Page 86 of 117

Posted: Mon 08 Jul 2013, 12:28
by R-S-H
Use the post above your post above mine... :lol:

Posted: Mon 08 Jul 2013, 19:43
by zigbert
ffmpeg-1.2 supports sound filters, and I have looked at it to see if this could lead to an internal equalizer. At the moment I am far from satisfied - because it does not work in realtime.


Use in LH64

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2013, 21:34
by gcmartin
I have couple questions

PMusic V4 in LightHouse64 V60x
  • To install PMusic-Pburn on a PUP that already has older versions, is the proper procedure to merely install the newer PETs?
  • There is an issue with an old PMusic described here (see PMusic note): does V4 address resoltution to that issue?
Thanks in advance for any response

Posted: Wed 10 Jul 2013, 22:01
by zigbert
To install PMusic-Pburn on a PUP that already has older versions, is the proper procedure to merely install the newer PETs?
Pmusic - using Quit from menu or trayicon disables clicking on an mp3 in file manager.

Workaround is to close Pmusic with the 'X' close button
I guess this refers to pMusic 2.6.6
I have not seen such a behavior, so I can't tell. But It is easy to test pMusic 4.0.1 - just install pet and restart pMusic.
If it still occurs, are there any interesting terminal-output when running 'pmusic --debug'.

EDIT: Be aware that pMusic-4 requires the latest gtkdialog


Posted: Sat 13 Jul 2013, 14:50
by zigbert
New Plugin.
Maybe not important at all, but since it doesn't require any new dependencies...


The audio-filtering structure is getting more stable, but I want to fiddle some more with it until I release pMusic-4.1


Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 11:15
by zigbert
Putting some more work into the sound filter structure could lead to something useful.
It is now possible to filter the audio before exporting. You can actually use pMusic to sound-editing. A brief look into the crystal ball, I see at least gain, normalize, ...


Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 11:18
by zigbert
A question from a dumb Norwegian:
What is the difference between 'the sound' and 'the audio'?
Google translate gives equal translation to Norwegian.


Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 13:51
by sc0ttman
zigbert wrote:A question from a dumb Norwegian:
What is the difference between 'the sound' and 'the audio'?
Google translate gives equal translation to Norwegian.

Manys sounds can make up an audio clip, but many "audios" cannot make anything -it's not a word - audio is a more formal word generally, and better describes whole files/clips/sequences etc... Also, sounds are not always necessarily 'audible' (hearable) - which implies audio must be audible.

Also, I see in your screenshot you need to correct "Sound filters is active" to "Sound filters are active and will transform the original audio" ... or "the original sound(s)"...

Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 15:46
by zigbert
Thank you for the explanation.
So, 'Audio filters' would be better than 'Sound filter'?
As I understand it; tempo must be connected to audio, not sound?


Posted: Mon 15 Jul 2013, 16:56
by sc0ttman
zigbert wrote:sc0ttman
Thank you for the explanation.
So, 'Audio filters' would be better than 'Sound filter'?
As I understand it; tempo must be connected to audio, not sound?

I would say audio filter is better than sound filter,but I'm not sure about tempo..

Re: pMusic 4.0.1

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 11:57
by sheldonisaac
In trying to get pmusic and pburn to work, I somehow lost the gtkdialog 0.8.3 which worked under Lucid Puppy 5.28-005

Now pmusic 4.01 doesn't start, nor does 3.30

Is there a way to find gtkdialog which works?

This seems very difficult.

Re: pMusic 4.0.1

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:16
by gcmartin
sheldonisaac wrote:In trying to get pmusic and pburn to work, I somehow lost the gtkdialog 0.8.3 ... Is there a way to find gtkdialog which works? ... .
You might have missed this: See "Dependencies" This is new in V4 utility requirements.

Hope this helps

Re: pMusic 4.0.1

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:26
by sheldonisaac
gcmartin wrote:
sheldonisaac wrote:In trying to get pmusic and pburn to work, I somehow lost the gtkdialog 0.8.3 ... Is there a way to find gtkdialog which works? ... .
You might have missed this: See "Dependencies" This is new in V4 utility requirements.

