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Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 19:40
by DaveS
OK. I think that error comes from some kind of bug in Thunar. Use the repos to add Rox, and try using that. You can always remove it later if you want. Rox seems tightly integrated with Puppy. Using Rox, you must have dotpuphandler installed.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 19:54
by wosifat
What repos?
It's not in the package manager.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 19:59
by DaveS
Use Puppy Package Manager from your menu, and install Roxfiler from the official puppy4 set. Give it a few mins, and I will test it.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:03
by DaveS
Nope. Still does not work. Bum! It is strange, because 4.1.1 supports .pup installation, but it seems NOP and Boxpup dont.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:34
by wosifat
I tried a different dotpup, and it worked.
Anyone know of a dotpet for Python 2.5? I'm trying to get PySol to work.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:38
by DaveS

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:46
by JustGreg
I am modifying Thunar for my preferences for which application to open a file. The Question is: Is How to change the default used by Thunar for opening a file?

The Answer: One can use the open with menu File / open with application and then use the custom command to specify the application. One can use the check box to make the application default. This works ok, but, one can be shown the two defaults, i.e. leafpad or geany. The other way is to edit /root/.local/applications/defaults.list and change the entry for the file type to the desired application. As suggested by DaveS, the best way is to modify the default programs in /usr/local/bin. This works well as does not charge the .wbar entries.

I hope this helps!

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:55
by DaveS
You can also edit the 'default' sets of scripts in usr/local/bin

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 20:56
by JustGreg

Here is a python 2.5.2 pet on the forum. I have tried it with Puppy 4..1. but not Box Pup. It is on the "to do" list. It should work

I hope this helps.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 21:28
by wosifat
Tried it. Says "bash: /usr/bin/pysolfc: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory."
After installing the dotpet, and seeing it listed in the package manager, there's no file that says python in /usr/bin.
No clue why this dotpup isn't working either.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 21:59
by JustGreg
Thanks DaveS. I try changing those and see what happens. I tired changing the /usr/local/bin/defaulttexteditor and it works well. I will modify my last post.

wosifat, I just installed the three (3) dot pets and python woks. One needs to install the two (2) libraries (libdb-4.4. pet and first then the dot pet ( ). Otherwiise the installer complains about missing dependencies. One also has to reboot the system to ensure everything is loaded poperly and changes take place. I hope this helps. Otherwise you can try the tinypython that Barry talks about in his blog.

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 00:31
by wosifat
Still nothing.
Feel like I've kind of taken over this thread. I appreciate all the help though.

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 00:42
by JustGreg
Soory, wosifat, I reach my limit on python. Hopefully, someone else may have an idea.

Here is how Box Pup looks on my monitor.

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 07:44
by magerlab
i think we need to gather all info in one place

there are many seperate threads on wbar and conky here on the forum but for a newby it's not easy to find out how to cange their settings

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 11:40
by Sage
There is real merit in this derivative. Thanks to Openbox, I suspect, I can run it in 128Mb RAM - just - with a bundle of HW attached by starting up in pfix=nox, then running xorgwizard. So, gray, if you are able to trim just a little more fat from the running GUI it will open up a whole load more possibilities. Resist the siren voices about browsers; experience suggests that Opera is exactly right. Not sure where n4l has gone - did you contact him?

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 16:34
by Marv
more and more Elegant!

Here is a transparent skin I use for the clock. I put it in /usr/share/xonclock/skins and change the path in /root/.xonclockrc to point to it instead of the default png. Changing the hand and bezel colors to black works for most of my usual backgrounds. I also disable the month and day in the clock and use tint to display it instead.

Happy simplicity

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 23:23
by Marv
Here is the .xonclockrc file I use with the png above. It sets the hand number and bezel colors and thicknesses.

? n/a afaict :-\

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 07:39
by `f00
Very nice derivative to work with, even if the latest is so far unavailable to me (neither source on p.1, .ca is out for `til end of November it seems and the redirect goes nowhere href="") - simply a thanks to gray for making such a useful thing .. almost architectural in form and function as working art. Have been having fun with the 'old' P400 boxpup-r1 recently and funny that Marv did a redo of the analog clock since I wasted a bit of time trying to do a clockface from scratch and vastly disappointed at my poor efforts (it should be fair simple but the devil's in the details when I try). Good job and thanks to all for the tips & as always a work in progress is unfolding like a bloom.

Here's Image a thumbnail

of the fullsize (746 kb) direct-linked here if you like stuffing your cache .. or reading smallfont 8)

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:41
by magerlab
i want to work a bit with lxpanel( to see why and where it crashes :D )
so the first thing i wqnt to know is where to edit menu ( i translated desctop directories but it's still in english...)
also i want to change DPi of the screen but there's no menu entry for that

opera crashes

Posted: Tue 25 Nov 2008, 05:28
by virtualman
I have found that opera crashes only in my hotmail account. when I login in hotmail, I can not see my INBOX, the screen just shows it for a part of a second and than it clears. can anybody help find out what is wrong. other accounts work well, just with hotmail something goes wrong. :cry: [/img]
PS: I can see normal hotmail window only after I click on button: fit to width and after that on button: reload