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Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 12:39
by einar
Sage wrote:
Trying to see this thru the eyes of a user new to Linux
- cheap jibe: difficult to see anything with a black screen! Newcomers GO to Mint, do not pass GO, do not collect the golden prize.

One has the greatest admiration and respect for what Jemimah is doing. But this whole issue of HW compat.& black-screening, synch-ing, etc., although difficult, tedious and unexciting for coders, imagine what it's like for mere users like YT. Dialogue failure between users & coders has set back this entire field by years since inception. Why do users like Mint and Android? Because they work o.o.b. - no screen fiddling, no codecs to install, no Flashplayer to select, ad.inf. Like all worthwhile endeavours in science, 2.5yrs of purgatory, late nights, pain and anguish, then - bingo - everything slots into place and you're another Brian Cox TV phenomenon! At least, that's the kind of truth I had to disillusion generations of my past students with, who eventually went on to live normal, happy, successful and enlightened lives.

hmm well you can`t please everyone. I guess if we go to the Mint forum noone is complaining there...

I have testet saluki on the following gear, from saluki 03 to 14. Was stuck on 12 for a while :) HP HDX 9050, Asus G73JH, Acer Aspire One 150. and a another acer laptop that i dont recall the model number. All goes straight to desktop with the correct resolution.

Looking forward to the luki 15

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 13:14
by Sage
All goes straight to desktop with the correct resolution.
Never bought a proprietary box this last ~30yrs. Have you as comprehensive range of HW in your workshop for testing? Mine ranges from 15" crt to 40" led Smart TV, 8bit (if I can find it!) to 64bit, AMD, Intel, ARM and, oh yes, an Evergreen MxPro200! inter alia.

It's not the stuff that works that we need to know about...

Beer sounds good, DS. Presume it's your round?

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 13:37
by einar
Never bought a proprietary box this last ~30yrs
Same here ( only about the last 15 though, began building with a 486 Dx2 66Mhz ) but i think it was when i first bought my HDX 9050 i realy leaped in to the future. Afterwards the standard box was not so appealing anymore. The HDX 9050 came with a 20" screen and 2 hard drive bays. a ATi Radeon HD2600 that was a okey setup for a normal machine when i bought the laptop. The sad thing that it came with windows Vista and thats the only reason i found puppy linux. Should thank MS for making it so slow :)

and for other gears, i am collecting old hardware. so when my newborn son grows up he and I can play Duke Nukem, Diablo 2 and Quake over LAN. :)
I have alot but its in the shed, in my office i got the 4 laptops on my desk and a server under it ( runs LH64 ) my wife has a samsung laptop conected to a 40" screen as a office machine :) my HTPC is a samsung laptop conected to a samsung 59" plasma. I have thested LH64 on it. No saluki just yet. I have 2 more 3ghz machines that i will install Saluki on. One will I use as a bedroom pc and the other a Out house raido. Thanks for the spotify and minitube btw. :)

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 18:49
by jim3630
Sage wrote:
Trying to see this thru the eyes of a user new to Linux
- cheap jibe: difficult to see anything with a black screen! Newcomers GO to Mint, do not pass GO, do not collect the golden prize.

One has the greatest admiration and respect for what Jemimah is doing. But this whole issue of HW compat.& black-screening, synch-ing, etc., although difficult, tedious and unexciting for coders, imagine what it's like for mere users like YT. Dialogue failure between users & coders has set back this entire field by years since inception. Why do users like Mint and Android? Because they work o.o.b. - no screen fiddling, no codecs to install, no Flashplayer to select, ad.inf. Like all worthwhile endeavours in science, 2.5yrs of purgatory, late nights, pain and anguish, then - bingo - everything slots into place and you're another Brian Cox TV phenomenon! At least, that's the kind of truth I had to disillusion generations of my past students with, who eventually went on to live normal, happy, successful and enlightened lives.

don't see your name in the first post here. the only communication failure in 123 pgs is yours.

you have not put forth one line of code here or anywhere I've seen on this forum so you are not a coder and would not have the vaguest notion what they may feel.

would you like some cheese with your whine?

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 20:59
by antiloquax

Re-built pet that installs to /usr
Python 3.1.4

Regarding Scratch:
I've just booted into Saluki14 with pfix=ram.

