HOWTO set up your own custom Bible study operating system

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#21 Post by Jim1911 »

Saluki now has a release candidate. Jerimah has included Bibletime 2.9.1 that is available through the Puppy Package Manager. Also it works well with Windows Bible programs (Bible Analyzer, e-Sword, & the Word) running under the latest Wine pet. Numerous other programs are available to make it a powerful contender to build your own Bible Study System.
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#22 Post by Jim1911 »

01micko has released FATSlacko which is
NOT an official product but a puplet. It is directly based on the upcoming Slacko-5.3.3. It is also the PAE version which will see your large RAM and as such is recommended for higher end machines.

It is Slacko with extras:
  • Libreoffice
    Java Runtime Environment
    Mesa (aka xorg_high)
    QT Libraries
    Foxit Reader
    Samba with kerberos support
    Inetd daemon for Samba documentation
Minimum system requirements <-- Pentium III 1 GHz processor, 768 MB RAM.

Recommended <-- 1.5 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM
01micko has also provided Bibletime-2.9.1s which may be installed using the PPM so it picks up all dependencies. Recommend that for now you use ibiblio for everything but clucene which you need to get from another mirror.

FATSlacko makes a super Bible study system. As seen on the attached image, it also runs favorite Windows programs under Wine: Bible Analyzer, e-Sword, and the Word.

This is a great choice for anyone with high end hardware.
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BiblePup 5.2

#23 Post by Jim1911 »

oldyeller has released his puplet that has Alkitab, BibleDesktop, and Bibletime installed along with a few Sword modules. It may meet your needs. Get it here.
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#24 Post by Jim1911 »

Kirk and Jamesbond have released their latest Fatdog64-600 which is extremely fast and supports the latest linux Bibletime as well as Windows programs Bible Analyzer, e-Sword, and theWord. If you have 64-bit hardware, give this a try. It's the best available and there is a good selection of software available for it.

Try it, you will love it.

Thanks again to Kirk and Jamesbond for providing such great support for Bibletime and other Bible study software.

In His Name,
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Dpup Exprimo 5.X.

#25 Post by Jim1911 »

Pemasu'sDpup Exprimo 5.X. great with linux Bibletime 2.9.1 and the other Windows programs Bible Analyzer, e-Sword and theWord.

Try it, you will like it.
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Precise 5.4.1

#26 Post by Jim1911 »

Barry has released his latest Precise which supports the latest Linux Bibletime and Xiphos plus Windows eSword, Bible Analyzer, and theWord running with Wine. You can build a very powerful Bible Study program with this latest distribution.
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#27 Post by Jim1911 »

Kirk and Jamesbond have released their latest Fatdog64-610 which makes a great base for a Bible study OS for those that have a modern 64-bit system.

Included is Bibletime 2.9.1 installed using the Fatdog64 Package Manager. Also the Windows programs Bible Analyzer, eSword, and theWord also work fine under wine.

Installation tips.
1. Bibletime--
(a) Goto Menu, select Setup/Fatdog64 Control Panel
(b) In Fatdog64 Control Panel, select System/Fatdog64 Package Manager
(c) In Fatdog64 Package Manager, select Available Packages and scroll down to Personal, then Mark bibletime, and agree to also install the recommended dependencies. Then click on Install.
Note: After installation is complete, you must reboot to activate the necessary QT libs. If you want to drag the Bibletime.desktop application to your desktop, it's located at /usr/local/share/applications.

2. Wine and Windows Programs--
(a) Using your browser, goto Fatdog64 and select "Click here for SFS files", download /fatdog/sfs/600/32bit-slacko-1.sfs and move it to /mnt/home, then go to Fatdog64 Control Panel/System SFS Loader and choose the sfs file to load during boot. This provides you with the necessary 32bit libs to run Wine.
(b) Download and install latest Wine.
(c) Download and install the latest desired Windows programs ie: Bible Analyzer 4.6, eSword 10.01.0, or theWord 4.. Just double click on the exe file to install it. After installation, select and install the desired extra modules. Note: Attached pet files below provide the necessary .desktop files to assure that the program show properly in the menu.

Enjoy your powerful new Bible Study OS.

In His Name,
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Esword on mannaos001 rev 3

#28 Post by tim24 »

I wonder if there's something that I need to add package wise to make the Bible search function work?

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Slacko 5.5 Final

#29 Post by Jim1911 »

01micko has released his latest Slacko 5.5 which is a great base for your custom Bible study operating system.

Bibletime (Linux), Bible Analyzer, and theWord (Windows programs running under latest Wine) work well. I have been unable to get eSword (Windows) to work.

The latest LibreOffice version also works well, however to install it you need 01micko's latest since LibreOffice updated it's site which broke earlier versions.

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Upup Precise

#30 Post by Jim1911 »

Pemasu's latest Upup Precise is a fine distribution that runs all 5 Bible Programs, Bibletime and Xiphos for Linux; and Bible Analyzer, eSword, and theWord for Windows running under Wine. Thank you Pemasu.

