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Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 20:18
by playdayz
LupuPlus & LupuPlus Libre

This is a complement to Lucid 5.2.8, not a replacement. It will exist alongside Lucid 5.2.8. It is called Lucid Plus because 1) it has 41 extra drivers (thanks to tempestuous); 2) it has extra provisions for HP printers and scanners (thanks to lluamco); 3) it has the 2 series of Pmusic plus the necessary updated multimedia components (ffmpeg). Thanks mainly to rerwin for Lucid Plus because he had the ideas for 1) and 2) and provided numerous tweaks to the infrastructure.

LupuPlus Libre has Libre Office 3.5.2 built-in and integrated with the desktop--it also includes Java which Libre Office likes to have. Because Libre Office is built-in it copies into ram with the rest of the Puppy OS and consequently runs with alacrity.

Should you use it? 1) If you have had any driver problems with Lucid; 2) if you have an HP printer or scanner and have had trouble configuring it; 3) if you want Lucid with the new ffmpeg and Pmusic 2.x. Most people will tell no difference except for the additions. For some Lucid Plus will work better than Lucid, but for others Lucid Plus might not work as well. Use LupuPlus Libre if you would like to have Libre Office built-in along with Java.

LupuPlus is in basically the same state of update as Lucid with further updates in bold. ffconvert 1.2.1 - shinobar; sfs-load 1.3 - shinobar; PupControl 2.0 - radky; Sylpheed 3.1.3 - playdayz; mtpaint 3.44.3 - don570; PupApps 1.8 - radky; PupSnap 1.6.3 - radky; pprocess 2.2.4 - zigbert; Pburn 3.5.2 - zigbert; firewallstate 2.1 - tasmod; grub4dos 1.7.2 - shinobar; isomaster 1.3.9 - BarryK; pbackup 3.1.9 - zigbert; pfilesearch 1.28 - zigbert; pfind 4.25 - zigbert; PupClockset 1.9 - radky; PupSysinfo 2.1.4 - radky; Bacon Recorder 2.7 - don570; dillo 3.0.2 - playdayz; geany 0.21 - playdayz; Pmusic 2.5.3 - zigbert; HomeBank 4.4 - playdayz; Psip32 - Lobster; Inkscapelite - playdayz

New Programs -> PupMenu 2.0 - radky; getflash 0.9 - shinobar; hpliplite - lluamco
Improved -> Help working in Abiword, Homebank, and web links in many programs Help -> About
Fixed -> guvcview 1.4.1-1 (the previous version would often crash if changing video size and capturing)

LupuPlus -> ... .005-1.iso

[Outdated old version of Libre Office] LupuPlusLibre -> ... .005-2.iso

The extra drivers: from ... 985#443985 from ... 659#444659 from ... 938#447938 from ... 596#421596 referenced from ... 464#448464 needs preference: "ssb:b43" from ... 997#448997 #lost since 5.1.1 from ... 093#452093 from ... 853#453853 already in lupu002-patch-6 and 3 others from ... 469#462469 needs
preference: "r8192_pci:r8192se_pci" from ... 698#469698 and... from ... 701#469701 and 2 others from ... 085#481085 and 2 others from ... 618#494618 from ... 672#495672 from ... 421#497421 and perhaps from ... 184#500184 from ... 722#500722 from ... 360#513360 should be made available as an alternative to the latest version, but not included in the ISO. from ... 414#513414 from ... 568#515568 from ... 199#522199 and from ... 677#525677 from ... 920#526920 from ... 015#564015 and 2 others from ... 112#564112 and 3 others from ... 113#564113 Could be left as optional packages. from ... 318#578318 and 1 other from ... 751#584751 from ... 101#592101 This might require a "rules" file to get the driver loaded.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 20:30
by bigpup
prehistoric wrote:The machine giving me trouble has an ASUS A7S8X-MX motherboard with an Athlon-XP 2500+
From the listed system requirements for Chrome, Athlon-XP does not meet requirement for processor. ... swer=95411
However, that does not usually keep a browser from working. Just causes sluggish operation.
From earlier in Lucid Puppy post. Chrome worked if using earlier version. ... 672#593672
Also read some bug reports on Chromium browser that stated it needs SSE2 support to work, which Athlon-XP does not have.
Not sure if Googles Chrome browser needs this also. Not sure what Google did to Chromium to make Chrome.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:05
by prehistoric
I can confirm that the does work. I have it running on the other desktop of this machine. So far, it does not seem sluggish.

