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Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 10:16
by BarryK
OK, you have twisted my arm, I will release an ISO.

The reason it was broken in Quirky Xerus 8.1.5, is because the 'init' script in the initrd expected aufs (layered filesystem) support in the kernel.

However, I am not using aufs anymore, instead using overlayfs, which is the officially supported layered filesystem (aufs is a 3rd party patch).

So, I anticipate fixing the live-CD, for both SlaQ and Xerus.

So, expect an Xerus x86_64 8.1.6 soon, also with live-CD.

Re: Quirky SlaQ 8.1.6 x86_64 released

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 10:24
by BarryK
BarryK wrote:
Billtoo wrote:I did a new install to a 32GB usb-3.0 flash drive.

I couldn't get the partition to resize so I tried running gparted in
Gecko Linux and that worked.
Oh, that partition resizing is supposed to work now.

Regarding your earlier comment about adding another partition, an alternative would have been to re-run QuickSetup -- see the Setup menu.

That's if partition resizing is working.

Anyone else tried the partition resizing?
After ticking the checkbox to resize the partition, at next bootup you will see a whole lot of text on the screen as it attempts to do the resize.

If you see a message, when it runs 'resize2fs', something like "cannot resize, already maximum size", that means the resizing of the partition failed beforehand.

Let me know if you see a message like that, or any other message that might give a clue what went wrong.

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 10:47
by belham2
BarryK wrote:
belham2 wrote: I am trying really hard with this theme-ing, but, with no ability to install "redshift" on Slacko and make it operational, don't know what I am gonna do short of wearing my sunglasses when trying to use this. But I did draw the line of tolerance at the icons.....ain't no flipping way I am staring at yellows & pinks & hues of red & purple all on a peachy-scarlet-crimson background. (I did leave the paint, draw and trash icons as is in an ode to your Van Gogh attempt here) :wink: Honestly, for a few minutes the background theme was ok. After an hour? I've felt a various range of emotions from either wanting to pop acid, smoke a little weed, or just lay down & wait for whomever in the ward (I must be in some sort of ward if I am staring at this screen's supposed to calm me down, right??)..just chillin' & waitin for 'em to come get me and take me back to my room.
:lol: I have been looking at it for several days now, seems OK to me!

BarryK, could I ask just a general, personal question: have you ever heard of redshift? Ever personally used it? Or seen the number of threads (there's over 10 that I am aware of during the past few years) on murga from people requesting it?

Redshift ran beautifully in the previous Quirkys, but that was the ubuntu/debian ecosystem. Now that we are on to slackware, redshift is not available (at least in a working package that is specific for pup-slack-based OSes based on slack). As slackware ecosystem is maybe still too populated by youngsters who have not need of any old eye protection from glare & strain, is it possible redshift could be included as "standard" part of any future Quirky and/or creation that you develop?

Redshift's creator is right here:

He offered a slackbuild package packages from 13.37 up through 14.1 at ... /redshift/

(plus here's his latest 14.2 build & packages0 ... /redshift/

What's strange is I can get these redshift packages to easily install & work in a full install of Slackware, yet in Micko's (& Peebee's) slacko-builds here on murga, and now your new Slaq-Quirky, redshift just refuses to run. This is true across many different machines, and also tested out of home. Redshift will not work on pups that are slack-based, yet works in a full-install of Slackware. Why would that be??

Is there any possibility it could someday, in the future? Possibly have Redshift come as a standard part of any pup OS that is frugalled and/or installed, (based on whatever underlying OS is used)? Personally, for me, not having Redshift (a simple app that uses "randr" to adjust thermal and brightness and gamma of your monitor(s) ) is a deal-killer and is why I am forced to still stick with Quirky's 8.0 thru 8.15.

Thank you for any consideration of this. I honestly feel, based on others' threads here on murga, that I am not alone in this regard concerning redshift. And thank you again for a wonderful new Quirky edition.

[UPDATE: Solved! :D :D ]
I kept fooling around with this, wondering what was going on, and it turns out there is a sneaky, missing lib that is needed to make the above Redshift package work in slack-based pup OSes. The lib that is needed is this:

This lib is not in any Slackware repository. But what IS in Slackware repositorys (that the PPM accesses) is this:

GConf-3.26 & its polkit0.113 dependency

The needed is inside GConf-3.26, so I just used PPM in Quirky, searched for GConf-3.26, chose it for install + the dependency that PPM brought, and Redshift is now working in Barry's new Slaq Quirky! Woooooohooooooooo :D Man, between building my own Fatdog the other day (and spending hours going through the dependencies when I was removing and/or adding stuff, and now trying to find where this was/is located, I am getting just a very small inkling or hint what you developers must go through when making pups. AND you guys are writing code for a lot of stuff!! Holy mackeral, how do you guys do it??? Even with these libs alone, the darn things are snaking in every direction into many diff programs, apps and so forth....arrrggggh :evil:

Anyhow, hope this helps anyone out there......I'm going to test it in Mickos & Peebee's slacko creations to see if it works the same as Barry's.

