtk-close:0"

	if [ -d $FILE ]; then
lsdeb=`ls $FILE/DEBIAN/control`
	    if [ -z $lsdeb ]; then
	  echo "No file DEBIAN/control found, cannot continue"
	  yad --title="Build deb" --center --text=" No file DEBIAN/control found, cannot build package. " --button="gtk-close:0"
	  mkdir "$FILE"_newbuild
	  dpkg-deb -b $FILE "$FILE"_newbuild/
EDIT: It's important to always build a package being root or else there come files owned by some unprivileged user all over the place.
If there are errors it shows yad message.

Last edited by fredx181 on Thu 06 Mar 2014, 09:18, edited 2 times in total.
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#1674 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
Thanks for your efford to compile jwm but it's not an improvement.
The problem not showing icons in menu got even worse because there seems no support for xpm images.

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#1675 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Terry
Fred; It takes so long because of reading all the desktop files.
Writing mk-menus in Bacon probably would not speed it up much.
I was testing ( 15 sec.) on Puppy which has over 200 desktop files.

All the icons show for you.??? Why no work for me.? Mad

If I can get it working for me... Then I`m sure we can fix what`s left.
Ah, I see, 200 desktop files is different story.
You see the icons already in menu?
If not: could it be that you have a /root/.jwmrc and your mk-menus is generating /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc

Here's a menu package from puppy that I simplified (see attached)
Can you please try?
It works ok except for the problem not showing all icons.
In template file /etc/xdg/templates/_etc_jwm_system.jwmrc there's between fixed head and and tail the command line:

Code: Select all

PUPPYMENU gen_pup_xdg jwm 
Which executes /opt/bin/gen_pup_xdg
I believe it's a bacon binary (I included the source)
If you could change it the way so all the icons will show and the speed problem will be solved maybe then, it would be very nice.

libgnome-menu2 needs to be installed (included .deb also)
After installing/copying the deb and files do:

Code: Select all

jwm -restart
(102.27 KiB) Downloaded 243 times
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#1676 Post by saintless »

Hi, Fred.

Thank you for the second method for editing and building deb packages.

About Jwm latest- as I wrote few posts back I like to be tested proper before we make decision to change the official debian stable Jwm package. I also think there is no need to change it since v2.1 can not be called old yet. And it is proper tested package added as stable from debian team..
Lets wait to test it more and for Terry's opinion. Having deb package now we can easy add Jwm-2.2.1 any time.

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#1677 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
About Jwm latest- as I wrote few posts back I like to be tested proper before we make decision to change the official debian stable Jwm package.
OK, but i'm wondering I did something wrong maybe.
Do you see also less icons in the menu with new jwm.?
For example the top item "Terminal" icon missing.

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#1678 Post by saintless »

Same here, Fred.
latest JWM does not show icons .xpm and .jpg
For example in System and Utilities missing icons for Walpapers-GUI, (.jpg) Lxrandr (.xpm), SFS-loader (.xpm), top menu Terminal (.xpm).
I think I sow some information here in the forum about latest Jwm does not support xpm icons.

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#1679 Post by mcewanw »

fredx181 wrote: Here's a more simple script for rebuilding .deb I made.
It doesn't need binutils, just dpkg
Say you call it "redeb", usage is:
redeb <package>.deb , to extract to named folder in the same directory and:
redeb <directory> to build , and new folder <packagename>_newbuild will be created with the new build .deb inside.
Thanks greatly, Fred.

I think it would be good to include this script in /opt/bin. It is the kind of commandline utility Puppy users have become used to having - like dir2pet. Puppy is as much about tinkering/experimenting as it is about having a desktop distribution for daily use.
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#1680 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni
Same here, Fred.
latest JWM does not show icons .xpm and .jpg
Yes, it's a pity.

As you wrote earlier:
One more thing about the current menu method from Terry.
After apt-get-ing program update-menus is executed after every installed package. I mean if we install gftp with 3 dependencies update-menus will run 4 times. Imagine if the package has 30-40 dependencies.
So that would go not only for Terry's mk-menus but also for the setup I made, I think.
Anyway I'm sure update-menus will NOT run with every dependency..
Just with a package that needs an entry in the menu.
Check the postinstall script for "update-menus" in the DEBIAN directory of extracted .deb

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