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Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 02:36
by Geoffrey
Fixed Whisker menu update so it runs in Carolina xfce 4.10 ... 677#831677

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 05:29
by johnywhy

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 18:38
by caiosama
Geoffrey wrote:Edit: fixed lib file dependency for xfce 4.10 and theme manager entry.

Optional Puppy Linux or Carolina heading text.

Compiled latest whisker menu, source edited to suit Carolina, looks the same as the old version, the search feature now finds apps in the control panel,.

Thanks to rg66 for the source.

I'll get around to updating the repo soon, at the moment I'm still sorting out XFCE 12 and should have the packages for an upgrade shortly.
Thank you Geoffrey! that`s my request :D

EDIT: Geoffrey, with the Puppy Linux pet installed, the button "Theme Manager" in the whisker was linked to Xlock now, but i changed it easily on the properties in the whisker menu. Only had to erase "xlock" and write "xfce-theme-manager" and that`s it.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 21:15
by Geoffrey
caiosama wrote: with the Puppy Linux pet installed, the button "Theme Manager" in the whisker was linked to Xlock now, but i changed it easily on the properties in the whisker menu. Only had to erase "xlock" and write "xfce-theme-manager" and that`s it.
I'll fix that, my blunder, must of changed the wrong thing, there where two Xlock commands, one where the theme manager command should of been.

Ah, I found the problem, you need to delete the old whiskermenu-x.rc

Code: Select all

then restart x or in the terminal

Code: Select all

xfce4-panel -r
to restart the panel, the new whisker menu properties has a different layout, I'll add a to remove the old file.

Edit: All fixed, both now delete the old whiskermenu-x.rc

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2015, 19:07
by caiosama
Geoffrey, there is whiskermenu-9.rc, and 10.rc....the one i deleted is 9.rc, is it right?

Posted: Sat 13 Jun 2015, 22:25
by Geoffrey
caiosama wrote:Geoffrey, there is whiskermenu-9.rc, and 10.rc....the one i deleted is 9.rc, is it right?
There need only be one whiskermenu-x.rc, so delete both, when you use the whisker menu it creates a new file and the buttons on the menu should work as expected.

I'm at present trying to recompile from source but having a few problems, I hope to get the profile image to show next to the heading text, rg66 disable it but it can be made to work.

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2015, 15:32
by caiosama
:D :D

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2015, 03:38
by Geoffrey
Here is the new whisker menu to try, now has a changeable image and sets the hostname by clicking the image which show the gui.

There are two I made, one shows Carolina the other Puppy linux, these work with Carolina 1.3 xfce 4.10 panel.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2015, 19:49
by caiosama
That menu works flawlessly, so far so good 8)

Thank you Geoffrey!

Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2015, 10:11
by 8Geee
I think this is the right place to ask this. Is there any work being done to carolite such that it gets a newer kernel? IIRC battleshooter did a fine job with the full distro bringing it up to 3.17. Carolite is still not there yet. There is a new glibc that removes some serious flaws/exploits that IIRC came with k3.18.2 or newer. Quite a few folks here run as server/client, so patching glibc seems to be needed.

As I have read quite a few pages here pertaining to 'lina 1.2/1.3 and 'linalite 1.2, it does seem that things are updated.

'lina-lite & Carolina-1.2 partial upgrade ? MAYBE ?

Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2015, 21:33
by mikeslr
Hi 8Geee,

'lina-lite, 'lina-1,2 remain valuable Pups precisely because their glibs haven't been upgraded. The later glibs used by lina-1.3 and Vanguard are larger. Using them either requires more RAM, a faster CPU, or both; or results in, at best, a less responsive system. For the general user (those not running as a server/client) the only significant downside {if it can be called that) of lina-lite and 'lina-1.2 is their inability to run current google-chrome and clones.

If a system can provide adequate performance running Carolina 1.3 or Vanguard, why not run 1.3 or Vanguard?

One of the great advances made by the entire family of Saluki/Carolina was its modular design.

I've been exploring "kernel switching". Because of the modular design most recent Pups employ, switching kernels is now easy. See thread on which this post appears, ... 129#852129. The post provides a work-around for the fact that the Frankenpup PPM points to the wrong repository. This isn't a problem in the Carolinas as they all use the same repositories.

In tahrpup, kernel switching is as easy as downloading a tar.gz, unpacking it and substituting the vmliuz and zdrv_tahr_xxx.sfs (where xxx = the version number) for those which came in the ISO. A change in the aforementioned number may be necessary. Since all versions use the same Repo, the problem I discussed doesn't occur.

So I wondered if substituting Carolina-1.3's vmlinuz and zdrv for those which came with 'lina-lite or Carolina-1.2 might not have a similar result?

Perhaps not. What you want to end up with is
(a) glibs to support 'lina-lite/Carolina-1.2's applications -- which are still part of the system as they are in adrv_lina_1.2.sfs or puppy-lina_1.2.sfs; and
(b) newer glibs to support the server/client software you want.

I suspect Carolina (Vanguard)-1.3 has both sets of glibs, as it still support older Carolina applications. Or maybe the older applications run fine using the newer glibs.

I don't know if, in constructing the linas, the glibs were included in vmlinuz or puppy_xxx.sfs. If the former, switching kernels should work. Finding out shouldn't take more than a half hour.

But if not, here's the thread and pets for adding the newer glibs to 'lina-lite/Carolina-1.2's repertoire,


Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2015, 23:07
by 8Geee
I did not realize that there were profound changes in the newer kernels. I see why 'lina is running 400Mb iso. I do prefer the smaller distro's due to non-pae and older CPU. I guess its a case of the kernels outgrowing the processor trying to manage all types, and new innovations, and industry-leader demands.

Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2015, 23:46
by Geoffrey
8Geee wrote:I did not realize that there were profound changes in the newer kernels. I see why 'lina is running 400Mb iso. I do prefer the smaller distro's due to non-pae and older CPU. I guess its a case of the kernels outgrowing the processor trying to manage all types, and new innovations, and industry-leader demands.
The size is due to the added applications which are in the adrv_lina_1.3.sfs of 376.0 MB, you can remove the adrv_lina_1.3.sfs for a slimmed down version of Carolina - 1.3 and install what you would like from the ppm

glib size mostly Web-content driven

Posted: Fri 24 Jul 2015, 23:58
by mikeslr
Hi again 8Geee,

I think the size of glibs is mostly driven by the desire of Webpage publishers to present a rich environment and the need for Web-browsers to display them. Or the Web-browsers provide the ability and the Webpage publishers respond. And the spiral toward larger continues.

Two years ago, the Opera pet (an archive) occupied 18 Mb of storage. The firefox pet was about the same size. I have a current Opera.SFS which requires 43 Mb of storage. The current firefox pet takes about 64 Mb. Chromium takes 77 Mb. I think when any decompress into RAM they require 3 times as much RAM as their compressed size.

And, of course, adobe flash continues to grow.

Battleshooter published the pets and post regarding the glib upgrade before Carolina 1.3 was published. I can verify that they are effective in Carolina 1.2, and have no reason to doubt that they should work in 'lina-lite. If you check the thread you'll find it short. Stumbling my way through complexities, as I often do, you'll find that beyond battleshooter's initial post are my posts asking questions, and the responses to them by those who actually know what they are doing. :)

Really wasn't so hard and didn't take long: the only possible stumbling block being the right order to install the pets. Bear in mind, I have an uncanny knack of finding the wrong way. :shock: It is so habitual that for fear of having to endure another of "my shortcuts", my wife insists on slavishly following Garmin's directions even when, before she bought it, we knew a better, faster way. :(


Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2015, 00:08
by Geoffrey
Compiled xfce task manager, removed the root warning so it looks nicer :)

