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Re: Thoughts

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2009, 21:28
by canbyte
Thanks for all the info on swap files. Probably wont do anything since i finally solved the problem by switching things around. The Compaq and Dell both got my extra memory sticks. I switched to using the faster Compaq (now 375mb) as my main machine: puppy 412 and winME (not dual boot). Dell is now secondary machine w 256mb so is restricted to non business browsing. Crashing gone! whew Thanks all.

Posted: Mon 02 Mar 2009, 05:50
by cobalt06
I am making progress (turtle rate). I was quite proud that i was finally able to get 1.0.8 to run. HDD is bootable, grub runs well. HDD is formatted linux with 512m swap partition. The meter on the bottom right does not seem to get too high but the darn thing still freezes up solid if I ask too much of it. I did try a new ISO burn of 4.2.1. I did get it to start, but it too freezes solid if I ask too much of it. Can't handle going online, it could not even do a spell check with out freezing. I may try 3.01 just for giggles. Oh, something that I found odd. 1.0.8 will only run with xorg, while 4.2.1 with xvesa.

Hypothesis, could the hang be from?

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2009, 02:12
by purple_ghost
Overheating? Overheating main processor. An overheating hard drive? Maybe a flaky hard drive? If the RAM counter in the lower right hand corner does not go to red and nearly to zero at hang. Then maybe think about testing for those other things.

If you know the manufacturer for the hard drive, you can get a hard drive diagnostic program from the manufacturer.

Off the top of my head. I can not quite guess how to max out the processor while being offline.

There is the power supply. I am not sure which Mother board monitor is already created for Puppy four.

Do you have a serial port mouse?

Posted: Wed 04 Mar 2009, 19:40
by cobalt06
I'm still tryin' !! Still not a reliable system yet. Last night I had v1.0.8 running off hdd. So, I thought I'd let it run and see what happens. It went to sleep, and that's how I found it this morning. It woke fine. Tried to run an app and it froze. This is consistent. I can get it to run, put up a swap partition, but when I try to run apps, it will eventually freeze up.

Thanks for suggestions ghost. I am leaning in the direction that there may be something wrong with hardware. I just unplugged the hdd and gave it a whirl. No real difference. I can get a good boot, seems to be running fine, but when I open an app to do anything...freeze! So, now I have to wonder if I have bad ram? I did test it and says ok. Bad mother board? Or is it possible to have corrupt application files on the cd even if the os will run? I don't know much about IDE settings, could that be a potential direction?

Posted: Fri 06 Mar 2009, 20:13
by dogle
cobalt06, just a quick suggestion-

With your Puppy 4.1.2 running, try clicking on the 'console' icon and when the rxvt box appears, just type the word free followed by <return> key. This should give you an immediate description of the memory/swap resources your Puppy is actually seeing, and may save you time in avoiding false trails in your diagnosis. What does it say?

Posted: Fri 06 Mar 2009, 23:39
by cthisbear
BK is onto you lot.

" I didn't read the thread at the time, but yesterday as I was driving home from Perth I stopped at a little "opportunity shop" in one of the country towns, run by a local church. Hey, they had a Presario sitting there, so I bought it, A$20 including 17inch monitor. It's model 7594, specs here: "


Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2009, 00:34
by Aitch

It has been suggested that you may have an overheating/freeze/crash problem, but my take on it is a video driver problem

My suggestion is to try version 2.14R which I find to be the most stable older version with best hardware recognition

The other way you'll get better help, is if you give better info about your hardware - make/model numbers + ram size + videocard, if you know
& please be specific about what crash symptoms you get - particular websites use flash adverts/googleads & other cpu intensive things, if your video isn't configured properly, so note what you are doing when it crashes/freezes
The fact that you say 'uses xvesa' is the clue, as xorg is preferable IMHO, if it will run, as it is more likely to use the videocards accelerated functions, which will make screenloads faster, - however, if ram is too low, this will affect it, as a badly setup video will use some of your ram & processor cycles

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 07 Mar 2009, 05:21
by 8-bit
Mismatched memory as to speed and type can also cause headaches
I know because I junked an IBM desktop that constantly locked up and found the 2 memory modules were mismatched.
Another computer I built with a motherboard from a computer repair shop that the tech told me would just lock up after running for a while had the processor supply voltage jumpers set wrong.
I also had an old IBM 8086 that literally had a chip on the motherboard blow up when I fired it up with a defective modem card.
That one, I unsoldered the remains of the old chip, soldered on a replacment chip, and it still worked just fine! Go figure.
So in trying to determine problems check your hardware.

Puppy 2.14R

Posted: Thu 14 May 2009, 16:26
by Colonel Panic
Aitch wrote:cobalt

It has been suggested that you may have an overheating/freeze/crash problem, but my take on it is a video driver problem

My suggestion is to try version 2.14R which I find to be the most stable older version with best hardware recognition

The other way you'll get better help, is if you give better info about your hardware - make/model numbers + ram size + videocard, if you know
& please be specific about what crash symptoms you get - particular websites use flash adverts/googleads & other cpu intensive things, if your video isn't configured properly, so note what you are doing when it crashes/freezes
The fact that you say 'uses xvesa' is the clue, as xorg is preferable IMHO, if it will run, as it is more likely to use the videocards accelerated functions, which will make screenloads faster, - however, if ram is too low, this will affect it, as a badly setup video will use some of your ram & processor cycles

Aitch :)
Hi. I'm trying to get an old computer at my local community centre working and to that end have downloaded a copy of Puppy 2.14R, but when I try it out on my own machine I get this message on bootup;

Usage; init

Init is the parent of all processes

and then the computer hangs before starting X Windows; well sort of, because I can still type in text and it will be displayed. The problem is that the machine won't respond to what I type in.

Could anyone tell me what is going wrong please?

Thanks in advance,

Colonel Panic .

Posted: Thu 14 May 2009, 20:44
by Aitch
Colonel Panic

You have a kernel panic :lol:

If you'd like to start a new thread, we'll see what we can do to sort it out

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 14 May 2009, 23:09
by Colonel Panic
My user name is a play on those words, as you've probably guessed :)

It doesn't indicate as a kernel panic though, no flashing Caps and Scroll lights which is what I usually get.

I will start that thread though, thanks.

Posted: Fri 15 May 2009, 02:46
by BarryK
My Woof build, Jaunty Puppy alpha8 seems to be working nicely on my Presario: