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Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2020, 11:32
by backi
Beware of Mrs. Ardern ...she`s very intelligent and knows how to play "The Game".
The Beauty is a Beast.

Fake as a Snake......but that`s just the Nature of Politics and the Beast.
(Maybe this is what she has in common with Killary Clinton.)

Since i am not from New Zealand i can`t really estimate what to think about the following Article.
But similar Scripts being played globally is no Coincidence.
Maybe it could be of interest to you as New Zealanders.

"‘We are witnessing is a totalitarian takeover of the world in real time, yet there are some people who still think this is about a virus‘"
It ain`t over til it`s over.

Jacinda Ardern Creates a Totalitarian Regime on the Back of a Cold Virus ... old-virus/

Form your own Opinion .

Has anybody seen Greta Thunberg lately ?

Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2020, 12:36
by bullpup
"The New World Order must be established either by conquest or consent." ~Adam Weishaupt, 1776~

Just sayin'. 8)
Has anybody seen Greta Thunberg lately ?
She's put back on ice for later use :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2020, 17:09
by greengeek
backi wrote: Jacinda Ardern Creates a Totalitarian Regime on the Back of a Cold Virus ... old-virus/
Great article. Yes it's amazing how quickly a socialist can turn fascist.

Call me misguided but I think it's amazing how respectful this virus is of our "New World Order" compliant Prime Minister.

Mind you - as far as medical decisions went she pretty much did what our top health bureaucrat told her to do. But the closure and destruction of business replaced by massive financial handouts - selling out the country for years to come - was her own idea.

I think the Aussie's struck a better balance.

New Zealand has long been a test case for technological or financial prototyping because we are a tiny "test tube" example of a western nation and I personally think we are now being used as an easily controllable host for rollout of a future compulsory vaccine programme.

You can probably tell I think the virus came out of a lab and the whole idea of it being naturally occurring in a wet market is fake news...

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 08:01
by disciple
wiak wrote:Sorry, I don't see any connection between Hilary and Jacinda when it comes to politics.
I wasn't comparing people, although they are both career politicians with seemingly very similar politics. I was comparing your confident expectation that Jacinda will be reelected with the confident expectation the left had that Clinton was going to win.

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 08:17
by disciple
greengeek wrote:
wiak wrote:Sorry, I don't see any connection between Hilary and Jacinda when it comes to politics.
The connection is that Hillary lost because the election riggers wanted Hillary out so that Trump would be in the driving seat - and likewise they want Jacinda in power.
That's a pretty bizarre conclusion given that all Trump had was negative press; the opposite of Jacinda.
That might seem highly strange since one is a nationalist and one a globalist/socialist but the common thread is that both of these two are mouthpieces for expert puppetmasters.
Funnily enough, Jacinda is in power not because people voted for her, but because people voted for a (fake) nationalist.
Which in my view makes Jacinda the more evil of the two - because she was elected to be a democratic champion.
Not sure what gives you that idea (seems like you are confusing her with Trump). I don't know anyone who expects the left to champion democracy. Perhaps if they did she would have got more than 37% of the vote.

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2020, 13:21
by Galbi
Not to create controversy, Is this also fake news?
The last patient who was infected was discharged.
New Zealand is the first coronavirus-free country
Source (in spanish): ... oronavirus In an important newspaper here (ideologically near to the actual goverment and a bit leftish).

If true, Congratulations!!!

Posted: Thu 11 Jun 2020, 10:22
by greengeek
disciple wrote:I don't know anyone who expects the left to champion democracy. Perhaps if they did she would have got more than 37% of the vote.
Hmmm, that comment threw me for a while. I could not see where you could possibly be coming from.

I guess I have never met anyone who equated the political "right" with anything other than the ruling and privileged elite.

Traditionally New Zealand has been controlled by parties elected under FPP with less than 50% of the vote - hence the feeling that democratic forces were trampled.

Then, with a move to MMP it became possible for coalition governments to create a collective that represented more than 50% of the electorate - so that democracy started to thrive.

Unfortunately the political right in NZ (ie the National Party) tends to state that they will not work with certain democratically elected representatives (eg "Winston Peters") or democratically elected parties (eg "Green Party") so they are clearly still locked into an unshakable lack of understanding of what democracy actually means.

The idea that anyone would even begin to consider a right-leaning government in New Zealand as understanding democracy takes me by surprise.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 10:47
by wiak
It seems odd to me that anyone from New Zealand would currently be complaining about Jacinda. I was sitting back in my local cafe, having my usual long black coffee, the other day. It was full of people, young and old, and of course no masks being used and even the hand sanitizers are fast disappearing from the counters, since there is no need for them since there are no cases of coronavirus around (and not because anyone is stealing them...). Meanwhile, I couldn't help wondering what the waitress was thinking about the whole situation since she is from Brazil and I have a feeling plane loads of people would be happy to be allowed into New Zealand at this time, if only they could.

An enormous amount of government money was allocated to try and keep as many people as possible in a job (albeit on cut wages and many redundancies regardless), but still we at least stay alive.


Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 11:49
by backi
An enormous amount of GOVERNMENT money was allocated......
I beg your Pardon.... !
You surely meant ".....An enormous amount of TAXPAYER`s Money was allocated...." ??

