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Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 16:01
by HairyWill
just booted back into 2.14 the fstab stuff looks like a red herring as my 2.14 has an entry for the floppy as well.

Resize Storage File Utility Not Working in 2.16 Beta

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 16:46
by mlamelas
Hi everyone,

I am trying out the beta of 2.16. I am starting from scratch and create a new pup_save on initial shutdown.

I am now trying to increase the size of the pup_save. I run the utility, select the size, get the message, and click ok and shutdown. The text file for the size increase is there. When I reboot, the size of the pup_save is not increased. The memory remains the same and when I look at the size of the file on the drive it is as before.

Not sure why it is not resizing. It is a normal, not encrypted, pup_save.

I do have the devx_216.sfs file on the c: drive along with the other files. Not sure if it makes a difference, but noting it just in case.

Best regards,


Resize Update

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 16:51
by mlamelas
As additional info, I looked at the text file that flags the increase and it is empty. I also saw the message about increasing the size, and the size is blank. It says "increasing by K".

Apparently the size of the increase is not being written to the txt file.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 18:07
by PhilCoo
Hi Barry, not running a laptop, yes the tray was closed when pressing ENTER, also tried a few presses but no sign of any activivty,


Boot-up xorg issues

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 19:24
by rerwin
Needless to say, I love Puppy and want it to be very user friendly, to make a good initial impression. I want to report, here, my experience booting up 2.16beta from CD and configuring Xorg; it exhibits similar behavior during an initial frugal-install bootup.

My situation is that I must reduce the refresh rate for my monitor before it can become usable.
1. On the "geometry" dialog, I select "test", which results in my 14" monitor flashing its lights to indicate an invalid setup.
2. I ctrl-alt-bksp to recover, wait a few seconds, then see the monitor lights flash again, implying the setup is still not right!
3. I, again, ctrl-alt-bksp to recover, see it return to the dialog, and select the buttons to get to "Change refresh rate," which I set to 60fps, and select "finished" and "done".
4. Xorg then shows its "dotted" screen pattern and its "X" in the center -- and just hangs there!
5. I ctrl-alt-bksp to get back to the dialog, then select "finished" and "done" again. This time Puppy completes booting into its desktop.

I am testing on my old Aptiva, 160MB 400MHz, 14" monitor-60Hz, 1024x768.


Installer boot-directory setup issue

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 19:41
by rerwin
The universal installer seems to interact well for a frugal/coexist install, but gives inconsisent results Installing to an empty partition, I see the following behavior:

1. Whether it also installs grub or not, it prompts for confirmation of a new grub menu entry that is appropriate for a frugal install, that obtains initrd.gz & vmlinuz from /boot/puppy216.
2. When I OK that addition to the menu, it then prompts for confirmation of another entry, appropriate for a full install! OKing that also adds it to the menu.

Perhaps the installer could remember the type of installation and show only the appropriate entry.

The anomaly I see is that initrd.gz is missing from /boot/puppy216, and that the installer creates a second puppy216 directory under /boot/grub! That would appear to be superflous.

Thanks, Dougal, for all your work on the installer and initialization.

EDIT: I also note that initrd.gz and vmlinuz are in /mnt/home (that is, /); that makes 2 instances of initrd and 3 of vmlinuz. Was that the intent?

EDIT: After examining the rc version of the installler, I see that I should mention that grub is not already installed -- the logic for that case copies initrd.gz & vmlinuz to the top directory. The partition type is ext2, but even so, initrd.gz does not appear in the/boot/puppy.. directory. Also in the rc version, the grub lines for the frugal install are actually the full-install lines--the "frugal" test seems not to work.


Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 19:54
by Dougal
HairyWill wrote: lsmod | grep floppy gives nothing but it looks like there is still an entry in fstab for the floppy

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# cat /etc/fstab 
none          /proc        proc     defaults               0 0
none          /sys         sysfs    defaults               0 0
none          /dev/pts     devpts   gid=2,mode=620         0 0
/dev/fd0      /mnt/floppy  auto     noauto,rw              0 0

The main problem here is that Puppy comes with a fstab entry for fd0 -- even if you don't have one...

I would say it's better to have fstab empty if we don't use it properly, to avoid confusion (the "none" entries can be replaced with full lines mounting those fs's in rc.sysinit).

Ram Flush

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 21:23
by Rome55
For some reason, when booting off the CD, but saving to 2G USB key, the ram flush occurs every 5 min. This is an old PC PII 266, and only 226 RAM, with no hard drive, so I am sort of pushing the limits here.

Posted: Thu 10 May 2007, 21:33
by John Doe
For the "home icon".

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 02:09
by BarryK
HairyWill wrote:just booted back into 2.14 the fstab stuff looks like a red herring as my 2.14 has an entry for the floppy as well.
Perhaps not. Could you try removing the fd0 line from fstab then run Gparted?

