Puppy's gparted NTFS tools version not for Vista

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#21 Post by WayneS »

nsatted both pets as suggested by MU.
They appear to work well on puppy 3.01
Vista is now happy with gparted and the volume mounts and umounts clean.
Took me a while to untangle my puppy but it has survived.

The HowTo is pretty simple now.
Just install the two pets if you want to work with NTFS on Puppy 3.01.
Bruce B

#22 Post by Bruce B »


Just wanted to let you know I'm keeping up on this thread. Just wanted more data


Partition Magic?
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#23 Post by Flash »

Bruce B wrote:@Flash

Partition Magic?
What can I say? :oops: I bought a copy of Partition Magic 8 before I discovered Puppy. It never gave me any trouble until I tried to install Windows 2000 in a hd that I partitioned with NTFS for Vista, so I kept using it.

Live and learn. :)
Bruce B

#24 Post by Bruce B »


I wanted to make sure you meant Partition Magic and it wasn't another utility you meant to say.

My impression is that Symantec bought PowerQuest in order to make some money and let Partition Magic die its own death. Meaning they bought it at version 8 and that's were it is today. (Well maybe 8.05 but you get the drift.) As in no plans to keep it updated and current.

At the time of the take over NTFS existed but Vista didn't.

I supposed I'd use it to delete the NTFS and make it go away forever and ever.


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#25 Post by WayneS »

So I have finished stripping Vista off of my Laptop.
Now Running XP and Puppy . XP in 50 G Partition and Puppy in 100 G.
( Started with Puppy in 1.5 G and Vista in 150 G a few weeks back )
Before I wipped out Vista I resized and Moved the Partitons on my laptop a couple of times using Gparted. ( Vista refused to shrink its own partition to less than 100 G )
The NTFS file system was fine but Vista refused to Boot. Wasted an afternnoon trying to coax it into booting and then reformated and installed XP. I suspect the Vista bootmrg file got moved off the boot sector or something like that.None of the Vista recovery tools could fix it.
I used puppy to move NTFS files back and forth between my USB drive and my laptop. Everything works great now and Puppy has lots of room to grow.
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