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Thanks once again

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 18:18
by FuturePerfect

Great! I think it's absolutely correct that you put in all the printers in your .pet. Now more people can benefit from all your work.

Busy day today. I'll try it for my LaserJet 1020 this weekend and let you know the results.

Thanks again for all your help and encouragement.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2007, 19:45
by hushpuppy
Glad to be of help, this is what a Linux community is all about in my opinion, helping others.

Ill not be able to respond much, if at all, over the weekend, i'm self employed and will work about 30 hours each and every weekend.

driver seems to install but printer won't print

Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2007, 15:03
by FuturePerfect

Wow, quite a work schedule you have No problem for any delay in your reply to me on my HP 1020 configuration and thanks again.

I did the install and bottom line is:
1) driver seems to install (per foo2zjs web site screenshot)
2) printer won't print test page (but message says it was sent)

* Maybe the firmware is not automatically loaded by Puppy USB? How do I load that manually?

I have fully documented every step I did (some were somewhat different than yours, I believe because of CUPS in Puppy), and can discuss in detail, but think I did everything right.

I tested my USB HP 1020 connected both to my powered USB 1 hub and directly to my USB 1 port in the same old Dell laptop. I tried unplugging and turning off the printer with both as per your instructions, but none of this resulted in any printing.

Although old rumors said Linux foo2zjs didn't work well with a USB 1 port, using Windows 98 (on the same USB 1 Dell laptop above where I run Puppy from a CD), the 1020 printed fine.

When you really have some free time, let me know what you suggest I do next. Thanks once more.

Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2007, 19:07
by hushpuppy
Have you installed the printer to the correct printer port ?.

When you install it in CUPS, at the second page you have to choose the device from a drop down list, your USB ports should be listed, and next to one of them should be the name of your printer.

For example next to "USB Printer #1" you should see a detected printer, you should see something even without a driver loaded.

If you cannot see anything, then i'd guess that your system is not recognising anything connected to that port.

We might have to do a bit more digging to discover why.

One possibility that springs immediatley to mind is you might have an incompatible USB module loaded, sometimes one wont work but another will.

Can you report back what is seen in the drop down list ?.

Try a reboot with your printer connected and then see what happens.

It works! Thank you!

Posted: Mon 30 Jul 2007, 04:12
by FuturePerfect
The foo2zjs driver works on a USB HP LaserJet 1020 on Puppy 2.17! It works on USB 1, either via a direct connect to my PC or via a powered USB 1 hub. And the firware required is automatically loaded.

I could have sworn I did this correctly yesterday, but I did a Modify Printer and found in the Device: drop-down list the following option:
USB Printer #1 (HP LaserJet 1020)

I then selected the driver as per screenshot on the foo2zjs web site:
HP LaserJet 1020 Foomatic/foo2zjs (recommended) (en)

Ah yes, I then selected the 1020 as my default printer (did I forget before?)

Everything works great! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Posted: Mon 30 Jul 2007, 08:50
by hushpuppy
Thats brilliant, great to see ive been some help.

As you fully documented your installation procedure do you think you could send that document as an attatchment, and ill post it on my website as a Readme for the 1020, it might help others to install their printers.

I've one final thought, with my printer i actually configured it twice, once for mono output, and once for colour (or color if your'e in the US).

Good luck printing.

Posted: Mon 30 Jul 2007, 15:12
by FuturePerfect
Will do. Give me a couple of days.

Instructions for LaserJet 1020 install on Puppy 2.17

Posted: Fri 03 Aug 2007, 23:00
by FuturePerfect

Sorry this information is so late, but there was a reason (see * below)

I know you are very busy on the weekends, so take your time in responding.

I've e-mailed you 2 type of installation instructions for installing HP LaserJet 1020 (should work for other similar printers in the you compiled and generated) for Puppy 2.11: Textual (only) and Graphical (with Textual included). Each type of instructions is in 3 formats.

The idea is that shorter Textual (only) instructions are provided for experienced users but Graphical (with Textual included) instructions are provided for inexperienced users.

I've found that most all users prefer graphical instructions, but that the larger files can cause download time frustration.



Please post at least the .pdf versions on your web site.

I recommend that people use the .pdf files because: though a .pdf file of the Graphical document is biggest, in Puppy 2.17's included ePDFView pdf reader and with my old 233 MHZ Pentium II, the .pdf file reads in MUCH quicker (10 secs) AND starts to print out MUCH quicker (starts in 30 secs)--MANY times quicker--than using the other attached files Abiword reads.

Though I had speed issues with Abiword on my old machine, I've included .abw (MUCH faster than .doc w Abiword) and .doc (FAST in Textmaker; should work in OpenOffice) versions here if people want files to read *&* write via Puppy 2.17 applications. (Note: .doc uses Arial 11; .abw uses DajaVu Sans 10, close to Arial 11 look/size when side margins changed from 1 to .8 in.).

NOTE: I am just a documenter here--I have NO expertise in CUPS and its drivers. Any technical problems need other Puppyians.