Note, on my laptop I don't get this delay problem.

Re: Ram Flush

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 02:25
by BarryK
Rome55 wrote:For some reason, when booting off the CD, but saving to 2G USB key, the ram flush occurs every 5 min. This is an old PC PII 266, and only 226 RAM, with no hard drive, so I am sort of pushing the limits here.
That bug was in earlier Puppies, it just wasn't apparent before.
I'll check it out, but for now you can fix it by commenting-out line 29 in /usr/sbin/savepuppyd then reboot.

Localisation bug, cannot download new locals

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 07:37
by veronicathecow
When trying to set to Uk I run Chooselocal and try to Fetch the new list. It appears to download the file 3.7mb file but then comes up with a box that says "Error aborting"
I'm running 2.16 alpha (cannot run beta at moment due to ongoing installer problems.)

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 08:48
by HairyWill
BarryK wrote:Could you try removing the fd0 line from fstab then run Gparted?

Note, on my laptop I don't get this delay problem.
Already tried that with no effect.
However, sucess, doing

Code: Select all

rm /dev/fd*
does the trick. I have no idea on the wisdom of deleting devices, though I suppose if they don't exist anyway the potential breakage must be limited. Doing this also stops MUT from showing an entry for my non-existent floppy. I don't understand why parted assumes the device exists just because there is an entry in /dev after all it doesn't have a problem with hdb, hdc, or hdd not really existing

Pmount is still broken. I've worked out why it shows an entry for the floppy, there is an entry from boot in /var/log/messages

Code: Select all

May 11 16:18:17 (none) kernel: Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
This is probably because the laptop can be connected to base unit with a floppy, I don't have one so I can't experiment. I'm not really concerned about the floppy showing in pmount, but the missing partitions mean that I must use MUT or the command line.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 09:58
by BarryK
John Doe wrote:For the "home icon".
Okay, I've sized it to 48x48 pixels, attached.
I've got it on my desktop now, but I'm not sure that it really fits in with the other icons. Sure, the previous one looked very sombre, but this one seems to stand out a bit oddly. I need other opinions.

Re: Localisation bug, cannot download new locals

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:00
by BarryK
veronicathecow wrote:When trying to set to Uk I run Chooselocal and try to Fetch the new list. It appears to download the file 3.7mb file but then comes up with a box that says "Error aborting"
I'm running 2.16 alpha (cannot run beta at moment due to ongoing installer problems.)
Someone else reported that the Fetch option worked but the Local option didn't.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:04
by Gn2
I don't understand why parted assumes the device exists
Parted doesn't > Puppy probes as used should return std err

fd is not what has beem presumed > (see proc self)
Process & Device
Even more apparent is results with Udev, Scsi devices, mass storage & virtual file systems

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:10
by BarryK
HairyWill wrote:Pmount doesn't see all my partitions but MUT does. This is a problem in earlier puppy releases, I've just never reported it before.
What about 'probepart', does it see all the partitions?

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:27
by Lobster
one seems to stand out a bit oddly
Seems out of character (always good to try though)
- so does the chat icon but that is another story . . ..

Re: Resize Update

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:43
by BarryK
mlamelas wrote:As additional info, I looked at the text file that flags the increase and it is empty. I also saw the message about increasing the size, and the size is blank. It says "increasing by K".

Apparently the size of the increase is not being written to the txt file.
I just tested the script, and it works fine.
Can you open a terminal window and run it:
...then see if any error messages.

Posted: Fri 11 May 2007, 10:44
by HairyWill
BarryK wrote:
John Doe wrote:I've got it on my desktop now, but I'm not sure that it really fits in with the other icons. Sure, the previous one looked very sombre, but this one seems to stand out a bit oddly. I need other opinions.
I think the new one looks better. It does stand out slightly probably because of all the orange.

Since you are doing cosmetic stuff how about changing line 46 of /usr/bin/man to

Code: Select all

 exec dillo file://usr/share/doc/busybox.htm#item_${1}
that way it automatically jumps to the entry for the busybox command.

Also the online man pages are so lacking in formatting that they are unreadable for example man grep. I think that this is because Dillo isn't coping with the <pre> tag. It seems kind of wrong to me for <pre> to contain structural tags such as <h2> but then the page never claims to be html anyway As it stands as soon as I am confronted by this I just google another man page anyway. Might it be better to place these man pages into the zdrv file, at least they would then be accessible offline. I can see this is problematic if I want to listen to a CD at the same time. Maybe the best behaviour is to see if zdrv can be mounted and if not then try load a page explaining that the zdrv version couldn't be loaded and offering a link to an online page.

Reading that last paragraph again it seems overly complex and prone to breakage, food for thought though.

BTW I've just tried an upgrade from 2.14 and everything seems good except for the problems I've noted earlier