Not quite sure if this is only the Calm before another Storm......
I have to admit ... i am a quite paranoid Person.
But anyway.....
Best Wishes and stay healthy .

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2020, 13:38
by ras
I have a feeling plane loads of people would be happy to be allowed into New Zealand at this time, if only they could.
Here in Alaska, summer has just begun, and with an economy similar to yours, restrictions have been relaxed, tourists are pouring in. attitudes are skeptical and many have abandoned safe practices.
We avoided a major outbreak earlier, and credit was given to acting responsibly and early.
Cases are on the rise, and todays headlines shout "More active cases than ever"
Daily positive tests are spiking, but you can get a test anywhere. I have settled on watching at the number of hospitalizations. They have remained at about one or two new admissions a day. Who knows whats next, Maybe the hospitals have learned how to treat the cases more effectively., or the most likely to die are already dead.

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2020, 23:03
by wiak
backi wrote:
An enormous amount of GOVERNMENT money was allocated......
I beg your Pardon.... !
You surely meant ".....An enormous amount of TAXPAYER`s Money was allocated...." ??
Well... I suppose my remark was only accurate in terms of accepting democracy is at play. i.e. where a government IS the government chosen by the majority of the tax-paying people. Democracy claims certainly also appear more than a little dubious to me...

Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2020, 23:06
by wiak
ras wrote:or the most likely to die are already dead.
But would be a dangerous error of confidence to be callous in the sense of 'let's not worry if the old and sick die'. Truth is COVID may yet kill any one of us anyway whether we believe that compassion for others is important or not.


Posted: Mon 15 Jun 2020, 23:53
by ras
But would be a dangerous error of confidence to be callous in the sense of 'let's not worry if the old and sick die'.
I agree, and was intending no callousness. My grand kids say I am older than dirt, so I would more likely be one to hear such statements than make them.

I had hope a few months back we would know more once the numbers were in about this disease. But good epidemiological reporting still seems lost in the flood of fake news.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 09:53
by greengeek
Don't want to derail in any way but as far as Covid goes - it is a series of viral bioweapons that can be deployed as required to ensure governments have fuel to override personal freedoms.

Expect ongoing intermittent releases, self-protect with vit C, D, Zinc, Glutathione, sunshine exposure and good sleep, avoid coffee and get plenty of walking or aerobic excercise.

Our immune systems are up to this challenge if we live with respect for our basic health needs.

Oh yeah - leave instructions that under no circumstances are medical staff to intubate you and hook you to a ventilator. Current ED procedures are incorrect for Covid.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 17:30
by greengeek
More fake news...
Jacinda saves the world : ... -election/

Reality bites: ... et-says-pm

Too much chicken counting and self congratulation.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 18:07
by backi
Be grateful .....Mother Jacinda saved your lives.....
What a lucky Country NZ is....being reigned by Wonder-Woman personally.

Yes ....the Sun always shines on TV.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 21:53
by wiak
greengeek wrote:Reality bites: ... et-says-pm

Too much chicken counting and self congratulation.
Absolutely. Letting these two NZ women, who were just back from UK, travel from Auckland to Hutt Valley, Wellington without waiting for negative covid results is unacceptable. Sounds like a serious fault of Health Board and/or Immigration NZ. Heads should roll for that careless action - quarantine apparently being treated very casually altogether and that simply is stupid. We don't have lockdown now so releasing covid back into the NZ environment again is asking for wildfire blaze to begin.


Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 23:19
by Terry H
wiak wrote:
greengeek wrote:Reality bites: ... et-says-pm

Too much chicken counting and self congratulation.
Absolutely. Letting these two NZ women, who were just back from UK, travel from Auckland to Hutt Valley, Wellington without waiting for negative covid results is unacceptable. Sounds like a serious fault of Health Board and/or Immigration NZ. Heads should roll for that careless action - quarantine apparently being treated very casually altogether and that simply is stupid. We don't have lockdown now so releasing covid back into the NZ environment again is asking for wildfire blaze to begin.

The nightly news report here in Canada said they were given a compassionate exemption to attend the funeral. Hopefully they distanced themselves from other attendees and then isolated, like any other person is supposed to do.

Posted: Tue 16 Jun 2020, 23:58
by Wiz57
greengeek says "Oh yeah - leave instructions that under no circumstances are medical staff to intubate you and hook you to a ventilator. Current ED procedures are incorrect for Covid."

Pardon me...what do intubation and ventilators have to do with erectile
Know your medical abbreviations! (Throwback to my prior profession)
LOL...Wiz :lol:

ps...edit to add...yes, I'm aware that in some European medical circles
ED is used for emergency department...but here in the USA we are
inundated with advertisements for "ED treatments"

Posted: Wed 17 Jun 2020, 06:16
by wiak
NZ government very embarrassed by the breakdown caused by slack quarantine procedures. Backi will be delighted the result is that now the military have been put in charge of quarantine to instill some 'discipline' instead of what was clearly a very casual implementation. Being Scottish, 'FREEDOM' is indeed of core importance to myself personally (I'm certainly not keen at all on martial law or military control), but 'IDIOTIC' thick casual approach that was going on is not something any Scotsman would applaud and since the Health Board employees are so inept at monitoring, and the police can't do it, I guess military (and implants in their heads) is all we can expect.
