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Posted: Tue 10 Aug 2010, 09:15
by chrome307
Just an update ..... I have tried loading Wine.sfs, with FatDog64-500 and that was straightforward.

However, when I tried to run the DPGMux.exe file, it failed to run even though it was setup to run with WINE. I can only guess that as it is a 32bit app that it dosen't run in a 64bit environment ( not sure ? ).

So then I used Puppy Linux 4.31 ( 32bit ) and used WINE as pet file which allowed me to run the application, but then I got an error message which was garbled onscreen in a dialog box, complaining about wine3d( ? ). As I am using an Intel gfx card, I then added the full Xorg drivers, but this did not change anything and failed to run as well with the same error.

With further reading I understand that the *.DPG format is simply an adaptation of the Mpeg1 format, so can the DS playback this format natively?

If your unsure, can you simply rename an Mpeg video that you have and simply rename the extension to DPG and play that back and let me know the results?

Posted: Tue 10 Aug 2010, 10:11
by disciple
Python seems a bit overkill to me. I got the impression reading the wikipedia page that you'd be able to create them with just ffmpeg, a hex editor and cat.

You might want to check out this link for some code to produce the header and do the muxing:
I wonder if that's where mpeg_stat originated...

Posted: Tue 10 Aug 2010, 18:51
by Warrior522
chrome307 wrote: If your unsure, can you simply rename an Mpeg video that you have and simply rename the extension to DPG and play that back and let me know the results?
Tested this theory with an Mp4 file, got an error stating:
Fatal error: unknown audio format.
Also, it ran on my computer after the conversion. This should not be.

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 09:13
by chrome307
@ Warrior522

I will mux a video clip for you with hopefully the right combination of codecs and upload it for you ie m1v & mp2.

....btw I mp4 is a different container, not mpeg.

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 18:06
by Warrior522
chrome307 wrote:@ Warrior522

I will mux a video clip for you with hopefully the right combination of codecs and upload it for you ie m1v & mp2.

....btw I mp4 is a different container, not mpeg.
I found some mpg file somewhere in the back of my filesystem while fishing for a lost file last night and tested that. No good.

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 18:17
by edoc
Nothing other than a properly configured DPG file will work in a Nintendo DS and a DPG will not work on anything other than a Nintendo DS.
DPG - Also known as nDs-mPeG, usually abbreviated DPG, is a special format of MPEG-1 video specifically for playback using the homebrew Moonshell program for the Nintendo DS. So, for watching video on Nintendo DS we have to convert video to DPG with a DPG Converter.
nDs-mPeG, usually abbreviated DPG, is a special format of MPEG-1 video specifically for playback using the homebrew Moonshell program for the Nintendo DS. The video is encoded on a computer and then transferred, along with Moonshell, to the DS for playback.
While there are many GUI encoding programs available, the file format is simple enough to also allow DPG files to be manually encoded and placed into the proper container format. Also, a program called EZBuilder by erspicu_brox can convert to DPG with FFmpeg.
Which brings us back to here:
DPG for X (dpg4x) is a program that allows the easy creation of DPG video files on Linux. It may work on other POSIX like OS as well. DPG is a special format of MPEG-1 video specifically for playback on a Nintendo DS.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 09:15
by chrome307
Well OK then ... looks like you'll have to wait for someone to compile it for you correctly.

Anyway here's the video clip I made with FFMpeg, it has the correct parameters for playback, but is an mpeg .... if could try renaming this to dpg and see if it works?

approx 12mb:

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 16:12
by edoc
Is this helpful?

A DPG is a slightly modified version of an mpeg file. This video format is used by a shell application called moonshell. Home brewed DS applications such as these are typically used with Super and R4 cards. You probably do not want to use this script unless you have moonshell, one of these cards and are comfortable with the whole process.

This script utilizes the script which can be found at The dpgconv script uses an application called mpeg_stat whose source can be donwloaded from the dpgconv website. I found that compiling mpeg_stat from source works best.

NOTE: cannot convert rjpeg files. It is best to have your recordings in mpeg2/4 format. This can be achieved by modifying your transcode profiles.