It might be okay to ignore the libpulse message - I changed the plugins entry to ALSA in the shell-script.

I've remade the pet with the original name and it now uninstalls correctly.

It does seem to be working (cat meows when asked to!)

I'll try to get the libv4 thing working as soon as I can :D

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 21:44
by pemasu
Some things to play and have fun....

Composite editor which seems to be quite clear. Yeah...I know there is already one composite editor inbuild already.
It installs under System.

Couple of themes to test...

Url to the site where these stuff are from:

Posted: Thu 15 Mar 2012, 23:51
by gcmartin
Opening paragraph, you wrote:Saluki is a woof-build based on Racy 5.2 with Xfce.
RACY is a PAE PUP that will run on any 32bit PC up to 64GB
Little ways down, you wrote:The kernel is 3.2.8 i686 SMP PREEMPT built by Pemasu.
To my knowledge @Pemasu's kernels are not PAE. I believe he may build those again in the future, but for now, I have not seen one recently.

I think you may have started with the PAE version from Barry's RACY in the first SALUKI.

Correct me if I am wrong in my observation

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 04:25
by Geoffrey
pemasu wrote:Some things to play and have fun....

Composite editor which seems to be quite clear. Yeah...I know there is already one composite editor inbuild already.
It installs under System.

Couple of themes to test...

Url to the site where these stuff are from:
Looks nice, the Composite editor works well, though the themes in the window manager theme don't work, the xfwm4 directories have only broken links in them , I don't know enough about themes to fix that.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 06:00
by pemasu
I have reuploaded the themes to the above post. There was one folder missing.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 06:57
by Geoffrey
pemasu wrote:I have reuploaded the themes to the above post. There was one folder missing.
They do look nice now, makes for a pleasant change from plain colored themes, thanks for these 8)

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 07:40
by DaveS
Could someone take a few moments to explain to me why we have a zdrv and an adrv please?

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 08:37
by Sage
you are not a coder
Ha! Ha! Ha!

This joker can neither read nor research. I know my limitations, but, evidently, he does not.

Oh, can't write a decent line of english(sic) without resorting to txt spk, either. Rather proves my oft repeated observations about transAtlantic education....

Back to the plot: still experiencing display issues with Saluki, even on most modern kit.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 09:03
by antiloquax
Back to the plot: still experiencing display issues with Saluki, even on most modern kit.
I'm having a feeling of déjà-lu.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 09:39
by Jasper

Sage does not begin to understand his own limitations. Everything is above his paygrade which means, without nepotism, he has no paygrade. He is worse than useless. He is a liability.

However, it is his persistent and gratuitous anti-American insults which, in my view, might single him out for the award of a red card.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 10:07
by Sage
Even déjà-vu?!
Sadly it's not a new issue if you take a look back over recent years. Notwithstanding, developers have always been aware of the constraints in the video department for such a compact offering.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 10:16
by DaveS
Whenever I go near anything based on Racy, or Racy itself, I always replace /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, local.conf, fonts.dtd with those from Slacko. It turns this:


into this:


Fixes some font issues with Opera and a whole bunch of problems with various spreadsheets from various sources I have to use.

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 11:01
by einar
DaveS wrote:Whenever I go near anything based on Racy, or Racy itself, I always replace /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, local.conf, fonts.dtd with those from Slacko. It turns this:


into this:


Fixes some font issues with Opera and a whole bunch of problems with various spreadsheets from various sources I have to use.

Nice :) Please fix this in luki 15 :)


Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 13:19
by KJ
This font fix look good to my tired eyes. Is there a .gz or .pet fix available? KJ

Re: Fonts

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 13:45
by DaveS
KJ wrote:This font fix look good to my tired eyes. Is there a .gz or .pet fix available? KJ
Here you go, give it a try. Please back up your save file first, just in case :)

Posted: Fri 16 Mar 2012, 15:06
by oliverjames
Thank you Jemima and all for a very functional and attractive OS. Here I speak of Saluki 013.

I tried 014 but it fell over a couple of times. The principal issue I had with 014 was being unable to write to an NTFS partition from a Ext4 format save file. Ext 3 enables this with no issues. I haven't had the time to verify if this glich exists in 013. Both 013 and 014 are on Ext4 formatted partition.

I'm using an external DAC with this system. This setup managed to break the Alsa settings in 014. So far no problems in 013.

