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Posted: Wed 28 Apr 2010, 16:01
by Argolance
Hello Pizzasgood,
Somebody recently asked if it was hard to change cursor themes in Linux. Not at all.
That's ok... Not hard to change... But please, how to edit, modify (and even create!) these pictures? I tried with mtpaint, or with gimp: in vain!
... This appears to be much more difficult! :cry:
Thank you.

Posted: Thu 29 Apr 2010, 08:25
by wjaguar
Argolance wrote:But please, how to edit, modify (and even create!) these pictures? I tried with mtpaint, or with gimp: in vain!
Xorg uses its own file format for them - see 'man 3 Xcursor'
It can be converted into a sequence of PNGs by xcur2png tool, and converted back by xcursorgen tool.
The former should be in Puppy default install: ; the latter is a part of Xorg.

There also exists a GIMP plugin, from the author of xcur2png.

As for mtPaint, native support for X cursors will have to wait till version 4.00 when proper handling of animated and multipage images will be implemented.

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 08:19
by Argolance
Hello wjaguar,
Thank you a lot for your reply I just find out. I asked for a notification when reply posted but did not receive anything... Sorry!
Best regards!

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 12:45
by zigbert
I am working with improved mouse theming for pcur/DuDE, and wonder if anyone can point me to some nice and SMALL themes. I have looked at the pizzasgoods package in the main post, and it offer some very cool themes...... But, I want some smaller alternatives to include into Stardust.


Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 15:56
by abushcrafter
@zigbert My favourite is "wonderland".

Osx style cursor theme

Posted: Sat 08 May 2010, 16:12
by vovchik
Dir puppians,

This is what I use. The archive is small - some 14k - but expands to about 240k. It is Mac style and has the animated round rainbow wait feature. Just copy it into /root/.icons and symlink it to "default".

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 09 May 2010, 18:48
by zigbert
Thank you both !!!


Cursor themes

Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013, 20:50
by Sky Aisling
The links to the cursor .tar.gz files are stored in Google Drive.
Use at your own risk! I am also new at using Google Drive.
Thank you.

The purpose of this post is to give users a choice of cursors in Puppies that use the *Pcur* cursor selector that contains only a *default* cursor.
(You know the little bitty one that is hard to see but works.)

Your Puppy may already have *Pcur* in it's menu/desktop settings.
Open the program.
If it has many choices listed then you probably don't need this post.
If it has only one choice which is *default* listed then you might enjoy some of these cursors listed below.
Remember, some of these cursors are large and take up more space in Puppy (not much, but, if you are a purist, check the *properties* of each file).
If your Puppy doesn't have *Pcur* then
*Pcur* can be downloaded through Puppy Package Manager Repositories.
Search for *cursor-themes* in all repositories.

Below is a list of the cursors that Pizzasgood presented many years ago.
(Pizzasgood website no longer has the list.)
There is one 'new' cursor called *osx*. Osx is an eye-catching, spinning rainbow wheel. Thank you for the addition, Vovchik.

An example (using GUI interfaces):
How to unzip a .tar.gz file and place into the *Pcur* cursor list using *Pupzip*

Choose a cursor from the list below.
Click on it's address.
Unzip the .tar.gz file using *PupZip*.
Choose *select all*, *extract* (make the window bigger if you can't see the word 'extract').
Remember where you placed the file.
*Move* (drag and drop) the unzipped file folder into the hidden file *.icons* in home files.
(To find the hidden files in your root home file, left click the eye.)
Once you have loaded the cursor folder into .icons then
Open *Pcur* in menu/desktop settings/Pcur.
The new cursor and it's icon are now listed in your choice of cursors.
Follow the dialog box of instructions to try out your new cursor.

Note: If you place all the choices into the .icon file, your savefile (if you use a savefile) will balloon in size.
A wise choice is to load only a few cursor files.

Name and Location of .tar.gz downloads for Cursor Themes

aero ... pDLUl2SFU/
blue-crystal ... pPUTBXZmc/
celtic2 ... NnaGp5SU0/
celtic_preview ... ppMFNseEk/
comix blue ... tyM1ptSGM/
comix orange ... ctX3A2bkE/
crystalgold ... Vxb0UyMUk/
daliesque ... 9jblZuTU0/
GoldenX-3D ... VLMUF4WUk/
Green Apparatus ... pxY05GWVk/
lil polar ... JQTzMxNEE/
nouveau onyx ... 02NkFiQkU/
obsidian ... Y0a0phZFk/
osx ... NlS19sX0E/
polarCursor ... NQZzMzVVk/
premium ... 95MnRhaHc/
premium fade to blue ... lKR0FZRTA/
red dot ... BxUm5CQVE/
sceptre small ... Z5cVJ5eTQ/
vienna3 ... wtTW1QU3c/
vox ... E5WHA3T3M/
whiteglass ... VTRTVsRnc/
whitelarge ... hhMGQ3S0U/
wonderland ... Q3eHpCMkE/
xeonyx ... V4eWhGT2s/
yellow dot ... YzT0pJbGc/

Video : how-to install cursor theme

Posted: Sat 03 May 2014, 11:40
by Pelo
Premium fade to blue installed on Racy 5.3.
It's a big one. Yes, i need to see it :wink:

Video removed

Posted: Wed 22 Oct 2014, 01:45
by Pelo
Sorry. The video was removed because I don't want to keep stuff to long, renewing is necessary.
l'affiche octobre 2014