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Posted: Mon 11 Sep 2006, 05:15
by richard.a
Pentium 100 with 64Mb of RAM results - it works!
richard.a wrote:I haven't tried running it on a 80286 because I no longer have one! But I have a Pentium 100 with two 32Meg RAM chips - in the garage - but it's too hard to reach it lol :)
Okay, I got this dusty tired old clone out of the garage, and I suspect if I put a reasonable amount of RAM into it, it would complete booting nicely.

Unfortunately, I don't have any spare RAM at the moment. I might try again if I can pick up a couple of larger sticks.

It seems that XVesa does not properly support the serial port mouse consistently, although the desktop loads 800x600x16bit. I haven't yet discovered how to dismiss the last video set-up screen using the keyboard. By wiggling the mouse during the desktop loading, I managed to get it working just once - at about the fourth attempt out of about a dozen start-ups. All the rest required a restart of the machine to fruitlessly try again.

I tried two such mice left over from yester-year. They work happily in Windows 3.11 and 98. Funny, I don't remember upgrading from 95 to 98, but I guess I must have.

I found F12 will open the menu (and I wonder what the other keys do), so at least you don't have to Ctrl-Alt-Bksp to shut it down.

Once the menu is there, you can then use the arrow keys and the enter to navigate it. The applications I tried work, even with such a small amount of memory.

Xorg, on the other hand, requires far too much in the way of resources, but does support the mouse in a serial port. It just stalls trying to create a screen (it stays black after accepting the settings, even in 640x480x16.

After I got the mouse to work, the one and only time, I was able to do a screen capture and stuff like that. It really is an unbelievable operating system, top marks to you all :)

I took advantage of that one succesful boot to establish a whole 128 of puppy_save.3fs on the only drive with any spare capacity. Remember, this is a machine with 1Gb HDDs as original and it has two of them, and three existing operating systems lol.

I assigned an installed Syquest 135Mb Ez-Drive cartridge from the early 1990s, and selected "use whole partition" as the logical choice presented.

Here are the specs of the machine (as seen in Windows) first... and the puppy desktop after. Look how little resources are there - under 30Mb - prior to the setting up of a persistent directory.



Posted: Mon 11 Sep 2006, 22:03
by richard.a
The signature section in the profile is now accessible to me, so thanks to whoever fixed that.

Posted: Sun 24 Sep 2006, 10:17
by richard.a
duplicated post... please would a mod delete it, thanks

Posted: Sun 24 Sep 2006, 10:18
by richard.a
GuestToo wrote:some of the earlier dotpup packages were uploaded to the forum on ... then that forum was removed, and Puppy switched to a new forum ... which made those packages inaccessible

Barry is the only person who had access to that server ... he later made those packages available on his server again

lately, Puppy has moved from to new servers, and those packages that were on are again not accessible

they may be gone forever ... i'll have to ask Barry about them

i did have a copy of my hexeditor package, so i uploaded it to the forum, so that link should now work

you can download dotpup packages using whatever downloader program you like ... for example, browsers like Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Lynx, Links, Elinks ... ftp clients like gFtp ... you could even used Puppy's netcat if you like

MU created a program to download dotpups, that some people seem to like ... one problem with the program, is that people think that this program that looks little like a stripped down synaptic, actually is a package manager, and get confused and think that the dotpup system is a package manager

in fact, MU's downloader has nothing to do with the dotpup system ... it's just a program that you use to download files, like Firefox, Opera, wget, etc etc

MU's downloader probably should not pass an empty dotpup file to the dotpup handler script when it could not download the file ... that is why you get the error message "corrupted package" ... if you used Mozilla or Firefox or Opera to download the file, you probably would realize that the file was not there to download

dotpup packages were intended to work something like NSIS packages ... like these:
basically ... click the file to download it, click it again to install it

as for dotpup packages not working ... as far as i know, all of my packages worked properly when i created them

Puppy keeps changing, and some of these changes have broken some of my packages, to a greater or lesser extent

i don't know of any of my packages that are broken that i have not fixed ... but there are probably a few, i don't think 77% of my packages are broken ... i don't use most of my own packages, and i don't use most of the packages made by other people either, so the only way i would know if a package is broken, is if someone reports it ... the last package someone reported as broken was Rox 2.4.1 not working in Puppy 2.0.2 ... i tried it myself and it seemed to work perfectly ... anyway, i updated that package to Rox 2.5

each dotpup package is the responsibility of the creator of the package ... thay are third party packages that are not part of the "official" Puppy OS
Thankyou, and also to muggins.

One of the problems with being a new chum on a project is that everyone else knows where everything is.

Apart from the downloader - which hides the url you are retreiving the files from, with both DotPups and Pup-Get, I am totally lost about from where any of the add-ons can be retreived if I need to go somewhere else to get them. Even yours!

Please would someone put something on ALL the many and various (too many?) websites, and located prominently, and not tucked away somewhere, giving the real actual urls for downloads? Please? Please?

And while about it, please post the answer here too?

And maybe someone could edit the file associated with the pup-get and dot-pup downloader in the downloadable ISOs ? That needs to be number one priority in my book, if for no other reason than my next paragraph.

Broken download links are number one discouragement for anyone new to the product, wanting to try it out. Yeah, I know the project is all volunteers, but volunteers who would like the whole world to pick up their project, surely?

I'll be honest; if I didn't think Puppy has a future, I would move on to the next distro I read about, or someone tells me about.

If it's plain text editing, I am competant to do that, and would be happy to help.

Equally, how one edits the Fvwm95 menu and taskbar would be helpful; the author's website has some stuff but not enough for me to be able to edit it. The one file I've found does not contain the stuff I'm looking for.

And how one adds quickstart icons to that WM's taskbar - assuming it is possible.

I did get help from here on the JWM, and thanks for those who came up with that.

Thanks in advance.

Richard in Australia