*Sorry for the instructions delay, but there was a reason:

*IMPORTANT*----I had failures with a 1020 printer dedicated to Puppy not printing when my new printer installation instructions were followed in several test runs with different virgin pup_save.3fs file copies. These failures occurred for seemingly random reasons. After MUCH LENGTHY testing I believe I have determined that, for some reason, the firmware needed for printing is not automatically loaded from Puppy as expected.

----------------------Finally found temporary WORKAROUND (IF AVAILABLE) albeit revolting to Linux purists--*YOU GOT A PERMANENT FIX?*
a-plug 1020 into a Windows machine it's installed on and print
(presumably, this properly loads the firmware needed to print)
b-NOT powering off the 1020, plug it into USB port on Puppy PC
c-then it should print fine (unless powered off--firmware lost
--in which case, repeat steps a- through c- again)

-----------------------Because I switch between separate Windows and Puppy PCs (and was sometimes turning on and off the 1020 when switching it between them), it was VERY hard to see that preloading firmware from Windows was what let Puppy print.

-----------------------Please let me know how to fix this. Could you maybe confirm/fix by just sending me a script to click on so I can load the firmware from Puppy to the 1020 before I print?

-----------------------*You previously mentioned I might have an "incompatible USB module loaded"--what does that mean? I am not using any other USB device on Puppy and upgraded to 2.17.

NOTE: I found if the CUPS Printer Wizard was not run, Puppy did not see the foo2zjs drivers expanded from the (i.e. using just http://localhost:631 without running the Wizard first, resulted in foo2zjs drivers not being seen). So I run the CUPS Printer Wizard here to make the drivers can be seen.

***Please let me know if you see any errors and I'll try to fix

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2007, 21:22
by fzsolt
hushpuppy wrote:If you want to try out this .pet you can download it from
I have a LaserJet 1020 too. I wanted to try the .pet, but the link provided does not seem to work. Can anyone give me a new link? Thanks.

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2007, 15:51
by fzsolt
hushpuppy wrote:If you want to try out this .pet you can download it from
The link is OK now, .pet downloaded, I will try it soon.

HP LaserJet 1020

Posted: Tue 28 Aug 2007, 00:41
by phi_t_thuy
Firmware is not automatically loaded.

Please let me know how to fix this.
Could you maybe confirm/fix by just sending me a script to click on so I can load the firmware from Puppy to the 1020 before I print?

I also use a HP 1020 USB Port, it does not print when I click on 'Print test page'.

I tried with Ubuntu 7.04, it can print correctly with firmware loaded automatically.
How to do this on Puppy PC?


August 31, 2007

My God, it works!!!

I missed reading carefully previous instruction.

In summary:

1. I downloaded from
2. And downloaded foo2zjs.tar.gz
3. I complied it with : make && make install -hotplug
4. Ran CUPS
5. Then selected Printer - Set it default - Printed a test page.

It printed promptly.

make install and make install-hotplug

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2007, 00:10
by koker
Hello, Futureperfect, husspuppy, and phi_t_thuy

I,ve been reading these dialogs about installing the HP 1020, and try to do ir on a 2.17 and 3.01 and I,ve had some problems:

a) when I,ve install only the pet make for husspuppies I haven't got any thing.

b) when I've install later the a) the foo2zfjs.tar.gz I,ve not got 'make install' because it's not found the 'lp user'

c) when I've 'make install-hotplug' it's said about it's not installed vi or vim

d) I,ve not found the /etc/rc.d/rc.cups for doing /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart

If I put it together one day I get other hp 1000 (usb aswell) works downloading the pet in puppy 300 old kernel and upgrading to 301 new kernel, I've no idea how can begin again to do it.

I've some questions:

Must I install only the or later compile (over it) the foo2zjs.tar.gz as phi_t_thuy says he did.?

If it doesn't work, how can I modify the code for not to be asked for about the lp user and the vi or vim editor.?

Must work the with other puppies different to 2.17?

I know this looks more like an exam than a question but I really don't know where I fail.

Thanks in advance. koker

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 19:16
by Turpin
I have a Laserjet 1018. I had it working somehow in one of my past Puppy attempts that have since been wiped out. Can't remember how I did it. I wish the download link in this thread still worked.
I reread the purple instruction window in Puppy, and it instructed me to find a ppd file for my printer and copy it to the /usr/share/cups/model folder, I went back through the printer install process, it showed up as one of the options in the wizard this time, chose that, but it still just sits there when I try to print a test page.

Is this pet still available? The download link doesn't work. DOes anyone still have it? Can I get it from you? PM me maybe?
Whoah, okay, the link just showed up. That's weird, but no complaints. I wonder how some links can do that. is the link.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 10:03
by ttuuxxx
Hi first read this
It shows you how to configure the driver :)
The driver you want is included, Just extract it to the right folder and follow the install instructions on the website I just posted.

the driver can be downloaded here

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 18:40
by Wolf Pup

Can't compile driver for LaserJet 1018 driver / firmware

Posted: Wed 15 Oct 2008, 17:25
by Antonio GR
Dear Sirs:

Sorry, but I have almost the same question that the first message of this treat.

I have a HP LaserJet 1018 in a windows machine into a shared network.

