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Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2010, 02:24
by 800

rootkit, eh? it's in the .iso then, because I think it also happens with the cd version, which cannot be written to....... I will double check to make sure. The version I have up now is 421 on the same switch and router and it doesn't see any of that activity.

is the .iso hacked?



Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2010, 10:31
by Aitch
it's in the .iso then,
On reflection of the exchanges with Upnorth, and his first post, and subsequent links,
The second one is harmless and a part of the network utility ipinfo

line 21 of ipinfo:
var0="`wget -O - -q`" may be that you are correct, and it MAY have been been added to the network utility in Puppy itself
I do not know for sure, as I haven't got copies of a version that has it
We both traced the IP address to the same source, but drawn different conclusions as to why
My feeling that it may have been a rootkit, was because of your Router settings comments - I trust you've done antivirals on the PC?
As to a solution?, maybe a post in that Puppy version's bug thread, and see what Barry/other Devs have to say about Upnorth's finding?

Sorry, for the anxiety [ I tend to err on caution looming on overkill, at times :wink: ]
Nooby, you should know me by now, sorry :lol:

Aitch :)