Here's what my new themed (I created usig the GTK and JWN theme makers) plus new, Stately background and redshift, all look like:

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 11:07
by linuxcbon
BarryK wrote:OK, you have twisted my arm, I will release an ISO.

The reason it was broken in Quirky Xerus 8.1.5, is because the 'init' script in the initrd expected aufs (layered filesystem) support in the kernel.

However, I am not using aufs anymore, instead using overlayfs, which is the officially supported layered filesystem (aufs is a 3rd party patch).

So, I anticipate fixing the live-CD, for both SlaQ and Xerus.

So, expect an Xerus x86_64 8.1.6 soon, also with live-CD.
Wonderful news :)
A lot more people will then be able to use it.
I am excited to test it and find many bugs.
Thanks Barry :)

Re: Quirky SlaQ 8.1.6 x86_64 released

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 13:45
by Billtoo
BarryK wrote:
Billtoo wrote:I did a new install to a 32GB usb-3.0 flash drive.

I couldn't get the partition to resize so I tried running gparted in
Gecko Linux and that worked.
Oh, that partition resizing is supposed to work now.

Regarding your earlier comment about adding another partition, an alternative would have been to re-run QuickSetup -- see the Setup menu.

That's if partition resizing is working.

Anyone else tried the partition resizing?

Note, in QuickSetup, I tried to make it un-missable, a red rectange with bold white text, alongside a checkbox offering to resize the partition.

Perhaps I should make it default to "ticked", so even if the user doesn't see the checkbox, it will resize at next bootup.
Here's what the Quicksetup menu looks like, I don't see anything about
resizing, is this the wrong menu?

I shut down after 1st bootup and ran Gecko Linux which is installed on
the hard drive, ran gparted and resized the partition, shut down again
and booted slaQ from the flash drive.

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 15:39
by prehistoric
Just ran a check with SlaQ 8.1.6 on a 32 GB flash drive to confirm Billtoo's report. The original image size did not change, and there is no check box on Quick Setup for expanding the filesystem to fill the drive. Can also confirm that this does work on Quirky 8.1.4 on the Raspberry Pi.

Added: when I wanted to run a completely new initial set-up habit caused me to reboot with Quirky pfix=ram, which does not do this. If I were using an actual savefile, I would simply delete this, but at this point I'm non-plussed about how to go back to a clean install without recreating the installation system on the drive.

Posted: Wed 11 Jan 2017, 17:28
by TeX Dog
BarryK wrote:OK, you have twisted my arm, I will release an ISO.

The reason it was broken in Quirky Xerus 8.1.5, is because the 'init' script in the initrd expected aufs (layered filesystem) support in the kernel.

However, I am not using aufs anymore, instead using overlayfs, which is the officially supported layered filesystem (aufs is a 3rd party patch).

So, I anticipate fixing the live-CD, for both SlaQ and Xerus.

So, expect an Xerus x86_64 8.1.6 soon, also with live-CD.
Yea! :mrgreen: looking forward to these releases in iso format. Prepping expensive flashdrives are wasting time and money. plus its hard to label those tiny things. :wink:

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 02:57
by BarryK
Here is the ISO (304MB): ... -amd64.iso

md5sum: ... d5sums.txt

There is a bug: even after saving a session, it keeps on coming up with the "Welcome 1st boot" window at every bootup.
Loads the saved session OK though.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 03:02
by BarryK
Hmmm, very odd. This is what my QuickSetup window looks like:

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 03:07
by BarryK
Oh, I forget what size the image has to be, to display. Try again:

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 03:20
by BarryK
So, why don't you get that offer to increase the partition size? It has works consistently for me, on both laptops and different sticks.

