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Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 18:27
by brymway
Do you plan on making a .pet for those?

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2009, 20:31
by trapster
Not planning on it. Just download them to where you need them and extract.

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2009, 00:00
by Tech33

Code: Select all

pixmap_path "/path/to/icons"
style "normal" {
  stock["gtk-close"] = {{"close-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-go-up"] = {{"up-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-home"] = {{"home-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-refresh"] = {{"refresh-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-zoom-in"] = {{"zoom-in-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-zoom-fit"] = {{"zoom-fit-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-jump-to"] = {{"jump-to-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-sort-ascending"] = {{"sort-icon.png"}}
  stock["gtk-help"] = {{"help-icon.png"}}
  stock["rox-show-hidden"] = {{"hidden-icon.png"}}
  stock["rox-show-details"] = {{"details-icon.png"}}
  stock["rox-select"] = {{"select-icon.png"}}
widget "*" style "normal"
after editing path to icons folder and icon names restart X or get gtkrefresh binary from thread mentioned and new toolbar icons should apear in rox, this is what i got, see screenshot attached[/quote]

How Can I change the Rox background like of yours to silver also how to change folder icons (Linux noob)

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2009, 00:42
by alienjeff

Code: Select all

[jeff@kayak ~]$ rox --help
Usage: ROX-Filer/AppRun [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Open each directory or file listed, or the current working
directory if no arguments are given.

  -b, --border=PANEL	open PANEL as a border panel
  -B, --bottom=PANEL	open PAN as a bottom-edge panel
  -c, --client-id=ID	used for session management
  -d, --dir=DIR		open DIR as directory (not application)
  -D, --close=DIR	close DIR and its subdirectories
  -h, --help		display this help and exit
  -l, --left=PANEL	open PAN as a left-edge panel
  -m, --mime-type=FILE	print MIME type of FILE and exit
  -n, --new		start new copy; for debugging the filer
  -p, --pinboard=PIN	use pinboard PIN as the pinboard
  -r, --right=PANEL	open PAN as a right-edge panel
  -R, --RPC		invoke method call read from stdin
  -s, --show=FILE	open a directory showing FILE
  -S, --rox-session	use default panel and pinboard options, and -n
  -t, --top=PANEL	open PANEL as a top-edge panel
  -u, --user		show user name in each window 
  -U, --url=URL		open file or directory in URI form
  -v, --version		display the version information and exit
  -x, --examine=FILE	FILE has changed - re-examine it

Report bugs to <>.
Home page (including updated versions):
And don't forget to RTFM.

Posted: Sun 31 Jan 2010, 23:35
by walter90
I might have missed something here but I just wanted to add for those who say dealing with large amounts of files is a pain...

Just drag a box around the files you want to select and select them that way. Then, hold down ctrl and click on any you want to add or subtract to or from that group. Then move them as you normally would.

Posted: Sun 07 Feb 2010, 03:23
by brymway
Interesting tip. Hadn't seen that one.

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010, 09:01
by TwoPuppies
technosaurus wrote:To replace the default images see
(note that while you are in the apps directory you may need to right click and "look inside")
‭In Puppy 4.2.1 the only toolbar icons for the standard ROX-filer window in /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/images are:

‎/usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/ROX/MIME contains none at all.

‎Where might I find the others?

‎Moreover, what is the location of the commonly used button icons, such as the “Quit

Posted: Fri 31 Dec 2010, 15:28
by technosaurus
If that is gtk1 version of rox, I think it has a folder in /use/share
Amigo has a nice tarball on his amigo Linux repo at ibiblio

Edit - his rox stuff is here: ... ROX-Filer/

I posted a pet in the pupngo thread a while back too.