mkkde: create your custom KDE 3.5.5

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#21 Post by lickthefrog2 »

Sorry Mark,

When I saw Muppy006 was available, I went for it, so now I'm running that.

I have two pupsaves, but I'm already working on the new one, re-customizing it, so I don't know if I can reproduce the problem. There are two pup_saves but I really messed things up.

I decided to start over because when I compiled the linux-wacom driver, I didn't get the stylus button right, so because I have to do it again, I'm just starting over all the way. Plus the KDE thing didn't work....but anyway, I will try mkkde again and let you know.

BasKet I got from here:

I went for the one from 11 based on the_spudster's post in this thread, also adding the two .tgz's Simon mentioned.

There is a weird problem in Muppy006. When I do setrox1 it says:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# setrox1
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
/root/.gtkrc.mine:1: error: unexpected identifier `gtk-icon-theme-name', expected keyword - e.g. `style'
Thanks again,

EDITED: Question: One of the features that I am curious to try with BasKet is using it as a filelauncher. One of the screenshots from here: shows a page that has in it an icon for a .odt file. That feature is one I'm hoping to take advantage of. Think that would work on Muppy as it is (IceWM) or should I go for a full KDE based flavor?
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#22 Post by MU »

I hope I can take a look at mkkde in Muppy this week myself.
It might be good to delete the 2 folders
, as Muppy already comes with optimized .desktop entries.
Only these might be needed:

For the rest I will build a test .sfs this week, if I'm not filled up with too much work here (must visit some people).
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#23 Post by MU »

Just tried it in Muppy 006.
Used the KDE-packages from Slackware 10.2.

Made the changes as in the last message.
I also changed the qt -folder.

Here is the version with these changes for Muppy 006: ... ppy006.tgz

To run BasKet, I had to install 4 Slackware packages with gslapt:

attr 2.4.32_1-i486-1
acl 2.2.39_1-i486-1
gpgme 1.0.3-i486-2df

People who don't have Muppy, can install gslapt seperatly:

If you used the old mkkde in Muppy 006, you don't necessarily need to install this new mkkde.
But you might want to reset the .desktop -files to the optimized ones from Muppy with this command:

Code: Select all

cp -ax /initrd/pup_ro2/usr/share/applications/* /usr/share/applications/
Your folder /usr/lib/qt should include at least these files:


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#24 Post by MU »

kolourpaint works in Muppy 006.
I installed these files:


Baghira , basket and Krusader only for tests, they are not needed.
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#25 Post by lickthefrog2 »

Got it working, Mark. Thanks!

There are some errors, but I don't really know what they mean and what's related to what.

For instance, when I type kcontrol in console it tells me:

Code: Select all

Qt: Locales not supported on X server

Launching Kicker in console gives me all kinds of weird messages:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# Kicker
cp: `/usr/share/mini-icons/pupdvdtool.xpm' and `/opt/kde/share/icons/default.kde/16x16/apps/pupdvdtool.xpm' are the same file
kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove /root/.DCOPserver_puppypc__0
and start dcopserver again.

KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
kio (KService*): WARNING: Invalid Service : basket_config_features.desktop
kio (KService*): WARNING: Invalid Service : basket_config_notes.desktop
kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/opt/kde/share/applications/kde/ark.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/x-tbz2'
kbuildsycoca: WARNING: '/usr/share/applications/amarok.desktop' specifies undefined mimetype/servicetype 'application/asx'
kbuildsycoca:  WARNING '/usr/share/applications/[openoffice, mplayer/gnumeric...]
Knotify also comes up and gives me a long list of things which I can post if requested.

Everything appears to be working, though. I don't understand what happens when I try to use the K Taskbar (when I launch Kicker) versus using IceWM's taskbar. They seem to be incompatible.

As I start to learn more, hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to fix things myself.

Thanks again,
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#26 Post by MU »

it seems the messages are not really errors, but hints of what is used.
So basket seems to have optional database-support, if a matching one is installed.

But if it works, you can ignore them.