I have an uncertain memory of having installed Chrome or Chromium on a recent build with 5.28.005 using a Celeron on an Intel board, D201GLY. If the problem related to the change from 32-bit to 64-bit I wouldn't expect this to work. At this point I'm leaning toward the multiprocessing explanation.

Both socket 370 and socket A boards with multiple processors were available, but everyone I knew who messed with them later twitched when people mentioned multiprocessing. Both companies got their multiprocessor act together at a later date, when big orders for massive multiprocessors depended on it, and a consumer market for multi-core machines began to develop.

I'm no authority, and I'll be happy to hear from someone who really knows what's behind this.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:24
by bigpup
The machine giving me trouble has an ASUS A7S8X-MX motherboard with an Athlon-XP 2500+, and 2GB of RAM.
I can confirm that the does work. I have it running on the other desktop of this machine. So far, it does not seem sluggish.
I am confused.
I thought your problem was Chrome would not run on this computer.
From earilier post you wrote:
chrome - On this one machine I can't seem to run any derivative of chromium, Google-chrome or Iron. In the case of the oldest version this is explained by an attempt to "exec chrome-linux" which does not exist.

Posted: Sun 22 Apr 2012, 21:36
by James C
From my experiences with the Chrome/Chromium/Iron pets on an Athlon XP box, the Chrome 18 pet linked to above is the only one that has worked.All other Chrome/Chromium/Iron pets have failed to operate....generally with the "illegal instruction" message.
Just tried a couple of Chromium pets last go.Been discussed through both Lucid and Slacko development but the underlying reason is still undetermined.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 01:29
by prehistoric
Bigpup, I missed seeing your previous post until after I had written mine above. When I did see your post I was late for dinner. Sorry, if I confused you. I felt like I had tried every version of Chromium/Chrome/Iron and seen them all fail, but I had not tried the Google_Chrome-18-Lucid linked above.

Your observation about SSE2 seems like the right explanation. I went back to the machine with the Intel D201GLY board and checked. It runs Chromium 18. The processor soldered to that board is a Celeron 215. Hardware info tells me it does have SSE2. In fact it also has the extensions to SSE called either SSE3 or PNI (Prescott New Instructions).

At the time AMD produced the Athlon XP Intel was going through another episode when it tried to stamp out all competition. This meant it would not license the new instructions. This was the same period when Intel made disastrous mistakes of its own. One aspect resulted in the early Pentium 4s. (How many people out there are running socket 423 machines with RDRAM?) Another error concerned theIA-64, Itanium, with patented instructions. (Not just the implementation, but the instructions themselves.) The marketplace soundly rejected all three things. A smaller company would have collapsed.

I am still shocked to discover such a common application program depends on such obscure details of the instruction set when the OS does not. I hope the working version we have means that in the future Google software will check before attempting to use vendor specific instructions.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 04:17
by bigpup
prehistoric wrote: I am still shocked to discover such a common application program depends on such obscure details of the instruction set when the OS does not. I hope the working version we have means that in the future Google software will check before attempting to use vendor specific instructions.
SSE2 requirement for Chromium/Chrome.
During my research, I came across several statements that the requirement for SSE2 in Chromium, was known, but because the processors that did not support it, where old and not used much, nothing would be done. Then I saw references in bug reports that the decision was made to change the code to detect if support for SSE2 was there. If not detected, the program would downgrade to the point functions could be supported. Hard to find a specific statement on when this was implemented and again, Chrome is made by Google, taking Chromium and changing code, to what they want it to do.
If the Chrome 18 pet is working for you now. Hope that means Chrome at least now has the referred to fix.

I can understand having code that uses SSE2 in a program. Should make it run faster, due to less complicated code processing.
SSE1, SSE2 ,SSE3 and what ever else they come up with, is suppose to be processor short hand.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 10:52
by Sage
Intel was going through another episode when it tried to stamp out all competition
Broken records aside, haven't I been warning about the DWIntel cartel for eons?! And still the lemmings buy that cr*p by the lorry load. IBM made three gigantic mistakes:
CEO publicly states no future for computers outside academia
Chooses 8088/8086 instead of 68000 & co.
Chooses the devil's OS.
They've come to regret all of this.
Intel would've died on technical merit; they've cost their shareholders $bn's. The paradox of capitalism is that by leverage, a byword for corruption, and heavy marketing, loadsa dosh can be acquired.
The 8-bit guys got it right 30yrs ago. Kids used to write their own code in assembler. Three decades on world+dog recognises RPi and ARM is the future. Let's hope against hope that we can make 8 a still-birth. It's the wrong way. BK and developers around here have got it right. Back to the future all over again...

