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Posted: Fri 04 Aug 2017, 20:55
by nic007
Having two menu.lst files is more confusing to a new user me thinks.

Posted: Sat 05 Aug 2017, 01:03
by bigpup
This is confusing!

the big error that will soon reduce Puppy to addicted users

Posted: Sat 05 Aug 2017, 02:54
by Pelo
I want to underline that Puppy Linux installed by Grub4dos will load automatically pupsave only when pupsave is alone.
when two pupsaves, option Ram is given again to the user, without having to add pfix-RAM in script.
Newbies soon use pupsaves, because it's really boring to set again and again Fr, Parisfr keyboard, install a browser (french bad idea not to include one).
Furthermore Puppy will ask at shutdown if he wants to create pupsave..
What is not an evidence is that newbie should create two pupsaves to get 0 (zero) boot in ram appearing as a choice when booting.
About the philosophy, devs now consider their puppies will be used by people as experts as them, that is the big error that will soon reduce Puppy Linux to a training OS for bachelors , even for Linux high school students, so around one hundred guys (addicted)
Don't be confused, Grub4Dos is the easiest way to install Puppies; IMO; but some improvement would make it perfect.

Develop for experts is easy, develop for everybody is a lot more complicated. You must imagine all wrong ways your program could be used. And without feed-back, complication becomes Huge.
Now devs ask users .. to compile :evil: :evil: :evil:

Posted: Sat 05 Aug 2017, 18:09
by bigpup
Grub4dos will load automatically pupsave only when pupsave is alone.
when two pupsaves, option Ram is given again to the user, without having to add pfix-RAM in script.
That is not Grub4dos boot loader doing this.

That is the Puppy boot process program(s) in control.
Grub4dos is already finished and no longer in control of what is happening.

When Puppy boot process detects more than one save for the Puppy version. It stops and asks, what save do you want to use or what do you want to do?

see page one, add ram option in menu.list.

Posted: Fri 18 Aug 2017, 01:32
by Pelo
see page one, add ram option in menu.list.
I don't want to modify Grub4dos, i give users how to add option RAM at boot;
Screenshot here below is not an option, but something keeps your Puppy always booting in Ram , Option has to be offered in menu.lst.

Watchdog similar feedback

Posted: Fri 18 Aug 2017, 06:57
by Pelo