Can't open magnet links with chromium 59

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#21 Post by fmen »

Thanks Oscar, but it's time to throw in the towel. Regardless of where the transmission statement is located in the xdg-open file, still no pleasure.

Luckily, the work-around is a mere keyboard shortcut away...

Code: Select all

xdotool click 3
sleep .1
xdotool key Down Down Down Down Return
xdotool exec transmission-gtk 
sleep .5
xdotool key ctrl+u  Return
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#22 Post by OscarTalks »

As you wish, but just to let you (and others) know
I did a quick test. Fresh boot of Xenial64 7.5
Updated PPM and used it to install Chromium 66
Created the transmission symlink to transmission-gtk in /usr/bin
Copied and pasted the correct code (as per my earlier post) into /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
It then works.

The whole thing took me about 5 minutes.
Standard Chromium installation plus the 2 necessary fixes

I open Chromium, search for a magnet link, click on the magnet link and Transmission opens and downloads the torrent. I do get the window asking for confirmation about xdg-open and also a couple of other steps that I have to "OK" when Transmission opens.
Oscar in England
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon 07 May 2018, 12:22

#23 Post by fmen »

I do get the window asking for confirmation about xdg-open and also a couple of other steps that I have to "OK" when Transmission opens.
Ah jeez, now I feel like a damn fool!
Once the window came up, I assumed it had failed and stopped going forwards. Sorry for that. Works great!
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