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Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 20:26
by Béèm
It's a pleasure to test and make comments whether it's good or bad.
Therefor I made that post, which I edited several times.

One thing is bothering me seriously (and I didn't find it in the help manual nor on the web site of Thunar) and that's how to make easily a symlink.
Very easy and user friendly in Konqueror, pretty easy in ROX, but I don't see how to do it in Thunar.

I really don't won't to go in CLI to do it.

So if you could look into this, I'll appreciate.

Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 20:49
by trapster
Beem wrote:
One thing is bothering me seriously (and I didn't find it in the help manual nor on the web site of Thunar) and that's how to make easily a symlink.
With the file/folder hi-lited (sp?), click on the 'edit' menu and then choose 'link'. This will create a link in the same directory which you can then copy and paste to where you want it.

If there is an easier way, I don't know it. It's too bad there is not a right-click for that option.

Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 20:57
by Béèm
Great Trapster, simple if you know. I am glad.
I am too much spoiled by the right-click approach, so it didn't come into mind to try the menu. :oops:

Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 21:39
by JB4x4
This will add a "Create Symlink" to the right-click

How to create a custom action:

-Go to Edit - Configure Custom Action
-Click the "+" for a new action
-Give it a name, Create Symlink
-Select an icon, if wanted
-For the Command, enter "ln -s %n link-to-%n"
-Go to Appearance Conditions, File Pattern should be "*" and checkmark Directories and Other Files

I found this and other tips at: ... om_actions

The link name can be changed in the text "link-to-%n"


Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 22:30
by Béèm
Great, works well also.
Even a link to a link can be created.
And if needed the link can be renamed afterwards.

Via the link you referenced, I saw where to find other plugins.

I also browsed through the doc to look for tabbed support.
I didn't find anything.
Not available?
However very handy as it avoids to open a second instance of the file manager and thus cluttering the desktop. (that's a thing I dislike in ROX also)

Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2008, 22:42
by Turpin
I've flip-flopped so many times in the last few days that even fellow Puppy addicts must think I'm insane. But I'm back to XFCE for final and good now. It is just much more intuitive and I find myself speeding through things in XFCE that I typically have to hault and think about for 5 minutes to figure out how to do them in Icewm. And I had said a few days ago that I thought JWM/ICEWM was faster. Now I'm not sure. Anyway, the speed factor isn't an issue since they're comparable.

I'm a little unclear about a few things with XFCE in Puppy. As I think of questions, I'll put them in here, but my main uncertainty is: After I put in XFCE and confirm it's working, I can get rid of Icewm and JWM using Petbegone and some file-sniping, can't I? If I understand correctly, they've been completely removed from Nearly Office Puppy. If I weren't wanting to be so "cutting-edge-latest-build-not-even-out-of-beta-yet" right now, I'd just use Nearly Office, based on 3.01 , because, well, it's beautiful, intuitive, fast, and compact. I can't help but wonder if I'd be better off just doing that, because I'm not sure what kind of hurdles I have yet to overcome with streamlining XFCE myself, and I'm running out of time to put together a build that I can install on acquaintences' computers.

My objectives: I want this to be the intial bridge between Winows and Linux for me and a number of family and friends. I want to get Wine working and tweaked so that it can run Windows apps to its fullest capabilities. In other words, I don't want to cringe when someone tells me they need to install Microsoft Office. Ok, cringing would be acceptible, but I'd rather avoid involuntary regurgitation. I want the best of all worlds that are important to me. I want ONE image editor, ONE web browser, ONE email client, ONE music composition app, you seeing a pattern here? So, Firefox, GIMP, probably Audacity, Openoffice suite, Thunderbird, and I hope to eventually figure out something that wil make my multiple sound cards work right for sound cross-recording between them (Windows has it, Linux must kick Windows' ars, therefore, Linux must have it). And, maybe eventually, something that will work with my ancient year 2000 Hauppauge TV card that I'll probably be needing to upgrade soon to a cheapo digital card anyway.

Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2008, 11:05
by nutts4life

sorry to jump in here,

I've seen all kinds of scripts explaining how to shutdown the pc with xfce.
As we all know the shutodown command in XFCE xfce-logout, just logs back to the prompt.

when i try and run 'poweroff' from the command line the screen freezes so that aint an option.