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 10:55
by Sage
Lupuplus-005 & Sulu: awe sum.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 12:08
bigpup wrote:Did not Windows, fight a law suit in Europe, over only having "Internet Explorer" in Windows?
My understanding is, they lost, and now Windows in Europe, is required to come with no pre-installed browser. They have to offer a choice of browser to install and use.
Just to correct an error of understanding.

Microsoft lost - Yes
They have to provide a choice of browser - Yes
Windows is required to come with no preinstalled browser - Sadly No

When Windows 7 is shipped in Europe it comes with Internet Explorer as default browser although, unlike previous Windows versions, it can be turned off.

I understand that when such a computer is first connected to the internet the user automagically gets a choice of browser option. Not being brave enough to connect a Windows 7 computer to the Internet I cannot verify that.

Of course, the average user will say, 'why do I want another browser?' and carry on with what they have!

Microsoft loses but still they win!

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 15:56
by prehistoric
bigpup wrote:...I can understand having code that uses SSE2 in a program. Should make it run faster, due to less complicated code processing.
SSE1, SSE2 ,SSE3 and what ever else they come up with, is suppose to be processor short hand.
I've attached the processor report from the least powerful machine on which I've succeeded in running Chromium 18. This gives you some idea of the complexity of these designs which is visible to software designers. I can't immediately give you the corresponding document for the machine I'm running at the moment. You won't find things getting simpler. Trust me.

Sage, I was expecting you to turn up, and I am familiar with your opinions. I even agree about many things. I have to keep reminding myself that most people do not realize that capitalism is not a system of government. It is a phenomenon possible under some governments, and impossible, or at least criminal, under others. The real difference is pluralism.

Here's a quote from someone I knew who emigrated from the Soviet Union:
Under capitalism one man exploits another. Under communism it's the other way around.
People have a distressing tendency to act like people under any system. The worst system I have observed from close range was North Korea, currently ruled by an hereditary god king said to espouse communism, socialism and Juche. He is actually nothing more than the current acting administrator of the DPRK, since the dead Kim Il Sung was long ago declared Eternal President. This goes beyond any Communist/Socialist gerontocracy I know. Innovation is not a priority there.

As for what standards our own government would have chosen, had it been in the business of tightly controlling information technology, I can shudder at some chosen in the past. I went through some of the battles necessary to get them to accept the 8080 as a computer. At the time their reliability requirements for integrated circuits could be traced back to those implemented during development of the Polaris system. We had reliability data showing that an 8080 chip was about as reliable as the quad input NAND/NOR gates they were still buying as separate circuits. At that time, the price of those which passed their horrendous tests was about $100 per 16-pin chip.

The process of technological development and innovation resembles organic evolution far more than any rational procedure. For those who believe socialist countries have demonstrated deeper insight into evolution than the decadent West, I recommend study of the career of Trofim Lysenko. While he is widely considered to have been thoroughly discredited long before he died, he remained a member of several academies, with his own chauffeur, and continued to direct a research institute of some size. Support for official dogma can carry substantial and lasting rewards in any society. The effect of his ideas on Soviet agriculture goes some distance toward explaining how a country with enormous land resources could be chronically short of some foods.

As for what to do about the Wintel cartel, I don't know, but I am confident it will eventually fail. Somebody is bound to actually read a EULA, and deduce that they don't promise you anything. They would be within their rights under those licenses to ship nothing but bugs. So why should you pay them?

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 15:57
by playdayz
Please note the LupuPlus Libre has been added to the Lupu Plus announcement above. ... ESC#622054

In keeping with the Plus designation, LupuPlus Libre also has Java included, which Libre Office likes to have. For one thing specifically, Java is necessary for fully functioning Help capability in Libre Office--the Find function in Help does not work without it. The iso is gigantic by Puppy standards, but on my 4GB machine it loads into ram and runs nicely. In fact, it should load into ram on any machine with 768MB or more of ram, which is surely a high percentage of all extant machines.

I have been interested in building in Libre Office for 2 main reasons: 1) some people need an industrial strength Office suite and want it built-in and fully integrated with the desktop; 2) because it loads into ram it runs better in Puppy than in any other Linux distro--to me this shows that the basic Puppy can be a very fine foundation for specialized and customized distros (as the recent release of Studio 13.37 based on Slacko also shows).

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 17:04
by gcmartin
PlayDayz wrote: ... have been interested in building in Libre Office for 2 main reasons: 1) some people need an industrial strength Office suite and want it built-in and fully integrated with the desktop; 2) because it loads into ram it runs better in Puppy than in any other Linux distro ...
There another 2 reasons
  • :
  • Abiword has a history of incompatibilities with formats, doc rendering, bugs, etc.
  • The support team for Libre + OpenOffice addresses problems, features and issues in what appears to be a better manner in delivering a useful product.
I do understand why Abiword, Gnu... has been included; primarily, a download size issue. But, for many of us, stability and conformity for information presentation is much more important than download size.

Thanks Playdayz

Lucid 5.2.8

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 17:37
by Pelo
I tried each lucid and i was always deceived with bugs : no Shutdown in 511, 525 quite good, 528 no sound.
But i try this one.
The very best is Slacko. Racy works well.
Sorry to be désagréable. I come back and tell if 005 has solved all these boring bugs

good evening.

Tout fonctionne ! Miracle
Everything works well, wonderfull. ( at the first glance...)

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 18:48
by Sage
People have a distressing tendency to act like people under any system.
The 'human condition' always screws things up.
No-one or no body has yet managed to get communism working in an entire nation. JC was, of course, a modern day communist, having all possessions shared in common, etc. The nearest to succeed nationally is/was our dear leader Fidel, against the odds and massive bullying from a mafia that wants its molls back. He produced a 99% literacy rate and the best 'free' (paid from general taxation) health service the world has ever known.

PD: sorry, can't offer anything but admiration for your work, today.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 21:12
by humblesoul
Downloading. Thank you playdaze!

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 21:52
by majorfoo
Running lupuplus-528-005 full install ext4 partition

no problems to report

Really like the new help features that are now working on many of the apps.

It keeps getting better and better.

Thanks to your hard work, many people around the world have a first class puppy to play with. An occasional trip to the vet (Dr. Playdayz). no food or water, no trips outside for bathroom break, an occasional walk and countless hours of enjoyment for the owner.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 22:37
by gcmartin
Lupu005LIbre, SAMBA 3.6.3 (both 01Micko's and Pemasu's versions work) and AngryIP are sprite and stable.

Thanks. This combination is a Vista/Windows7 replacement. My Apple, Windows PC and games all see the stuff/documents shared from this Puppy.

Great work Playdayz!

Should your step into the future, how about "real" OOTB browser instead of what comes currently. The ability to choose, though a good one, delays the use of the system and search needs.

Thanks, again for all of this great stuff you do for us.

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 23:03
by playdayz
I tried each lucid and i was always deceived with bugs : no Shutdown in 511, 525 quite good, 528 no sound.
But i try this one.
The very best is Slacko. Racy works well.
Bonjour Pelo, Thank you for your comments. It is good that Slacko is working well for you. It is a very good Puppy. It is newer than Lucid and still being actively developed by 01micko.


I have just posted a "quick tweak" maintenance update for LupuPlus Libre--you will notice a "-1" at the end of the name now. 3 very small things were changed: 1) Libre Office does not now check for an upgrade automatically--the reason is that upgrading would use massive amounts of pupsave--if someone does want to upgrade it can be done manually; 2) sylpheed does not check for an update automatically either--I found it distracting especially since the "update" was just the source code--the current Sylpheed is the latest; 3) Homebank is updated to 4.4. There will be a similar quick fix update to Lupu Plus in the next day or so. ... 054#622054

If you downloaded the original, you can change the behavior yourself of Libre Update: Tools -> Options -> Online Update. To change Sylpheed: Configuration -> Common Preferences -> Details -> Update. And here is Homebank 4.4 for anyone who wants it.

gcmartin wrote:
Abiword has a history of incompatibilities with formats
I believe it helps to change the default save format in Abiword to odt (opendocument) which I have done in all 005 versions.

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2012, 05:41
by bigpup
Just an idea.

If LupuLibre has Libre Office, is there a need to also have Abiword in it.