I rightclick the taskbar -> configure panel
hiding -> show panel buttons

Now the taskbar has buttons on the left and right to hide it.
So I only unhide it, to launch an application from it.

The Kicker" Dotpup also starts some services required bysome KDE-programs.
So it might be required to run it first.
For example in Konqueror, I cannot set all options, if it was not started.

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#27 Post by lickthefrog2 »

I see; I get the point about Kicker. Indeed, some programs don't load unless I click the Kicker DotPups menu item first.

I have a few questions about exiting KDE and even powering off. I can't.

I try from the menu commands and it fails: ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't do it either. Screen freezes or alternates colors.

Specifically, the KDE logout command does nothing while the IceWM logout command closes open applications, but doesn't even exit X.

But I'm also having a few problems with BasKet (GPGME: Invalid crypto engine), so I'm going to try to mkkde again later.

Can I just delete the KDE_.sfs and start from scratch? I'll probably answer my own question but I'm about to commute home, so not until tonight.


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#28 Post by Gn2 »

The best resource for any KDE queries would be their own home page

Rather than "customising" using an uneasy mixture of Puppy pups, Slackware repositories, alien Pkge formats-
defaults to layer conflicting options -

Choose Kde base, kde arts & kdeutils - and if want to develop with aid of GUI wrapper > Kde development tools) ... [quote]The Current KDE distribution
The current official KDE distribution consists of the following packages:
aRts: Analog realtime synthesizer and sound daemon. Its supposed to become obsolete at the time of KDE 4.0 release. Its subsititude will be Phonon
KDE-Libs: Various run-time libraries << {N O T E}
KDE-Base: The base components (window-manager, desktop, panel, Konqueror)
KDE-Network: KNode, KNewsticker, Kppp, ...
KDE-Pim: KMail, KAddressbook, KOrganizer, KPilot, ...
KDE-Graphics: Graphics applications such as KDVI, KGhostview, KPaint, KFax, ...
KDE-Multimedia: Noatun, KMidi, KSCD, ...
KDE-Accessibility: apps to improve accessibility for disabled people...
KDE-Utilities: KEdit, KCalc, KHexEdit, KNotes, ...
KDE-Edu: Edutainment related programs
KDE-Games: KAsteroids, KPat, KTetris, ...
KDE-Toys: Fun stuff
KDE-Addons: Addons for Konqueror, Kate, Kicker and Noatun
KDE-Artwork: Additional icons, styles, wallpapers, screensavers and window decorations
KDE-Admin: Various tools to aid system administration
KDE-SDK: Script and tools which simplify development of KDE applications
KOffice: Integrated office suite
KDevelop: C/C++ Integrated Development Environment
KDE-Bindings: bindings for various programming languages (Python, Ruby, Perl, Jave[/quote] ... Tips[quote]
KDE Usage Tips
Common Command Line Options
Environment Variables
KOrganizer and the MS Exchange plug-in
Keyboard Shortcuts
Live CDs
Performance Tips
Secret Config Settings <<< { NOTE}
Spamassassin, Sylpheed, Korn, and Fetchmail
Tips and Tricks for (advanced) KDE users [/quote]

Then work within Kde options for altering settings to match own work habits, preferences.
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#29 Post by MU »

to exit kicker, drag
/usr/local/KDE-3.5.5/killkicker on your desktop.
Then click on it, to close kicker.
Maybe it also works to call it from

something like

Code: Select all

#called from IceWM menu
sleep 3
Then you would not need to click on it, but I'm not shure it works.

The gpgme-error appears, if you install the wrong gpgme with gslapt.
Be shure to use the version I mentioned above.
I also had tried another one before, and got the same error.

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#30 Post by lickthefrog2 »

Gn2 wrote:The best resource for any KDE queries would be their own home page

Rather than "customising" using an uneasy mixture of Puppy pups, Slackware repositories, alien Pkge formats-
defaults to layer conflicting options -

Choose Kde base, kde arts & kdeutils - and if want to develop with aid of GUI wrapper > Kde development tools)

I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can I add programs like BasKet from a basic KDE setup? Is that what you're proposing? I tried what you said, with just the three base, arts and utils, but it didn't work unless I also added the libs.