Is there a script to totally shutdown the pc, when shutdown is pressed?



Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2008, 12:17
by aragon
Hi Olly,

if you mean that you type 'poweroff' in an console while the windowmanager is running, than the correct command should be 'wmpoweroff'.

i hope that will help.


Posted: Mon 30 Jun 2008, 17:09
by alcy
It works and looks super cool, thanks JB4x4.
But there's a slight problem.
Basically had go into the Settings -->Desktop and change the backdrop rather than Desktop-->Wallpaper Setter.

Posted: Tue 29 Jul 2008, 14:00
by nutts4life
Hi there,

Was this version of XFCE built with composite enabled?

Has anybody tried this XFCE with Composite enabled for transparency?



Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2008, 04:15
by JB4x4
Composite is NOT enabled. I messed around with it for a bit tonight and it does not appear that Puppy has xcomposite by default.


Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2008, 08:53
by nutts4life
Looks like you can download the source here: ... 0-0ubuntu1

I think the only dependencies are xorg 6.8 or greater.

Would be great if we could get it going!!!!!!



Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2008, 08:57
by nutts4life
Or just download it!

Tuuxx has them as a download:

about 2/3 of the way down the page.


Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2008, 11:04
by JB4x4

I got it working, thanks for directing me to the source of xcomposite.

There were actually two libraries needed xcomposite and xdamage. I have included pets for both and a pet for XFWM. It can be installed over top of the XFCE4 pet.

You should have a new setting under "Window Manager Tweaks"

NOTE: You will also probably need to add a few lines to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Code: Select all

Section "Extensions"
  Option "Composite" "Enable"
FILES: ... ... ...

I have also included a screenshot.

Posted: Wed 30 Jul 2008, 13:48
by nutts4life

This is genius stuff. People have been waiting ages for someone to do this and it took you no time at all. Thank you lots and lots.

BTW, this opens up alot of oportunities for XFCE now. Although wNOP uses Compiz- Beryl. Alot programs thought to be compiz specific can just run on xfce with xcomp.

These include:
cairo dock
and i imagine gdesklets as well.

I'll get back to you with my success with this lot.

Thanks again.


Posted: Thu 31 Jul 2008, 16:56
by jcoder24
Is there a cutdown version of this available anywhere?

Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2008, 04:22
by 106498
I noticed that in this package when you select a theme the gtk-theme isn't changed, like it is in NOP. I think you left out gtk-xfce-engine-2. Could someone make a package for this?
Other than that, thank you for a great package!

edit: I tried compiling it myself. Got the source from and then ran ./configure on it. Got the error

Code: Select all

checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
I don't know anything about compiling so this is the part where I give up in disgust :)

Posted: Fri 29 Aug 2008, 23:10
by dinky
Excellent. I'm rebuilding eeetiger and TigerPup from unleashed in Puppy 4... don't hold your breathe, it may take awhile. Anyway, awesome job with this xfce build... Just running the create puppy script now, and will let you know how I go. I'm really excited to be able to have an xfce that has compositing support... I'm hoping to use this in TigerPup for a default AWN bar, even for computer's that can't support Compiz-Fusion. Also considering using gdesklets by default. Awesome work.

Noticed the pet by tux for xfce is tiny... what's the difference between that and yours? All the best!

Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2008, 08:01
by nutts4life

Thanks again for providing those composition pets for XFCE.

I'm having one major problem though......

I'm trying to compile programs against XFCE composition and they are all failing as they are expecting to find libXcompositon in

Code: Select all

/usr/X11R7/lib NOT /usr/lib.
This is really cheeky, but it would be really really cool for anybody compiling aginst XFCE with composition:
Could you recompile libXcompositon and libXdamage with

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R7
Could you also leave the DEV files in the pet (pkgconfig etc... I think you did this last time anyway).

Obviously you will have to re-compile xfwm against the new libraries...... sorry.

Am i a pain? Probably... but i promise it's worth it. I think we are going to struggle to get AWN or cairo-dock going without this configuration.



Posted: Sat 06 Sep 2008, 10:08
by JB4x4

No problem (I hope :) ) - I am in Puppy 3.02 now, but when I get back into 4.0 later I will take a look at it.