OpenOffice 3.1.1 sfs

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#21 Post by jasmac »

Hey ttuuxxx, thanks heaps for you quick reply, carried out the edit and all working great.



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#22 Post by jakfish »

Lobster wrote:
Now have ye olde version 3 sfs working again :)
A proven winner :) I used it for months.


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#23 Post by Dromeno »

I have just installed ttuuxxx' open office pet plus the new v2 language pet in a brand new puppy 4.2.1

Installation took about 10 minutes (quite normal for such a large pet), no missing dependencies, everything looks normal.

But unfortunately it does not work yet. Something is missing.

when I type swriter in rxvt I get

/root/my-applications/bin/swriter: line 4: /root/my-applications/bin/soffice: No such file or directory

/root/my-applications/bin/swriter: line 4: exec: /root/my-applications/bin/soffice: cannot execute: No such file or directory

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Correction - pet DOES work

#24 Post by Dromeno »

OK, forget my former post. A ctrl-alt-backspace was all what I needed. Ttuuxxx thanks!

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#25 Post by tlchost »

Forgive the basic question, but the download page says:

how to add spellchecker working:
download en-us dict that contains also spellchecker- download dict
once downloaded, untar file and start OpenOffice

What is the cli command to untar the file?



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Still no docx support in OO311

#26 Post by Dromeno »

Some other thing: this new Open Office version still does not support the docx format. At many schools in the Netherlands students are required to use it. Is there a plugin somewhere which enables that function?

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Re: Spelling

#27 Post by Dingo »

tlchost wrote:What is the cli command to untar the file?


tar -xzf file.tar.gz or tar -xf file.tar

or alternatively you can extract with pupzip
replace with .info to get access to stuff I posted in forum
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Re: Still no docx support in OO311

#28 Post by Dingo »

Dromeno wrote:Some other thing: this new Open Office version still does not support the docx format. At many schools in the Netherlands students are required to use it. Is there a plugin somewhere which enables that function?
I Remember


an openoffice fork, supports docx; I tried to package for Puppy some times ago, but it seems require MONO that is an huge dependency
replace with .info to get access to stuff I posted in forum
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Oh, nuts.......

#29 Post by SilverPuppy »

Well, that's sad. The Windoze version DOES support it as of 3.0, so I guess an easy (?) way to get it would be to WINE the doz version if you must have support for the x files. Just give your my-documents folder a drive letter in WINE.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried it. The doz version might not even work in WINE, it just sounds worth trying.

BTW, does anyone know WHY the decision was made to not support the x formats in the official *nix versions? It seems a bit backward to me.......

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#30 Post by DaveS »

I have played a bit with 3.1, but there is a bug that screws up a lot of my work: In Base, documents that contain columns with text centred, display with the text justified left. Sticking with the smaller 3.0 for now.
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3.0 How?

#31 Post by SilverPuppy »

That's nice, except that the only .PET I have for 3.0 borks the pinboard with its attempt at iconizing. Do you know of a dependable one?

I ONLY use .PET files because when I'm running Puppy, it's usually in a "Full Install" situation. I take computers in the 300mhz range and load Puppy onto them for seniors. If you know a link to a dependable non-desktop-borking 3.0 .PET, I'd love to have it.

On a side note, why are we using that horrid Ziddu or whatever it's called for anything? That site is must be free. :?

My longstanding offer is still good, want a mirror for any Puppy files, let me know and I'll email you FTP creds. Just don't waste my time setting them up if you're not going to actually use them (like someone here did.....)

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#32 Post by tlchost »

DaveS wrote:I have played a bit with 3.1, but there is a bug that screws up a lot of my work
I tried it in ChoicePup where I am running Xampp1.7.2 ... as soon as the OO sfs loads in, MySQL stops running.


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Re: 3.0 How?

#33 Post by ttuuxxx »

SilverPuppy wrote:That's nice, except that the only .PET I have for 3.0 borks the pinboard with its attempt at iconizing. Do you know of a dependable one?

I ONLY use .PET files because when I'm running Puppy, it's usually in a "Full Install" situation. I take computers in the 300mhz range and load Puppy onto them for seniors. If you know a link to a dependable non-desktop-borking 3.0 .PET, I'd love to have it.

On a side note, why are we using that horrid Ziddu or whatever it's called for anything? That site is must be free. :?

My longstanding offer is still good, want a mirror for any Puppy files, let me know and I'll email you FTP creds. Just don't waste my time setting them up if you're not going to actually use them (like someone here did.....)
Did you try this one ...
I removed all that stuff.

ps don't waste our time with FTP creds <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)

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AH, yes, thanks

#34 Post by SilverPuppy »

Yessir, and thank you much. That is my new go-to .PET for OOo. I wondered if there was a proper (done like yours) pet for 3.0.1, since there was some concern about bugs in 3.1. If it's not available, no big deal. I've not had trouble personally with 3.1, though I've hardly used it myself. I mostly just load these up and turn them loose.