But then i couldn't figure out how to get BasKet, so I redid mkkde with BasKet in the tgz folder.

BasKet is really the only reason why I'm trying to use KDE, though I have noticed that KDE does make me feel more comfortable coming from my Windows background. It has a lot of the right-click functionality that really taught me how to use Windows beyond what most people use.

Thanks for the tips about the KDE sites.

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#31 Post by jason.b.c »

I think i would certanly try this if i could get my puppy on the internet...
Puppy is Awesome..!!!!
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#32 Post by MU »

you need no internet to build KDE.
You only must download the required files before, but you could do that in Ubuntu or Windows, if your internet-connection works there.

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#33 Post by Sir Savant »

I don't mean to kick this topic, but I don't want to crowd up the forum with a separate one.

I recently ran the mkkde script, and everything seemed to go well. I used that last list in the first post for my tgz. I moved the sfs file to "/mnt/home/" and then ran the DotPup file as required. Then I reboot, logged out of XFCE, and ran "startkde" A series of errors popped up, so I went into xfce, opened up a terminal, and tried to run "Kicker" but all it gives are errors. Any help?

Running Puppy 2.12
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#34 Post by MU »

you must run the dotpup after rebooting, not before.
Maybe you can fix it by installing it again.

If not, try these steps:
Boot WITHOUT the .sfs
Then delete these folders:

Then reboot WITH the .sfs.
Then install the dotpup again.

To say more, please post the errors you get (after these steps):
Run "Kicker" in the consolewindow.
Select the errormessages with the mouse, then middle-click in a forum-message to paste them.

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#35 Post by shrdlu »

Thanks, Mark.

This cleared up a problem I was having with KDEmini.

There were some broken symlinks in /usr/lib/qt/lib (to and in /usr/lib/qt-3.3.6). I also added a symlink to Don't know if the last thing was needed but everything works now. :D

Best wishes!
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#36 Post by lickthefrog2 »

Specifically re: BasKet
MU wrote: The gpgme-error appears, if you install the wrong gpgme with gslapt.
Be sure to use the version I mentioned above.
I also had tried another one before, and got the same error.

Hi Mark,

So I uninstalled with Gslapt the incorrect gpgme then installed the specific one you described: gpgme-1.0.3-i486-2df

But I'm still getting the error message. The more notes I make the more times the error comes up.

Any advice?

When you say install gpgme with gslapt, that's independent of KDE, right? Meaning, I don't put that package in with the other packages I'm using to customize my miniKDE?

And thanks again. I'm having fun (and only a little frustration) as a now-dedicated Linux user.

- lickthefrog2
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#37 Post by MU »

did you all these as suggested?:
attr 2.4.32_1-i486-1
acl 2.2.39_1-i486-1
gpgme 1.0.3-i486-2df

Yes, simply install with gslapt.
Uninstall old versions with it first.

Does that work?

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#38 Post by lickthefrog2 »

No luck. Do I need to reboot after the uninstall before the reinstall?

The initial trouble I had, and why I tried it first with a different gpgme, is because I couldn't see the exact one you specified.

Since it didn't work, I went searching around and realized that I could add a different Gslapt Package Source.

After adding one or two, I then saw the correct gpgme and installed it with Gslapt.

The error message didn't go away, so I uninstalled mkkde and redid it.

Still the same problem.

I saw that gpgme was compiled with pth-2.0.7, so I'm going to try that.
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#39 Post by lickthefrog2 »

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mkkde in Muppy 007

#40 Post by lickthefrog2 »


I set up my own mkkde in Muppy007 as I am upgrading and starting from a clean slate.

I set up BasKet Note Pads in my KDE on Muppy006 but was getting an error message. Mark, you suggested that I install 4 Slackware packages with gslapt:

attr 2.4.32_1-i486-1
acl 2.2.39_1-i486-1
gpgme 1.0.3-i486-2df

Whereas in Muppy006, I might have made a mistake with gpgme, this time I didn't.

So I'm thinking there's something else I'm missing. How can I find out?

Everything else is great. Thanks again.

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