Hope this helps
Thank you, I appreciate your trying to help.

What is on that page that helps me find a gtkdialog which will work under Lucid Puppy ... =383046722
and work with the new pburn and pmusic?

Please excuse; I am not very bright, have never done compiling etc etc

Posted: Wed 17 Jul 2013, 22:35
by zigbert
It would be nice if someone running Lucid could compile the latest gtkdialog. sheldonisaac is not the only one struggling with this....


Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 02:13
by OscarTalks
Booted Lucid 528-005 pfix=ram
Installed the gtkdialog-r514 .PET
Installed pMusic 4.0.1 .PET

Started pMusic and it worked, music played, even without the ffmpeg upgrade although obviously the dependency check shows it in yellow. Installed the ffmpeg upgrade and the dependency check was then green and music still played OK.

This gtkdialog was compiled in Racy 5.5 but should be OK in Lucid, give it a try.

Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 21:17
by zigbert
Thank you!
I have uploaded it to the release-note-post


Posted: Thu 18 Jul 2013, 21:27
by sheldonisaac
OscarTalks wrote:Booted Lucid 528-005 pfix=ram
Installed the gtkdialog-r514 .PET
Installed pMusic 4.0.1 .PET

Started pMusic and it worked, music played, even without the ffmpeg upgrade although obviously the dependency check shows it in yellow. Installed the ffmpeg upgrade and the dependency check was then green and music still played OK.

This gtkdialog was compiled in Racy 5.5 but should be OK in Lucid, give it a try.
As Sigmund said, Thank you!
I followed your steps, and now it works very well.


Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 19:11
by zigbert
This one is very handy for _me_.
Since it only use ffmpeg sound filters, it does not require a backend like 'normalize'.


Posted: Sun 21 Jul 2013, 19:56
by zigbert
Still struggling with the sound/audio syntax....
If i got it right, sound is what you hear while audio is the container.

But, please read carefully on this screeny...
when Converting some tracks, it will transform the audio because of format/bitrate/... - but hopefully it will sound equal to the original audio. Filtering on the other hand will do something about what you hear...

What would be the most precise syntax (or what would not confuse the user)


Thank you

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2013, 11:01
by zigbert
Version 4.1.0
See main post

- Run pMusic in a non-Puppy systems.
. . . .- Replaced 'ps' with 'ps -eo pid,command' to support full (non-busybox) ps command. (thanks to 01micko)
. . . .- Use 'type' instead of 'which' (thanks to 01micko)
- Masstagger.
. . . .- Add tracks from right-click menu in PlayQueue and sourcelist.
. . . .- Show selected files.
. . . .- Define alternative album-art image.
. . . .- Removed from PlayQueue and Music sources menu. Added to Tools menu.
. . . .- Bugfix: Masstagger fails if info-window has been opened: EXIT becomes null
- Play-engine is opened for sound filters (not realtime).
. . . .- Normalize all audio - activate in preferences.
. . . .- Transform exported tracks with activated sound filters.
. . . .- New Plugin: Poor mans equalizer - does not require extra dependencies (as pEqualizer).
. . . .- New Plugin: Basic sound filters.
- Indent content of expanded playlist.
- Most played: Move Options from menu to external window.
- Tools menu.
. . . .- Plugins are moved here.
. . . .- Masstagger are moved here.
- Smartadd.
. . . .- Rating field is now a spin-button.
. . . .- Bugfix: Don't add playlist when using smartadd.
- Remove version-check for ffmpeg when running a dependency check. all ffmpegs should work ok.
- Updated Nad theme: Sliders, tabs, insensitive buttons.
- Updated FAQ.
- Bugfix: dependency check: Yellow [MISSING] didn't show on white background. Changed to blue.
- Bugfix: Splash dialog shows wrong version of pMusic.