On a side note, my favorite thing to gripe about......4.1.2 runs fast and everything works properly on computers in the 200-400mhz range. 4.2.1 looks great, (I grudgingly admit) but it runs very slooooooowly on these machines, and has many things that just plain don't work right on any machine I've tried them on (from 350mhz to 1.7ghz). I guess it's a very pretty runt....... :lol: I look forward to seeing what 4.3 is like, since it sounds like it hasn't been loaded up with frills like 4.2 has. But let's not discuss that here. I don't know why I brought it up, except that I mentioned the 300mhz boxes.

It really is awesome that I can load a modern, pretty much trouble-free OS on a 12-year-old computer and have it serve a useful purpose for the foreseeable future. It even runs modern software like OOo 3.1. Long live Puppy!

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#35 Post by ttuuxxx »

I would say if your using an older pc use ... /214X9.iso
plus that openoffice pet package, it will run way faster, less memory etc
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So I have heard

#36 Post by SilverPuppy »

ttuuxxx wrote:I would say if your using an older pc use ... /214X9.iso
plus that openoffice pet package, it will run way faster, less memory etc
Interesting you should say that; I was just looking at some places where others had indicated that the updated 2.14 (x means updated?) is the best way to go for speed. Honestly though, I think 4.1.2 is fine for most, and all the modern stuff is fine too. I just set aside a finished box with 4.1.2, Firefox 3.5, Java 1.6u14, OOo 3.1, and it runs great, all on 350mhz PII with 128mb RAM. (I did create a swap partition for an additional 384mb "if needed" space, but it doesn't use much of it, even with a lot open.)

I have one with a 200mhz Cyrix chip in it that I might give a whirl on 2.14x9 if the performance is not acceptable under 4.1.2. Thanks for the tip.

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#37 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi well 2.14X only takes 32MB of ram at bootup, plus the older X-server has extras built into that allows Firefix 3.5 to run at 100%, where as any series 4 would run at around 70%. click this link and compare using the up/down scroll bar,
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Ah, yes, well, yuck

#38 Post by SilverPuppy »

Interesting, that I hadn't noticed. I did download it and boot it briefly, but didn't use it as there was no apparent increase in speed, and it felt a bit primitive, BUT I might try the FireFox 3.5 thing, as I did notice that it's occasionally a bit jerky. What are the addons, and can they be .PETted into 4.1?

On a side note, that was a Cyrix MII 6x86-366. It has the performance of a loaded dump truck with 3 dead cylinders. I've never seen a machine perform so badly with so much. What a LAME CPU! An equivalent PII flies compared to that.......HOWEVER, even though Compaq-crap put an MII in this, it's a Gigabyte board that supports AMD K6 through K6III+-550, and eBay seems to have some of those available. Changing that CPU out will make it haul butt. It should also be overclockable with the K6III+, I've read that they're good at overclocking. The MII will overclock either by raising the bus to 112mhz from 100, or by increasing the multiplier from 2.5 to 3, but neither is stable, though both do improve performance while they last, but just barely. I used boot time as a benchmark, and OCed it booted in 2 mins even, non-OCed 2 mins 13 seconds. Good improvement amount, but still terrible. Guess I'll be replacing the CPU. I have to if I want to make someone happy with this box, 'cuz it's just too much of a dog right now. I think an original Pentium was faster........just the impression I get........though I now have some to try. I do want to see just how little this Puppy will run on. I would think a 486 w/ 64mb RAM should run, albeit putzy. I don't think I have a box that old to play with right now, but maybe I do. I have a source for all things old computer. I dunno where he gets them........

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#39 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well if you want the latest version of puppy just released today already with Firefox 3.5 and flash 10 you can get it at ... 284#342284
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Interesting news

#40 Post by SilverPuppy »

Will have to check that that a 4.3 Beta ROM? (I guess I could just click the link, couldn't I? :? )

I HATED FireFox 3.0, as it was so unstable, but they seem to have gotten it right with 3.5, as it doesn't crash at all now that I've noticed. Occasionally Pandora will get it stuck on a slow box, but it generally works great too. I think the fault is with Flash on that one......bulky thing that........

I have found that it's best to avoid Flash 10 on older boxes, as it implements some algorithms that are very compute-intensive and actually runs much worse on CPUs less than, say, 800mhz (I just randomly picked that number, but you get the idea.........)

What was this thread about? Oh yeah, OpenOffice.

WHICH REMINDS ME, I can confirm that the Doze version of OOo 3.1 works in Wine 1.1.17 on Puppy 4.1.2 running on a PII-350 w/128mb RAM. The only issue I noticed in my summarial experiment was that it didn't readily uninstall. Setup proceeded normally, and the Doze Java runtime installed properly in the background, and then OOo loaded up with no complaints. Not very speedy on this machine, but usable, which is impressive considering I was emulating a very large program on a computer with minimal resources. On a faster machine performance would be quite normal, as it was acceptable even on this minimalist machine.

My only real complaint is that the good folks at Wine still haven't come up with a conduit (that I've noticed, anyway) to add icons to X WMs when installers try to add them to the Start Menu. All in good time, I guess.......even without that, the Wine people have made astonishing progress in the last few months, and I can live with having to manually make my own shortcuts. Here's a thought: have them added to the Wine Progman automatically.........

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