It makes a great base for a comprehensive Bible Study OS.
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Manna Menu

#31 Post by Jim1911 »

Oldyeller's latest Manna Menu may be just what you want for your new OS. It shows all of your resources in one convenient menu and even has the capability of installing Wine along with the two best free Windows Bible programs, theWord and Bible Analyzer.

Barry's latest Precise is my preferred OS to use with the Manna Menu since it can install Xiphos. Xiphos does have some additional extras such as maps and different commentaries available. These can be installed easily with Bibletime's Bookshelf Manager. Of course when Xiphos is used Bibletime should also be installed since it's Bookshelf Manager is much better than Xiphos's Module Manager.

Give it a try. Also, oldyeller would like to have your comments posted on the Manna Menu thread. Thank you oldyeller.

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#32 Post by oldyeller »

Hi Jim,

first off is THANK YOU for starting this thread on

"HOWTO set up your own custom Bible study operating system"

About e-sword; I have notice on racy 5.5 it wants to close when using kjv+ trying to use strongs viewing. If this makes since. Also I have notice that on slacko 5.5 non-pae wine does not work so well, at least with the bibleprograms.

precise by Barryk and pemasu it works just fine. Will be doing a major upgrade around the end of April on and the 2 Manna OS.

Again thanks Jim for putting all of this information up here so we all can enjoy the Word of God to the fullest


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Lighthouse 64-601 Beta

#33 Post by Jim1911 »

TaZoC has done it again. His latest distribution really excels and works great as a base for your Bible study.

You need to download the Bibletime sfs from his website, however, he has included an installer for theWord. The windows programs Bible Analyzer and eSword also work fine, however you must first either start Wine or install theWord which will also start Wine. Also install the Bible Analyzer pet and eSword pet so that they appear properly in the menu.

Those with 64bit hardware will really enjoy this distribution. I prefer his Mariner distribution with the KDE desktop.
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Slacko 5.6

#34 Post by Jim1911 »

Mick has released the new Slacko-5.6. It continues to be an outstanding distribution to use as a base for your own Bible Study OS. :D Mick has also updated Bibletime to the latest version 2.9.2 which corrects a number of bugs. Thank you Mick for your continued support.

Give it a try.
Slacko 5.6 running with BibleAnalyzer 4, Bibletime 2.9.2, eSword 10.2, Quickverse 2011, and theWord
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#35 Post by Jim1911 »

Kirk and Jamesbond have released their new Fatdog64 700 alpha 1 that should make a great base system for your Bible Study for those that have 64bit hardware.

So far i've used a few sfs from 600 that are working super. Libreoffice-4.3.0_64_en-US_xz.sfs (prepared with get libreoffice) and Wine-1.5.4-i486.sfs with 32bit-slacko-1.sfs which works well with some 32bit applications such as e-Sword, TheWord, and BibleAnalyzer. Hopefully we will soon have an sfs that works with the latest Bibletime.

Give it a try.
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Running Windows 32bit Software using Wine in Fatdog64 700

#36 Post by Jim1911 »

For those who are interested in running the 32bit Windows Bible software discussed above. I used version2013's latest which works well with Fatdog64 700 after conversion to an sfs. Also required is the Fatdog64 600 32bit-slacko-3.sfs. I also converted version2013's to an sfs which is also useful in the Wine setup.


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Fatdog64 700 alpha 1

#37 Post by Jim1911 »

James has also updated to the latest Bibletime 2.10.1 for their newest OS. It's working great!:D

Bibletime is installed using gslapt. In gslapt, click "update" first so that it updates the index. Then search for Bibletime and select it. Gslapt also installs libsword and other dependencies except for qt4.

To complete the installation, get the qt4-4.8.5.sfs here and load the sfs using the System SFS Loader under System in the Fatdog Control Panel.

I've found the new Fatdog64 700 a1 to be extremely fast and stable. Give it a try on your 64bit system.

Thanks again to the Fatdog team for continuing to support Bibletime. :D

NOTE: There is a small problem with this latest version in that verse numbers are not showing up in the text. This problem is also in the latest Windows version and was injected by the latest Bibletime update. It has nothing to do with the Fatdog update.

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Fatdog64 700 beta 1

#38 Post by Jim1911 »

Kirk and Jamesbond have released their new Fatdog64 700 beta 1 that should make a great base system for your Bible Study for those that have 64bit hardware. :D

So far i've used a few sfs from Fatdog64 600 that are working super. Libreoffice-4.3.0_64_en-US_xz.sfs (prepared with get libreoffice) and Wine-1.5.4-i486.sfs with 32bit-slacko-1.sfs which works well with some 32bit Windows applications such as e-Sword, TheWord, and BibleAnalyzer running with Wine. Of course the latest linux Bibletime discussed above is also available.

Give it a try. :D

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