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Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 06:01
by Skipper
Thank you, guys! I love you! Links in graphic mode is runing smoothly on this old Pentium I. It is faster than any other browser. Gmail is working, just a little ugly, but... What the...!, it's a Pentium I at 166MHz, man! Incredible, love it.

P.S.: I'm not being able of writing this type of characters: áéíóúü. A shame. ¿Compiling issue? They are indispensable in formal/laboral environment, in the spanish world.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 11:13
Skipper wrote: P.S.: I'm not being able of writing this type of characters: áéíóúü. A shame. ¿Compiling issue? They are indispensable in formal/laboral environment, in the spanish world.
Links uses console fonts and console keyboard map when it runs in text or framebuffer console. You must configure (and probably install) console font and keymap. Look in "/usr/share/kbd" directory, there are console fonts and keymaps
which are currently installed on your system.
When Links runs as X application (both in text or grapic mode), it uses X-console
fonts. This font must be installed (for example in /usr/X11/lib/X11//fonts/misc) and
configured by adding a string in /root/.Xdefaults file.
Also is recommended to install correct locale (see /usr/lib/locale) and X-locale (see /usr/X11/lib/X11/locale) for Your system.

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2010, 12:07
by Flash
Skipper wrote:...P.S.: I'm not being able of writing this type of characters: áéíóúü. A shame. ¿Compiling issue? They are indispensable in formal/laboral environment, in the Spanish world.
Skipper, you'll get more help if you start a new thread about your keyboard problem. :)

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010, 02:17
by Skipper
Oh, I'm realy sorry. I just wont to say that links works "almost" perfect and fast. My goal is to provide a useful Pentium I for a family bussiness, and I need that my father can understand and use it quickly and intuitively. Links graphic doesn't fit these conditions, because the buttons, the text box, copy and paste, backgrounds, etc., someones don't even exist as them. Dillo would be a better option, but many important sites doesn't work. I though I will work more on Dillo, or still looking for a light and fast browser! Thanks for the advices and for all you teach to us, this community is awsome. Greetings!