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Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 18:18
by Guest
^^ thank you

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 18:47
by Alucard_the_dex
I got it up and running but now firefox wont install macro

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:22
by MU
Please some more information..

Which do you use?
Fvwm or Icewm?

Did it happen with JWM too?
What for a macro?

Does it happen too, if you switch back to JWM?

Also look, if you still have free space, type "df -m" in rxvt.


Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:25
by Alucard_the_dex
MU wrote:Please some more information..

Which do you use?
Fvwm or Icewm?

Did it happen with JWM too?
What for a macro?

Does it happen too, if you switch back to JWM?

Also look, if you still have free space, type "df -m" in rxvt.

I got icewm goin and macro flash player and i need to update firefox idk how tho annnnddd ok ill try

Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 70 67 3 96% /
tmpfs 70 67 3 96% /
/dev/hda1 4016 2628 1388 65% /mnt/home
/dev/loop1 248 25 210 11% /root
/dev/loop0 45 45 0 100% /.usr_cram
none 293 70 210 25% /usr

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:34
by MU
ok, you have 210 MB free, thats sufficient for any update.

I do not use Firefox, so I can't tell you more.

Lets see what the firefoxusers say.

Anyway, give a detailed description, what you want to do, and what you tried.

http:// -Adress of the update, how did you try to install it.


Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:36
by Alucard_the_dex
nah nvm its ok Im figuring things out at the moment

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:42
by Alucard_the_dex
anywho im switching back to Win2k for the day ive had my share of puppeh for now lol

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 19:56
by jcagle
Well I hope you get back to checking out Puppy a little more, or just Linux in general. Linux is a great operating system once you really get to know it.

Linux takes some time for some people to get used to. As someone already said, you have to unlearn some things that you learned in Windows. But I think you'll find it to be really good.

I've only been on this board for one week, and I have already found the people here are really helpful, so if you've got internet (which apparently you do) you've got access to help to get you around the OS. There are also Linux user groups you can join, as well as many How-to's on the internet.

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2005, 20:26
by Alucard_the_dex
CHubby puppy wont work :cry: I got 192 MB of ram too Why wont it work>? it says failed loading into Usr cram or somthin

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 03:30
by jcagle
Hope someone can help ya there...I've had no experience with Cubby Puppy

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 04:04
by Alucard_the_dex
Hey how do i prevent having to config my ethernet port every boot>?

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 20:59
by Pizzasgood
Well, I don't know how to configure an ethernet port period, but if you know how to do it from the command line, you can add it to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, which is a script that runs after startup. For example, I have mine set up to mount my filesystems and set up my wireless network.

Posted: Thu 06 Oct 2005, 23:04
by Alucard_the_dex
would anoyne mind telling me if this is good mem offa clean fresh pup001 file

# df -m
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 70 56 14 80% /
tmpfs 70 56 14 80% /
/dev/hda1 4016 3014 1002 75% /mnt/home
/dev/loop1 248 3 232 1% /root
/dev/loop0 45 45 0 100% /.usr_cram
none 293 49 232 17% /usr

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 00:01
by Alucard_the_dex
i wanna make a blank hard drive for puppy on my other computer now but idk which format i shouldmake it nor how

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 01:25
by rarsa
/dev/loop1 248 3 232 1% /root
this particular line shows the space in your pup001 file.

you have 248 MB in total from which you have used 3 MB and have 232 MB still available. which means that you are using 1% of the space

I don't know why used + available does not match the Total, I guess that the difference is for the file directory. I haven't been curious enough to investigate.

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 01:28
by Alucard_the_dex

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 01:37
by rarsa
i wanna make a blank hard drive for puppy on my other computer now but idk which format i shouldmake it nor how
It all depends how you want to install Puppy.

If you have enough RAM and prefer to run Puppy in RAM, you can do an type 1 installation. Then you can format the HDD as FAT32 or as ext2 before installing puppy.

If you prefer to do a standard HDD installation (Type 2) where you have the directory structure in your HDD, then you just need to create the partition. (I'd recommend to create a swap partition too), The install script will format the partition and install to it.

To create the partitions you can use cfdisk in an rxvt console.

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 01:42
by Alucard_the_dex
320mb of ram but id prefer running off the HD and I got a 6 gig hard drive that good enough>? (tho i cant figure out how to set the jumper off of slave)

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 01:42
by Alucard_the_dex
i also got like 3 other hard drives one of which is about a gig and change which i htink i know how to configure

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2005, 09:18
by Alucard_the_dex
now i got puppy on my other comp and everythignbut now im angry my sound isnt working right for soe reason i have to put the volume knob up all the way which normaly would well ya i got shweet speakers but the knobs upall the way and i can stil lbarely hear why ish this? hardware problem>? or is there like a manual Volume on puppy that i got to put uplike windows IDK im lost