Source ... .0.tar.bz2

To remove the root warning comment out lines 183 to 201 in process-window.c

Code: Select all

//	if (geteuid () == 0)
//	{
//#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
//		GtkCssProvider *css_provider;
//		css_provider = gtk_css_provider_new ();
//		gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (css_provider,
//										"#root-warning { background-color: #e53935; color: #ffffff; }",
//										-1, NULL);
//		gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen (gdk_screen_get_default (), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (css_provider),
//                                               GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
//		g_object_unref (css_provider);
//		gtk_rc_parse_string ("style\"root-warning-style\"{bg[NORMAL]=\"#e53935\"\nfg[NORMAL]=\"#ffffff\"}\n"
//				"widget\"GtkWindow.*.root-warning\"style\"root-warning-style\"\n"
//				"widget\"GtkWindow.*.root-warning.GtkLabel\"style\"root-warning-style\"");
//		gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (window->builder, "root-warning-ebox")), "root-warning");
//		gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (window->builder, "root-warning-box")));
//	}

Updated XFCE 4.12 and other updates and fixes

Posted: Mon 03 Aug 2015, 14:44
by Geoffrey
Updates and fixes for Carolina 1.3
This should be ok to upgrade an existing save file, the changes can not be uninstalled, backup your save file first.
  • Upgrade to XFCE 4.12
  • Fixed, edited pac-tools to use "ar" archiver to extract deb's in place of "dpkg-deb" now extracts deb's that use tar.xz compression.
  • Added box_splash, updated gtkdialog-splash, now uses notify-send for notifications.
  • Fixed a resulting problem of notification looping in PPM when checking for dependencies.
  • Updated Whisker Menu, now has a user image, clicking image shows gui to change image and change computer name.
  • Updated "bash" to version 4.3.39
  • Updated "ln" to ln (GNU coreutils) 8.23
  • Added create-sym, create Relative and Absolute links in the Thunar right-click menu
  • Added gtkrc-reload
  • Added "refreshall" to Thunar right-click menu, this reloads xfdesktop, xfce-panel and gtkrc
  • Updated Simple File Sharing
  • Added xclip version 0.12
  • Added Copy Path to Thunar right-click menu
  • Updated gvfs mounts, now thunar can be used as a ftp client eg.
  • Removed thunar wallpaper plugin, doesn't work with xfce 4.12 .

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2015, 04:46
by Moat
Nice pack of updates (just applied to a fresh frugal install). 8) The new, integrated notification splashes are especially classy!

Carolina 1.3 is gorgeous - so solid, smooth, responsive, full-featured and polished. Simply outstanding work! I'm reminded of that every time I fire it up...


Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2015, 05:06
by p310don
I installed VG on my wife's computer this morning.

Will this update work on VG?

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2015, 05:13
by battleshooter
Is this the same one you sent me a little while ago Geoff?

If so p310don, I think it works ok in Vanguard, except I get a weird glitch with the screensaver at times, haven't looked into it properly yet, it might just be my computer, it's been playing up terribly lately.

Posted: Tue 04 Aug 2015, 11:45
by Geoffrey
battleshooter wrote:Is this the same one you sent me a little while ago Geoff?

If so p310don, I think it works ok in Vanguard, except I get a weird glitch with the screensaver at times, haven't looked into it properly yet, it might just be my computer, it's been playing up terribly lately.
Na, It's different to the Vanguard one, only a few things though, the pac-tools is as standard in Vanguard,
I only replaced the /usr/bin/dpkg-deb with the one from precise as it extracts tar.zx deb's.

box_splash, and gtkdialog-splash haven't been done in Vanguard, xclip is the older version, I think the gvfs ftp mount is in the wrong location.

The icon cache files are different too, I had to add those for the new appearance menu

I need to redo it, I'll have a look tomorrow.

Nice to see this version is working ok, hope everyone likes it.

What glitch with the screen saver do you have?, I think the screen saver is on by default, I've had it activate when I first installed,
I think sage had that problem, rg66 disabled it, I've also had it mixed with open windows, weird, I don't know what happened to cause that.