Grafburn cd burner - new version 0.10.1

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#21 Post by Nathan F »

Mark - I went in and added one of the fixes you mentioned, the check to make sure the iso file exists, but I did it on top of the error check. Seems good to me to have both, I'd rather know if mkisofs exited with errors even if the file exists.

Also, regarding the trailing slashes, the best way to proceed would be to find out what the file selector widget returns for you. Mine returns the path with the trailing slash already there, as I think it's supposed to. Not sure if having an extra one in there would cause problems or not, I'll have to try it.

I have a new version partway done, with a much improved preferences dialog. I'll probably upload sometime late tonight or maybe tomorrow depending on how busy I get. The new dialog explains what the temp and output directories are for and has an entry to set the default speed, although the use of that data isn't integrated into the burning stage yet.

I'm thinking about how best to add a function that encodes and burns an audio cd. Not about how to do it technically, but where it might fit best into the gui. There are two options, either an extra button on the main window, or an extra choice in the creation dialog. I like the first option, but to keep it from getting cluttered I would probably rearrange the rest of the window a bit. I'm thinking maybe move the preferences and exit buttons to a horizontal position along the bottom along with a help button. They would probably be made smaller in the process. Of course, this is assuming I want to put that much work into the project. That depends a little bit on how much everybody wants that particular function.

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#22 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Nathan, if I could click a button and choose a directory of mp3 to burn to cd I say why not add that. That is the great thing about most pup projects people try and make everyday task that much easier. Of course I understand you wanting to keep clutter out of the way so maybe just created another wrapper if your up to it !

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#23 Post by john biles »

Hello Nathan F,
I installed your CD burner and now plinej's PBcdripper won't open when I click on the Icon.
I unzipped your tar.gz file and copied the files in to their respective folders eg: usr etc.
Is this the correct procedure for installing your program as the file wasn't a Dotpup?

I'm Running Puppy 2.10 and I did the install of your package while running live to test it before installing your package to the Puppy that is installed on my HD.

Has anyone else had the same problem?
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#24 Post by plinej »

You can install as an alien package with petget, but manually dragging files to their locations still shouldn't affect PBcdripper. What version of PBcdripper are you using? What happens when you type 'PBcdripper' (without the quotes) on the command line?
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#25 Post by john biles »

Hello plinej,
I'm at work but believe it's version 1.5 as you seem to update you burner ever couple of days it hard to keep track.
I will try the command line when I get home.
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#26 Post by plinej »

1.9 is my newest version, give that one a try.
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#27 Post by Nathan F »

I created a mockup of the window as it would appear with the audio cd option. See screenshot. Doesn't look too bad. I'm not going to write that code right away, but I'm thinking I'll probably go ahead and do it after all. There are a few considerations. I know I'd like to be able to encode to wav from mp3 and ogg, but are there any other formats that are going to be vital here? Bearing in mind simplicity.

john - I can't see personally how it might be related. Grafburn doesn't install any system libraries and pretty much stays confined to it's own AppDirectory. If there really is a bug I will fix it for sure, but I think it's probably coincidence.

I'll upload version 0.4 in the morning sometime.

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Wav, Mp3 and Ogg sounds about right for starters

#28 Post by WhoDo »

As to other formats, I hope I'm not teaching my Grandma any egg-sucking, or exposing my own ignorance, but at a minimum I'd like it to be able to encode from mp3 to CDDA and perhaps flac, too.
That may be quite a lot. Wav, Mp3 and Ogg sounds about right for starters. Plinej is working on adding sound recording to an app he is working on - that may be worked co-operatively?

the amazing Soxgui-0.2 which converts between audio formats
is in Puppy Star (2.13)

However for future features who knows what might well be possible (ultimately it is up to Nathans good judgement)
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#29 Post by Nathan F »

Yes, I don't know why I forgot about flac, and I guess cdda is pretty popular also. This is new ground for me though, currently I just use ogg (and mp3 when circumstances force me to).

I'm thinking I could have an Xdialog combobox for selecting the format to encode to, and just use the file extension to figure out what format we're coming from. Give me some time to think about this, I hadn't planned originally on even adding any kind of encoding.

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#30 Post by amish »

that's a beeeeautiful app, nathan. does it use cdrecord? if it doesn't, it will already be set to avoid a cdrecord bug with the 2.6 kernel. but, i have puppy 1.07 and grafpup 104 :) :) and i can use this with one of those. thank you yet again.
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#31 Post by plinej »

Nathan, Here's a dotpup for a hacked MyBashBurn using Xdialog. This is not for everyday use because I haven't tested any of it, I just made the gui work. It has quite a few features and it may give you some ideas. When you start this dotpup from the menu it will be started from within rxvt because there are parts in the code that use echo that I need to find and convert to xdialog. The scripts depend on the tput command which isn't in puppy either so I'll attach a dotpup for that too. I really like your app better but there's alot of good code in this that may be useful.
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#32 Post by plinej »

Nathan, I had to edit the set_prefs script in 0.3 like this:

--stdout --title "Grafburn: temp directory" --dselect $OLDTMPDIR 0 0`
--stdout --title "Grafburn: temp directory" --dselect "$OLDTMPDIR" 0 0`


