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Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2018, 03:48
by nosystemdthanks
anikin wrote:As a matter of fact, that's happenned already.
sure, if you stop checking for systemd at pid 2. devuan 2.0 has more of it than devuan 1.0.
The goal of Devuan was and still is very simple - to keep the traditional sysVinit
wrong. sysvinit isnt a requirement. that happens to be what it uses right now. unless theyve recently changed and decided its going to be sysvinit officially.
not use the new systemd init.
that is a primary goal, they have other goals.

it is fairly trivial to run debian without systemd as pid 1 and devuan does exist to accomplish more than that. the init is only part of it.
Devuan hasn't moved a millimeter away from that orginal goal. It's all about init!
no, its not. and if you look at the things they consider bugs and the things they considered bugs, and try to fix-- its about far more than that.

but they are indeed backpedalling about whats acceptable. im sure the changes in what they say have no bearing on what you think their goals are, but what you think their goals are has nothing to do with what theyve said in mailing lists and irc for the past 3 years.
These are absolutely baseless and insulting claims. Debian is rock solid. It doesn't break.
oh, sorry, debian 8 couldnt mount a vfat usb after installation without a reboot, even when the module was loaded, rmmod, modprobed. i thought it was windows! but thats just one example of the huge compromise in quality and reliability between debian 7 and 8.

debian was rock solid, but why would you need to REBOOT to get something as basic as the already-loaded vfat filesystem module to work? thats not even debian, but thats what they did to it. before 8, i considered debian probably the best operating system in the world. but it isnt now.

so by "baseless" you mean you dont agree, thats fine, whatever.
Devuan isn't a mess - it's tightly and professionally run operation.
they should pay you, or you should run for office.

Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2018, 07:48
by darry19662018
anikin wrote:
nosystemdthanks wrote: ...while i dont agree entirely with anikin, turning debian into something free of systemd is unlikely to ever happen.
As a matter of fact, that's happenned already.
devuan is getting farther from its goal, not closer...
The goal of Devuan was and still is very simple - to keep the traditional sysVinit and not use the new systemd init. Devuan hasn't moved a millimeter away from that orginal goal. It's all about init!
.. debian just keeps breaking stuff for the sake of breaking it. they dont call it that, but thats exactly what theyre doing-- breaking stuff for the sake of breaking it...
... but devuan is a mess, and they are importing problems faster than theyre creating solutions...
These are absolutely baseless and insulting claims. Debian is rock solid. It doesn't break. Devuan isn't a mess - it's tightly and professionally run operation.
There numerous problems with Debian Stretch that have been posted including bas xorg bugs and they have infected Devuan as well so sorry Anikin I have to disagree with you and the really bad thing is especially the xorg stuff - it goes all the way back to Debian Sid when I was running LinuxBBQ (that was around 2015) and it was up to developers like Julius Hader (Machinebacon to come up with solutions. Have an update and your system is f--------------- up.

Systemd has infected and I mean infected more and more of Debian and made it an unstable mess. Debian Jessie was at least usuable.

It is sad because I loved Debian in the Wheezy days and Jessie was passable but Stretch - don't get me started.:(

Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2018, 12:01
by anikin
nosystemdthanks wrote:...oh, sorry, debian 8 couldnt mount a vfat usb after installation without a reboot...
Are you serious? How about educating yourself a little bit? ... No insult is intended but I've never seen you in the threads where the nitty-gritty stuff is discussed. Why didn't you ask for help in one of the numerous DD threads?
darry19662018 wrote:...I have to disagree with you and the really bad thing is especially the xorg stuff
Have a look here: and from that thread for those who are really curious, there's this link to a video ... n_sprundel at around 14.00 I made a printscreen, the picture posted below. Actually it's an hour + video, but the most interesting stuff is at the beginning. The guy praises Debian devs for their response to bug alerts.

My experience with Devuan started with jessie and probably (not sure yet) will end there. It is the most eeepc friendly distro. I agree with you systemdd is spreading like a cancer. Can we control it? No.

Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2018, 20:58
by nosystemdthanks
anikin wrote:No insult is intended but I've never seen you in the threads where the nitty-gritty stuff is discussed. Why didn't you ask for help in one of the numerous DD threads?
i was busy assisting a customer (not mine) in a professional environment-- i had time to google the problem, i did not have time to "ask for help" and then get a reply later that day. i wasnt using debian 8, they were. i was using devuan at the time, and as far as i could tell, devuan didnt have this problem.

i still ask for help when i need it. as for "educating myself," im past the point where i generally need to open new threads to get assistance. its a rare thing, but its good sometimes.

but also rare are problems with vfat in debian-- i defy you to tell me what part of a wikipedia article explains why a reboot should ever be necessary to get an already-loaded kernel module working. its not like we are talking about fuse3g and ntfs, but something that t2 supported and the linux 2.x kernel as well.

besides, our disagreement is based on apples and oranges. you act as if its hopeless altogether, i said its hopeless in debian-- but its only a baseless thing to say when i say it, you still can.

i dont want to quibble quite that much, id rather just say "i disagree." and im not a dd, thats why i dont hang out in dd threads.

the idea that dds are barely removed from divinity is a notion that only dds and fanboys have-- to me theyre just ordinary people, and ordinary people are often idiots. somehow, treating them as wizards doesnt help this.

either way, i chose gnu/linux to get away from what microsoft is doing. if people are going to start using their playbook, im not going to just play along, not ever. i would sooner switch to bsd. it hasnt gotten to that point yet.

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 07:01
by darry19662018
anikin wrote:
nosystemdthanks wrote:...oh, sorry, debian 8 couldnt mount a vfat usb after installation without a reboot...
Are you serious? How about educating yourself a little bit? ... No insult is intended but I've never seen you in the threads where the nitty-gritty stuff is discussed. Why didn't you ask for help in one of the numerous DD threads?
darry19662018 wrote:...I have to disagree with you and the really bad thing is especially the xorg stuff
Have a look here: and from that thread for those who are really curious, there's this link to a video ... n_sprundel at around 14.00 I made a printscreen, the picture posted below. Actually it's an hour + video, but the most interesting stuff is at the beginning. The guy praises Debian devs for their response to bug alerts.

My experience with Devuan started with jessie and probably (not sure yet) will end there. It is the most eeepc friendly distro. I agree with you systemdd is spreading like a cancer. Can we control it? No.
Yes Xorg-legacy - like I said goes back to 2015 and was still a problem for a long time - my point is this if it existed Debian Sid then how or why did it get into the "stable" release. I expect it Debian Sid not to flow through to the "Stable" release.

Personally I run Puppy because I don't have to worry about updates f______ my system up. I update what needs to be updated such as wget or bash whenever there is a need.

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 09:22
by anikin
@ nosystemdthanks
I post a short paragraph. In response, you throw at me a long-winded, pointless essay, that could have been titled: "It's me, myself and I."

@ darry19662018
I don't use full blown releases - Debian/Devuan/BBQ/etc. As an example, Devuan ascii (stretch) is an 1.0 GB ISO, jessie was 848 MB a bit smaller but still huge by my standards. Being a minimalist I do my own, very much Puppy like builds. Debootstrap a minbase, bare bones Debian system. Then in a chroot install only what's needed. Kernel, xorg, audio and so on. Also being no fan of Desktop Environments such as xfce, gnome, lxde, whatever, I only install jwm/rox, lxterminal, geany, palemoon. No bloat, no wallpapers, no overhead. The system runs from ram. It is pure Debian/Devuan - rock solid, no breaks, no problems.

Forgot to mention, that the build has only one user account - root. No sudo, no su. This does make it very much Puppy like.

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 15:04
by nosystemdthanks
I post a short paragraph. In response, you throw at me a long-winded, pointless essay
you really cant tell your opinion from facts-- your "short paragraph" was long winded and bs. my "essay" was merely a retort of a short paragraph.

this forum is over a decade old, your concern about its capacity is obviously unfounded or dishonest-- please dont worry about it! petty ad hom isnt a real argument.

i get it though; assertions can be made in fewer words than refutation. which is partly why people are biased so heavily towards assertions, ad hom and circle-jerking. but do you really think those are better?

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 15:27
by anikin
@ nosystemdthanks
This is a total a waste of time and oxygen, I'm not interested in having any conversations with you

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2018, 17:13
by nosystemdthanks
anikin wrote:@ nosystemdthanks
This is a total a waste of time and oxygen, I'm not interested in having any conversations with you
dont worry, it was already obvious. i did comment on something you said, you were welcome to respond to what i was saying too, but you never really got around to actually doing that.

i was talking to someone else originally, despite citing you-- and im very happy to do that instead. cheers.

i don't need Devuan.

Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2018, 05:30
by hamoudoudou
i don't need Devuan.. But go on working a Devuan Puppy.. no problem about that.. same for Slitaz, corepup,,
Puppy has a Jessie version done by josejp2424,, the problem is that Jose Peralda is not US citizen but latino.. He is ignored.. But jessie is available with Puppy, that is a fact. Then to change repository to Devuan is not difficult because Devuan repository is the Debian one, only some acces had been shut. To shut is easy.

Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2018, 09:26
by anikin
For those who want to know more about how Debian/Devuan works, go here:

click on "devuan_jessie" and download "desktop-live."

Jessie is an LTS release and will be supported through June 2020. If you are new to Debian, do not start with Devuan ascii (stretch). In Debian it's very easy to do selective as well as full upgrades to the next release. In case you encounter problems, reach out to the community, there are enough knowledgeable folks here, who'd be happy to offer help.

I hope woofers/debian based puppy builders will be the first to start downloading Devuan. Knowledge of Debian should be their #1 job requirement. If you don't know Debian, you have no business building puppies. It's that simple.

alls lanes go to Roma.

Posted: Thu 21 Jun 2018, 09:49
by hamoudoudou
Puduan works well, but not based on Jessie. Pupjibaro Jessie is based on Debian.. DebianDog.. for us that makes no difference.. Difference existe when these mixed-grill are buggy, but they are not.. Then you install, start, then what you do ? The same as a standard Puppy..
all lanes go to Roma.. What we would like is to go to Berlin, as an example
What would be a lttle advantage, would to to do better than our Puppy Linux..
all in RAM, no Hardrive.. and Pupsave..
You can drink wine, you can drink Cognac, dev thought i try to mix them.. or drink wine in a Cognac glass, or drink Cognac in a wine Glass..
Our devs :?: are tasting..

Re: alls lanes go to Roma.

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2018, 15:47
by anikin
hamoudoudou wrote:Puduan works well, but not based on Jessie...

Wrong. Puduan IS based on Jessie. Get your facts straight before posting nonsense.

Puduan = devuan + jessie, well you got it !

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2018, 16:13
by hamoudoudou
DEVUAN Jessie Puppy?
Well, Puduan = devuan + jessie, well you got it !
Jessie by Musher
DEVUAN Jessy :
Devuan Jessy

Re: Puduan = devuan + jessie, well you got it !

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2018, 16:31
by anikin
hamoudoudou wrote:DEVUAN Jessie Puppy?
Well, Puduan = devuan + jessie, well you got it !
Jessie by Musher
Debian Jessie = Devuan Jessie. Jessie is Jessie whichever way you slice it. Why are we even discussing this? You are derailing this thread.

i thought you were trying to build a puppy, simply.

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2018, 19:19
by hamoudoudou
It's title that is named Puppy, i thought you were trying to build a puppy, simply. So i give you a link to Musher0, who could have helped you to do it.
Title should be 'DEVUAN Jessie' to avoid Puppy users misunderstanding.

Re: DEVUAN Jessie Puppy?

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2018, 19:24
by hamoudoudou
edoc wrote:With the long-delayed release of DEVUAN (the Debian alternative) Beta 1.0 named Jessie is there a Puppy in-the-works built upon it?

Thanks ...
is there a Puppy in-the-works built upon it? Puduan is one.

Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2018, 01:22
by musher0
Hello all.

If anybody is interested in a continuation of the Puduan series, forum
member "Sailor Enceladus" has produced a Puduan-7.x based on the
more recent Devuan Ascii build. He announed it here


easier than Debian cheatcodes ? Pupsave

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2018, 04:48
by hamoudoudou
Dogs try to do as well As our Puppy Devuan.. Devuan Jessie exist, but as abandoned project... Why don't they use Puppy Linux, simply ?... They did first step, they are frightened to go one step forward ? They are searching for easier than Debian cheatcodes.. ask to our devs !
Screenshot Read : JoseJP2424 has Pupjibaro debian Jessie with Synaptic, and Pupjibaro devuan Stretch available for Debian lovers

Debian has always been slow..

Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2018, 04:58
by hamoudoudou
Reply with quote
With the long-delayed release of DEVUAN (the Debian alternative) Beta 1.0 named Jessie is there a Puppy in-the-works built upon it?

Puppy now is able to release its own versions of Debian before final release of Official Debian.. Speed, fast, velocity is the Puppy's Trade Mark.. Debian has always been slow..