Would you mind trying this, in a terminal:

Set variable PDRV to the drive (Flash stick) you are running SlaQ on, for example "sdc", and PDEV1 to the partition:

Code: Select all

# PDRV=sdc
# PDEV1=sdc2
I have pulled this code out of /usr/sbin/quicksetup:

Code: Select all

# START_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/start)"
# SIZE_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/size)"
# DISK_INFO="$(sfdisk -F /dev/$PDRV)"
# SIZE_BEYONDS="$(echo "$DISK_INFO" | sed -e 's%^ *%%' | grep "^${START_BEYONDS} " | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 3 -d ' ')"
The variable SIZE_BEYONDS should be the number of sectors unused in the drive.
You can check each step as you do it, just use 'echo' to view the result.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 05:00
by TeX Dog
Booted ISO with raft of errors (hwclock again) unable to remove/move /var/local etc. boot messages.
JWM or X windows not drawing or refreshing normally! text and graphics wrong or mostly missing. Took a snapshot but can't find it (dialogs for paint not readable, same issues as the snapshot showed) switching blindly between 3 desktop seems to correct for some time.
DVD multi-sessions did not take place automagically, do not know how to force it. missing YT-download <a favorite from QuirkyXeres on RaspberryPi> BTW whatever happened to T2 version for Pi? and bluetooth support.
Thanks for the ISO and hope for a QuirkyXeres version?

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 10:21
by BarryK
TeX Dog wrote:Booted ISO with raft of errors (hwclock again) unable to remove/move /var/local etc. boot messages.
JWM or X windows not drawing or refreshing normally! text and graphics wrong or mostly missing. Took a snapshot but can't find it (dialogs for paint not readable, same issues as the snapshot showed) switching blindly between 3 desktop seems to correct for some time.
DVD multi-sessions did not take place automagically, do not know how to force it. missing YT-download <a favorite from QuirkyXeres on RaspberryPi> BTW whatever happened to T2 version for Pi? and bluetooth support.
Thanks for the ISO and hope for a QuirkyXeres version?
There are some error messages at bootup, minor, non-fatal.

The desktop windows/graphics looked ok to me.

Quirky is really intended for full installation, that is where you use the snapshot feature. I probably should remove it from the menu when running from live-CD -- but then, I never intended to offer a live-CD, and still intend to phase it out.

DVD multisession does not work on laptop optical drives. As the majority of computers being sold these days are (probably) laptops, there isn't much motive for supporting multisession.

Unless by "multisession" you just mean saving of the sessions to hard drive. That is different. And yes, different from Puppy -- there is an icon on the desktop labeled "save", click that, it then has a checkbox to ask at every shutdown.

Me too, I only have two laptops. The old desktop towers got given away.

Bluetooth support is still there, just no tray icon. But you can bring the tray icon back -- set the executable flags in /root/Startup/bluepup_tray then restart X.

I am investigating the new puppyBT, hence put my BluePup on the back-burner for now.

T2 for Pi? How many hours are there in the day? I do have a life, apart from Quirky development. I will get back to the Pi sometime.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 10:36
by belham2
BarryK wrote:
T2 for Pi? How many hours are there in the day? I do have a life, apart from Quirky development. I will get back to the Pi sometime.

LOL! Awwe, come on, Barry, we don't ask too much of you here. Only your heart, soul, mind, arms, legs, fingers et al to be at our beck & call 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 a year :D

Me thinking after this Quirky 8.1.6 Slaq release, it's time to start planning for like outdoor trips and hiking again....and let the slaq-ing and pi-ing come in a different form.

P.S. Gave me youngest daughter, for her laptop, a USB-SD card loaded with Slaq & the complete 'peachy red' theme (no changes by me), and she thus proclaimed it "the prettiest thing I've ever seen, Dad!". Haha, go figure! :lol:

A few more bugs to report

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 10:54
by Rodney Byne
Hi Barry,

A nice "peachy" distro but some more observations to add to the list.

An odd thing happens to the bottom task tray if you do this:
In JWM Configuration Manager - Tray management
Don't press anything in Iconify or Verbose in Pager, otherwise
the task tray will suddenly shrink in length to about 3 inches,
over to the far left next to the Menu button.
I had to re-install SlaQ to usb again because I didn't know
how to recover the tray.

In Multimedia:
Xine doesn't play DVDs, it says "The source can't be read...."
It should play the DVD on insertion of the sr0 tray.

Pavrecord doesn't fully launch with the web camera on.

pEqualiser doesn't launch at all.

I guess Upgrade Manager will be getting busy fairly soon.

Best regards.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 10:54
by linuxcbon
Quirky SlaQ 8.1.6 x86_64 :
booted ISO from usb flash stick.
All seems ok, video ok.

- Very slow to start PC because of floppy detection :
From dmesg at starting PC :

Code: Select all

[    5.265364] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
[    5.791556] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
[   35.202398] floppy0: no floppy controllers found
Removing floppy support should save many seconds of bootup.