--title "Grafburn: output directory" --dselect $OLDOUTDIR 0 0`
--title "Grafburn: output directory" --dselect "$OLDOUTDIR" 0 0`

without the quotes I got no Xdialog popup
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#33 Post by plinej »

One other thing I always disliked about the burniso2cd code was the line:

Code: Select all

 SCSIDRIVES="`cdrecord -scanbus 2>&1 | grep '[0-9],[0-9],[0-9]' | grep -v '*$' | tr '|' " " | tr '\t' '|' | cut -f 2,3 -d '|' | tr -s " " | tr "'" '_' | tr " " '_' | tr -s '_'`" #'
my output:

Code: Select all

I'd change it to:

Code: Select all

 SCSIDRIVES="`cdrecord -scanbus 2>&1 | grep -i cd-*rom | grep '[0-9],[0-9],[0-9]' | grep -v '*$' | tr '|' " " | tr '\t' '|' | cut -f 2,3 -d '|' | tr -s " " | tr "'" '_' | tr " " '_' | tr -s '_'`" #'
my output:

Code: Select all

That way your usb hard drives don't show up as a possible selection to burn to. It needs to be `grep -i cd-*rom` because most drives show up as cdrom but as you can see, I have one that shows up as CD-ROM.

I only mention this because I see you used that same piece of code in a couple of your scripts.
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#34 Post by Nathan F »

The quotes around "$OLDTMPDIR" and "$OLDOUTDIR" should only be necessary with spaces in directory names, but since that's a very real possibility I went ahead and added it.

The extra parameter for the search of the drives seems like a good idea also. I was going to have a look at it myself, since on this laptop it was picking up the hard drive and any attached pendrives also. Now fixed. Thanks to plinej for both of those suggestions.

I also went ahead and added the trailing slash I was talking to MU about, seems to do no harm even though that means in my circumstance I get a double slash before the filename.

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#35 Post by plinej »


This line in the grafburn script:

<action>rox /usr/local/apps/Grafburn/help.txt</action>

Does rox actually display the text file? I don't know because I actually stripped out rox and just have a script that passes rox commands to emelfm2 since so many puppy scripts utilize rox. Instead of using rox as the command would it be okay to use defaulttexteditor? Or does Rox display the text nicer? No big deal, I can just edit my rox script to take that command into account. Just curious if it was a mistake or not.
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#36 Post by Nathan F »

I just uploaded version 0.4, with all of the above changes. This is probably the most dramatic revision to date. IMPORTANT -you should delete your rc file (~/.config/grafburnrc) if you are upgrading from a previous version.

  • New preferences dialog, more verbose
    Added speed setting to preferences, but the setting is not used yet
    New main window
    Included help
    About button
    Fixed the bug with trailing slashes in Muppy
    Improved drive recognition
    Directory paths with spaces should now work
    Removed some old code, commented the current code a bit better in places
The main window will now have a button for audio cd creation, but that function is not yet implemented. I just wanted to get the main part of the gui knocked into place and see how it would look. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer with this since it's new ground for me. The wish list right now is to be able to encode to and from wav, mp3, ogg, flac, and cdda. Support for m4a might not be a bad idea either. I have no objections to calling external functions as long as they are already in Puppy. I'd like to get at least a small portion of this implemented before I release any more tarballs.

For the next version I may eliminate the call to burniso2cd, and just add a file selector to the burn_iso script if it is called without an argument. I may also move the choice of burner to the preferences dialog to get rid of that dialog box. I'm also thinking, on first launch the program should check if there is an rc file and if not then it should launch the preferences dialog. I also need to implement the idea of a dialog showing the commands that are about to be executed, and a way to edit them if a person wants to.

We're getting down to some heavier work on this now, so it might be a couple days before I put another tarball up. I think I'll put up a dotpup along with it next time also, for those who prefer that.

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#37 Post by Nathan F »

Does rox actually display the text file?
No, it just uses rox as a handler. It will display the file using whatever application rox is set up to open when you click on a plain text file. I suppose I could change it, but I'm not used to people actually removing rox since it's so ingrained into Puppy.

This is off on a tangent, but since you brought up alternative file managers have you tried pcmanfm? It's pretty cool -small, pretty, and efficient. But it needs a few things Puppy doesn't have by default.

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#38 Post by Nathan F »

One other thing, by calling rox the gui is left free while the help file is displayed, because rox exits after opening the file. I can of course get it to do that in another way, but that was one of my reasons.

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#39 Post by plinej »

That's fine Nathan, I was just curious. I haven't tried out that filemanager you mentioned, I'll take a look at it. I'm happy with emelfm2 though. You could just do this:

<action>defaulttexteditor /usr/local/apps/Grafburn/help.txt &</action>

That way the app will still be free. This is looking really nice and I'll probably borrow some of your code for future changes on some of my apps. Looking forward to the audio cd portion.
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#40 Post by Nathan F »

Yeah, I'll go ahead and make that change. I was thinking of that method anyway.

Interestingly enough, I was thinking of using some of your code too, or at least having a close look at it. You've done great work on pbcdripper in particular, and I need to learn how to use the command line audio tools now.

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