Place, mpeg_stat and mpeg_stat.1 in /usr/local/bin
Use as a user job

dpgexport %DIR% %FILE% %TITLE% %SUBTITLE% /mnt/mythtv/recordings/mobile

This will place a dpg of your recording in /mnt/mythtv/recordings/mobile/TITLE-SUBTITLE.dpg
The Code

Code: Select all




dest_path1=$(echo "$dest_dir/$source_file" | sed -r 's/\..*$/.dpg/')
dest_path2="$dest_dir/$title - $subtitle.dpg"

cd "$dest_dir" "$source_path"

mv "$dest_path1" "$dest_path2"

Posted: Sun 15 Aug 2010, 05:49
by paulhomebus
Would you be interested in dpg4x on Lupu 5.1

Hopefully gonna compile it within the next little while.
(watch this space)


Posted: Sun 15 Aug 2010, 15:15
by edoc
That sounds great!

Standing by ...


Posted: Wed 18 Aug 2010, 20:37
by Warrior522
paulhomebus wrote:Would you be interested in dpg4x on Lupu 5.1

Hopefully gonna compile it within the next little while.
(watch this space)

Thanks! I really appreciate it! :D

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 10:28
by paulhomebus
Got it working.... made an executable of it, here it is.....

**** Beta ***** ... _Lupu.html
8.2Mb - Compiled in Ubuntu - dir2petted in Lupu

All this needs is mplayer, which is installed by default in Lupu.

This is the DPG for X (dpg4x) project ("dpg4x")
This project was registered on on Jan 31, 2010, and is described by the project team as follows:
DPG for X (dpg4x) is a program that allows the easy creation of DPG video files on Linux. It may work on other POSIX like OS as well. DPG is a special format of MPEG-1 video specifically for playback on a Nintendo DS.

Please do extensive testing, thanks.

Donations to: ... _id=302222

Checked the dependencies on a bare Lupu install....

Note: Not Include yet...
iconv ( 2.9 ) - necessary if you want to change the encoding for subtitles.

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 14:29
by edoc

I am running Lucid 5.1-003.

I loaded your PET and fed it an AVI file.

It looked as though it was going to run then stalled.

The mouse pointer changed to a watch and I could move it around but nothing I clicked on would respond.

I had to do a CTRL-Backspace and the "xwin".

I will try rebooting in case the install failed to pick up something it needed or there was a memory collision or ???

EDIT: Sorry, was occupied for a few hours. After the reboot, with nothing else open, I tried again with the same result. Perhaps there is something present on your computer, as a result of your work in developing this, that is not present in a mostly-default Lucid 5.1-003? It seems odd that it seizes control of the desktop like this.

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 20:29
by paulhomebus
I had that happen once, with a mp4... but I tried again after a complete reboot, and started it up again... worked fine, the second time.

Run it from console... Dpg4x --- maybe it only errors when run from .desktop file. (JWM problem) - At least if run from console you can see any errors it spits out.

EDIT: Confirm the bug in JWM when running from Menu. Either run from console or switch to IceWM and use it from menu there.... also can confirm that .flv's works fine...

Try again, please edoc....

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 21:53
by edoc
It does run fine in Lucid 5.1 from rxvt.

It will not run from X or rxvt in Fatdog64. I don't know why. Oddly it is in /usr/bin/ but the error says it cannot find it there -- even when I open rxvt in that folder!

The problem is that the DPG4 format will not run on his DS using that Moon-something interface app he has.

I have insisted that he talk to the DS forum and get a definite answer as to what form of DPG file will definitely work on his DS with that Moon-something app -- so as not to waste your time chasing a shadow.

Standing by for good data to forward you ... :-)

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 22:54
by paulhomebus
ok edoc..

Yes he does need to find out exactly what specs this Dpg format is...

This Dpg4x does 0 through to 4....
also Dpg4x has extra configuration options to set that under >> Video, Audio, Subtitles.


Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 01:08
by Warrior522
Sorry for lateness of reply, the format for my Moonshell type is DPG2.

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 03:50
by paulhomebus
Please change topic to [SOLVED] if Dpg4x is successfully encoding Dpg2 for your Nintendo!

Thanks Paul

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 13:54
by Warrior522
It works(YESH! 83): Somewhat low-res, but I assume that's the footage and not the converter. Speaking of, it still won't work via desktop, only via console...

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 21:38
by Warrior522
Upgraded moonshell...



The converter is still being buggy though...