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Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 15:03
by HairyWill
BarryK wrote:Yeah, I copied that, it's in the JWM config utility in 4.00 and 4.1 -- however I don't think I copied it very well, as the colours don't look so good -- maybe someone could look into that. The package at ibiblio is 'jwmconfig2-20070929'.
I see two problems
1) colours
2) font

1) I think this is caused by gtk themes that do not have gtkrc entries that specify colours for

Code: Select all

2)The template inside gtk2jwm does not include font declarations for
the various style elements. The predefined jwm themes do include these elements. All the gtk themes that do include font declarations are for dejavu 12 so this could be hard coded.

In particular the Emacs theme is a problem because all it specifies are keybindings, Raleigh is a problem because it is empty.

I think the grep for colours may also be picking up colours in the theme that are commented out.

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 15:25
by ttuuxxx
WhoDo wrote:
zigbert wrote:It is only meant as a suggestion for Puppy 4.2. The chances are probably not that huge it will end up in the official Puppy, since WhoDo (Puppy manager) is also working with his desktop (EzPup). But I'll continue to do some tweaks until this is set.
Don't underestimate me, Sigmund. :P Just because I'm the project coordinator on this one doesn't mean I have a preference for my own work. I'm far less selfish than that, I hope. I happen to like the suggestion you've made very much, although I'm not such a fan of the red. If you were to go to a blue or green version it would have much more general appeal IMHO. Just a thought.
To tell you the truth, I agree with Both of you, I like the background and the desktop icons, I'm not that fond of the red menus and icons

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 17:08
by alcy
The new proposed(?) look is pretty cool, and better than the previous ones in terms of being more appealing to people new to Puppy.

*But why two clocks ? Maybe the widget could be done away with.
*Red is not my choice really, but blue I love.
*That Puppy-centric wallpaper looks cool.

All in all, this idea is quite exciting. It would be great how it turns out. Looking forward to this.

Posted: Sat 18 Oct 2008, 19:09
by alienjeff
alcy wrote:But why two clocks?
No doubt to pacify immigrants from Vista and the eye candy dependent ...

The bigger question is who is going to teach users born after 1985 how to read an analog clock?
Maybe the widget could be done away with..
"Could?" No. "Should?" Yes!

Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2008, 20:01
by zigbert
I have started the work on Pwidgets. I think it should be possible to make nice widgets with limited resources.
The first 3 uses:
- xonclock (50 kb)
- conky + dependencies (300 kb).


Posted: Tue 21 Oct 2008, 22:46
by cthisbear
zigbert :

Red is not my colour of preference for text.

Reminds me of the hate mail I send out.

But I like the desktop itself.
Pretty good candidate for me,
really different but not far out.


Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2008, 01:42
by dogone
As to the concern over red I'd like to suggest a compromise. The warm tones zigbert has chosen for the background suggest that burnt orange would be a perfect alternative It's a related color, complements the gray and can be made bright enough to get the user's attention.

One more thing before I forget it again. Can we PLEASE replace that fuzzy "home" icon with a beautifully done dog house. It's about time home was where the heart is and where Puppy lives. Let's please make it happen for 4.2!

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2008, 08:34
by cthisbear

" Can we PLEASE replace that fuzzy "home" icon with a
beautifully done dog house. '

I know it's sad....but I really liked this idea.


Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2008, 19:59
by zigbert

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:01
by zigbert

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2008, 20:50
by Béèm
zigbert wrote:image deleted
Please be kind to those who don't have a large display.
On my monitor the picture is too wide.

Stardust shines

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2008, 15:21
by dogone
I must say it again, Zigbert. Stardust is looking very, very good. That is one classy desktop that will stand well up against any other Linux release. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2008, 19:19
by WhoDo
zigbert wrote:Image
Very cool, Sigmund. 8) You certainly could use red in the conky display including the calendar title. My problem with the red was in the menu highlight bar and icons, not on the desktop.

All in all this is becoming a VERY attractive, clean and strong Puppy look! Well done!

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2008, 21:04
by nic2109
Guys; this is becoming seriously good!

The brushed metal dark-grey backgrounds look really classy and contrast well with the wallpaper. Have you noticed that Lightroom and the latest Photoshop versions from Adobe look like this as does Aperture from Apple so we'd be in high-end company if we adopt this look. So please go for it.

I too prefer burnt orange to red for the text, as red is just too bold and alarming. It works for the calendar though, giving today just enough emphasis.

We'll need to be careful with the wallpaper as it needs to look right when "stretched" to fit from 800x600 to 1600 x 1200 and beyond as well as resolutions like 1440 x 900 which have a different aspect ratio. That'll be tricky but I hope not insurmountable. Perhaps a sample of each aspect ratio built in for selection.

I'm already looking forward to this and will happily join in with "testing" when it's ready. Funny, but I recently decided to stop all this trying out new versions and just stick with 4.1. Well; that's already out of the window. This will be too good to ignore.

Posted: Thu 23 Oct 2008, 22:06
by cb88
drop the analog clock.... I can read it but digital is faster

don't care about the launch bar...

calendar is nice...

conky could replace freememapplet since i can display ram usage with gradiets i might add as well :-)

+1 on the background

on the red... black is probably better for the text the conky theme could probably use some more spice however...

a conky config wizard would be really nice (although editing it manually is far more powerful)
this should be included too... IMO the best puppy wallpaper to date it is fun (NOTE THE WORD FUN... not just blingy which the rastapax tends to ever so slightly) and nice to look at as well

a screenshot of my recent jaunt into slitaz land ... ike-it.jpg

Also if any body cares the Wii-Black Gtktheme could use some TLC like some fonts are hard to read (in pidgin firefox etc... messes up openoffice?) ... tent=45829

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:55
by zigbert

See main post for pic of complete desktop

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:30
by DaveS
Looks REALLY cool. I went this way in 4.1, using the tray as a quick-launch bar, and with the desktop background from Xubuntu :-)

Posted: Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:34
by SirDuncan
alienjeff wrote:The bigger question is who is going to teach users born after 1985 how to read an analog clock?
You mean my school was the only one that kept their clocks from back in the 50s? If you wanted to know how much longer it was until lunch, you had to read an analog clock just like your father did. In fact, it may have been the same clock.

I agree with the others, toss the widget clock. I really like the line-art icons for the menu.

Posted: Sun 26 Oct 2008, 03:29
by dogone
Zigbert, those menu icons are absolutely cutting edge. I love them 'em. They're clean, modern, understated and the orange just works. 4.2's wardrobe is looking very good!

Posted: Sun 26 Oct 2008, 05:12
by HairyWill
nice one sigmund,
I really like your work.