- Quick setup doesnt show the "expand partition to fill drive"

Code: Select all

# /usr/sbin/quicksetup
grep: /root/.packages/user-installed-packages: No such file or directory
grep: /root/.packages/user-installed-packages: No such file or directory
mkdir: can't create directory '/var/local/sss': Invalid argument
mkdir: can't create directory '/var/local/sss': Invalid argument
Generating /root/.icewm/menu...
mv: cannot move '/root/.icewm/menu' to a subdirectory of itself, '/root/.icewm/menu-previous'
Generating /root/.jwmrc...
mv: cannot move '/root/.jwmrc' to a subdirectory of itself, '/root/.jwmrc-previous'

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 11:23
by linuxcbon
Quirky SlaQ 8.1.6 x86_64 :

- this version seems very fast and responsive :D :)

- /usr/local/bin/defaultchat
Opens seamonkey but no chat

- /root/Startup/network_tray
Doesn't show in the tray

- For the "expand partition to fill drive" :

Code: Select all

# PDRV=sdb 
# PDEV1=sdb2
# START_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/start)" 
# echo $START_PDEV1
# SIZE_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/size)" 
# echo $SIZE_PDEV1
# DISK_INFO="$(sfdisk -F /dev/$PDRV)" 
# echo $DISK_INFO
Unpartitioned space /dev/sdb: 2 GiB, 2109210624 bytes, 4119552 sectors Units: sectors of 1 archive downloads grisbi media other personal portable projects 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Start End Sectors Size 18432 4137983 4119552 2G

# SIZE_BEYONDS="$(echo "$DISK_INFO" | sed -e 's%^ *%%' | grep "^${START_BEYONDS} " | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 3 -d ' ')"


Works fine

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 11:42
by Reneetje
Quirky SlaQ 8.1.6 x86_64 works fine. At bootup only one error message about hwclock and hardware clock. Office Libre 5.1.3 works. Thank you for the great job.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 13:05
by BarryK
linuxcbon wrote:- For the "expand partition to fill drive" :

Code: Select all

# PDRV=sdb 
# PDEV1=sdb2
# START_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/start)" 
# echo $START_PDEV1
# SIZE_PDEV1="$(cat /sys/block/${PDRV}/${PDEV1}/size)" 
# echo $SIZE_PDEV1
# DISK_INFO="$(sfdisk -F /dev/$PDRV)" 
# echo $DISK_INFO
Unpartitioned space /dev/sdb: 2 GiB, 2109210624 bytes, 4119552 sectors Units: sectors of 1 archive downloads grisbi media other personal portable projects 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Start End Sectors Size 18432 4137983 4119552 2G

# SIZE_BEYONDS="$(echo "$DISK_INFO" | sed -e 's%^ *%%' | grep "^${START_BEYONDS} " | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 3 -d ' ')"

That's interesting. The start of unused space is at sector 16520, however, sfdisk is reporting it to be 18432

Does sfidsk really return everything on one line?
If you just run this:

# sfdisk -F /dev/sdb

...what is the exact layout?
...I was expecting the values "18432 4137983 4119552 2G" to be on a separate line.

Posted: Thu 12 Jan 2017, 13:19
by BarryK
belham2 wrote:
BarryK wrote:
T2 for Pi? How many hours are there in the day? I do have a life, apart from Quirky development. I will get back to the Pi sometime.

LOL! Awwe, come on, Barry, we don't ask too much of you here. Only your heart, soul, mind, arms, legs, fingers et al to be at our beck & call 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 a year :D

Me thinking after this Quirky 8.1.6 Slaq release, it's time to start planning for like outdoor trips and hiking again....and let the slaq-ing and pi-ing come in a different form.

P.S. Gave me youngest daughter, for her laptop, a USB-SD card loaded with Slaq & the complete 'peachy red' theme (no changes by me), and she thus proclaimed it "the prettiest thing I've ever seen, Dad!". Haha, go figure! :lol:
:) It's OK. TeX Dog and others are keen on the Pi, so want to see more action there. I do to.

Re taking a break, it is about to happen. I don't actually own my own home anymore, just been living with family. For the next few months, I will be on the move.

Taking basic gear: baby laptop, Pi3, wi-fi router, charger. USB hard drive. Depending on space, I might be able to take my 6 amp power adaptor for the Pi, which will enable the hard drive to run off the Pi.

Perhaps can also fit in my USB optical drive. Will need that if I am going to chase down some of those live-CD bugs.