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Posted: Sun 25 Aug 2013, 16:07
by stu91
oldyeller wrote:Hi stu91

Here is the pet for this. I named it 3.0 not sure if this would be right, but we can fix it if you want to much the version number. I do think that it does though.

Let me know if any thing is broken so that it can get fixed

Hi oldyeller,
Im currently running Porteus which doesn't have yad installed so i can't check you .pet right now - i will run puppy tomorrow and check it out 8)

Posted: Mon 26 Aug 2013, 11:23
by stu91
oldyeller wrote:Hi stu91

Here is the pet for this. I named it 3.0 not sure if this would be right, but we can fix it if you want to much the version number. I do think that it does though.

Let me know if any thing is broken so that it can get fixed

Nice job oldyeller,
Just had a quick test every thing seems to be working ok 8)
vicmz wrote: I'd like to implement PAP (I'll gettext it for translators) in OpenboxPlus for the Tint2 panel, which doesn't have a menu. What's the latest version?
Had a look the latest version is the one posted in this thread and packaged above by oldyeller. 8)

Posted: Mon 02 Sep 2013, 18:19
by vicmz
Thank you guys. I've been testing it. As a constructive critic (not that serious, just my opinion) I'd like to point that users often want to launch apps quickly, so getting a pap panel with a small selection of apps at first, with tabs for the categories - app, desktop, setup, etc., and a settings button at the end of the window (to add/remove apps) would be more practical. I still intend to gettext it, but I'm a bit busy these days, even for the Puppy projects I maintain, I'll see when I find some free time.