I have NO problems if I printing from UBUNTU, but in Puppy seems to be a litte more dificult.

The problem I have (until now) is triyng to compile the driver from the foo2zjs file.

Acording their page ( I follow the steeps into the 'rxvt terminal'.

The commands that I did sucesfully (I hope):
wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz
tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz
(unpack the file)

The problem comes with I try to 'compile' the file writting in the terminal: 'make'.

The terminal returns this error message:
'bash: make: command not found'

I hope if I have this error, I will be unable to continue.

I read that HPIJS may be do the work of compilling this driver (as the 1020) but, following the link tread I'm unable to know how install of the next step(s) to configure / install / install the firmware / etc, etc. needed.

Sorry for double ask for this, I'm sure that this a wrong procedure from my side.


Re: Can't compile driver for LaserJet 1018 driver / firmware

Posted: Thu 16 Oct 2008, 11:18
by ttuuxxx
Antonio GR wrote:Dear Sirs:

Sorry, but I have almost the same question that the first message of this treat.

I have a HP LaserJet 1018 in a windows machine into a shared network.

I have NO problems if I printing from UBUNTU, but in Puppy seems to be a litte more dificult.

The problem I have (until now) is triyng to compile the driver from the foo2zjs file.

Acording their page ( I follow the steeps into the 'rxvt terminal'.

The commands that I did sucesfully (I hope):
wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz
tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz
(unpack the file)

The problem comes with I try to 'compile' the file writting in the terminal: 'make'.

The terminal returns this error message:
'bash: make: command not found'

I hope if I have this error, I will be unable to continue.

I read that HPIJS may be do the work of compilling this driver (as the 1020) but, following the link tread I'm unable to know how install of the next step(s) to configure / install / install the firmware / etc, etc. needed.

Sorry for double ask for this, I'm sure that this a wrong procedure from my side.

Hi I compiled it for you.
Most files will be located in
Hope this helps
Oh ya you don't have a compiler installed by default, you need to download and install a compile matching what version of puppy your using
I'm using 4.0 at the moment so the compiler I have installed is devx_400.sfs

HP LaserJet 1018 working!

Posted: Thu 16 Oct 2008, 12:10
by Antonio GR
Dear ttuuxxx:

Thanks a lot for your help and your time!

Now, my printer (LaserJet 1018) located in a shared xp windows network are working (I'm able to print from other PC with puppy 4.01).

I try to tell the procedure I did (If some are wrong, sorry, because there are a few steps that I hope don't must work, but...):

1.- First read the threat 'How to Access a Windows Shared Printer from Puppy 4'

2.- Try to install the foo2zjs linux printer driver for this printer:

3.- As I said in the previous message, if I write the steps to install this driver into the Rxvt terminal i get errror if I try to wrihte 'make', so I try to go to the directory where this driver is donwloaded and unpacket and (into ROX file manager => windows => shell terminal) I write the others commands:
$ make

Get extra files from the web, such as .ICM profiles for color correction,
and firmware. Select the model number for your printer:
$ ./getweb 2430 # Get Minolta 2430 DL .ICM files
$ ./getweb 2300 # Get Minolta 2300 DL .ICM files
$ ./getweb 2200 # Get Minolta 2200 DL .ICM files
$ ./getweb cpwl # Get Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L .ICM files

$ ./getweb 1020 # Get HP LaserJet 1020 firmware file
$ ./getweb 1018 # Get HP LaserJet 1018 firmware file
$ ./getweb 1005 # Get HP LaserJet 1005 firmware file
$ ./getweb 1000 # Get HP LaserJet 1000 firmware file

Install driver, foomatic XML files, and extra files:
$ su OR $ sudo make install
# make install

(Optional) Configure hotplug (USB; HP LJ 1000/1005/1018/1020):
# make install-hotplug OR $ sudo make install-hotplug

After that I'm able to add the printer into CUP'S printer wizard (selecting 'printing via Samba', founding the right driver for my printer 'a mistery' for me, but...

I did a print a text page (from CUPS) and some print text documents
from Abiword sucessfully.

If this 'chaotic' and 'non logical' procedure work for others, perfect!

So, until now I don't need your pep BUT I you think that it should be a good idea check this pep, please tell me how do it WITHOUT destroying my 'miracle-printer-configuration'.

Another question. If you suppy a pep, this is not a kind of .exe (windows therminology)?!?

A pet MUST be 'executed' from a compiller?

Again a million of thanks for your help!

Re: HP LaserJet 1018 working!

Posted: Thu 16 Oct 2008, 12:16
by ttuuxxx
double post :shock:

Re: HP LaserJet 1018 working!

Posted: Thu 16 Oct 2008, 12:18
by ttuuxxx
Antonio GR wrote:Dear ttuuxxx:

Thanks a lot for your help and your time!

A pet MUST be 'executed' from a compiller?

Again a million of thanks for your help!
No "Pet" files are official puppy packages that are already compiled, Kind of like a .exe on windows. you just click on them and it starts puppy package manager. Which guides you along the way. Its very simple :)
Also once installed you can always uninstall it by opening the package manager up and clicking on the file you want to uninstall.
Very simple just like windows.