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Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 18:33
by Jades
More testing on the Pentium D machine, this time with Slacko Beta 4.

Testing using a fresh Live CD install. The Netgear WN111v2 shows up as wlan0 after boots and the correct modules including ar9170usb are shown in the Kernel Modules list on HardInfo. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to connect to my router with either Network Wizard or pns-tool - both timing out in the 'Associate' phase.

I did, however, manage to get a working connection using Frisbee. In general wireless performance seems to be better than it was previously, at least for general web browsing. The connection drops out every now and again but Frisbee manages to reconnect. I can still hear interference but it isn't as bad as it was.

The driver pet for the DeskJet 720C that rcrsn51 brought to my attention also works on B4, and I managed to get it to print a test page from CUPS.

I can't comment on Pburn on that machine as it doesn't have a burner fitted but will try it on the K6 if I can get the damned machine running again.

Overall Slacko is making encouraging progress, but wireless performance on my setup still has some way to go to reach the standard set on Lupu.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 18:33
by Brown Mouse
Hi Micko

Had a few problems setting up a savefile.Maybe I wasn't patient enough and hit the button more that once and I got myself into a loop.i though it was going to create three savefiles at one stage. :D

I also have problems with the volume slider non functioning(which is unusual for me).It wasn't until someone pointed it out in B3 that I checked.I have messed about a bit in 'full window' to no avail.Sometimes the volume control turns purple.

I'll keep an eye on how the testing is going but unfortunately an emergency has arisen and I must get back to the UK.

Good luck with it all.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 18:50
by DaveS
Looks like gutenprint made it in after all.........

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 18:51
by Jades
My Pentium D machine has an ATI Radeon X1650 Pro graphics card. Slickpet's drivers section recommends Xorg-High but clicking on the Xorg button generates a "Your package was not found in the database" error.

Can we have a newer version of Pidgin in Slickpet and PPM? It's up to v2.10.0 now, but we have to settle for 2.7.11. Also, if possible, can the new version be compiled i486 so I can use it on my K6?

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 19:10
by pemasu
Back to test Slacko for awhile. I do like puppee-blue jwm theme. Really great.

Touchpad problem is the same for me. Movement slowness needed to slide min speed to the 10, before I got some reasonable movement. Then I changed the xorg.conf Option "MinSpeed" "0.9", couple of X restarts and now the Flsynclient min speed can be positioned to the middle.
Hypersensivity is bad, just like in Lucid Puppy with kernel. My palm resting in touchpad, causes all the text to be selected and then it autocuts it to the bits heaven. Ctrl + Z is needed all the time when I write this.

For me, kernel update was the solution with Lucid Puppy. behaves well by the way.

Pmusic 2.1.1 works great, sound ok, net connection ok. Flash autoloads as it should.

Xf-prot fails in downloading: error expanding fp-Linux-i686-ws.tar.gz. Aborting.
Does it expect savefile to be created first ? Or maybe the connection and download just failed, the message flickers too quick for me, like most things in my life.

Okay, enough Ctrl + z for me.
Touchpad + slacko + Acer Aspire 5820TG does not still like each other. I just wonder if kernel update would fix some of touchpad problems. I have seen that happen with my laptop.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 19:19
by pemasu

Code: Select all

syndaemon -K -d -i 0.3
testing the writing now, it looks like the text does not vanish now.
So...disabling the touchpad when writing works. It needs just that command to be placed to the /root/Startup as script and I can write with Slacko. Not bad !!!

Only problem is that the touchpad does not wake up back. Lol.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 19:36
by pemasu
Concerning fprot, I found this information from the Barrys blog:

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 20:41
by mavrothal
Hi Mick,
beta 4 looks good both on my VM and the XOs :wink:

Tried guvcview-1.4.4 from the repo but did not work for me (as asking a ton of deps, some not in slacko and at the end failed). So I compiled 1.5.0 is slacko beta 4.
Get it from datafilehostif you want it. (md5sum: c1dd7ab49fb51deea6cf88bba9f7212e)
It also needs the portaudio, v4l-utils and jack, slackware packages to run in Slacko.
You may want to repackage it better as it has no dependencies in pet.spec

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 21:01
by Stripe
hi all

just a couple of things

when you 1st open ppm the slacko button is highlighted but it shows the page from slackware 13.37 official, if you swap to another repo and then back to slacko it corrects itself until you open the ppm again.

with fylsclient when I reboot to see changes (as told to do) the synaptics slow right down when the first run client opens after restart, then after about 30 seconds (approx) it returns to normal. (I agree with pemasu the initial speed is too slow) does anyone find the initial speed OK?

i like the new first shutdown/filesave but it is very yellow 8)
could the highlighted choices/buttons be lit blue to make them easier to see?

full and frugal install from the universal installer all OK

will keep testing

hope this helps


Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 21:05
by DaveS
Stripe wrote:
with fylsclient when I reboot to see changes (as told to do) the synaptics slow right down when the first run client opens after restart, then after about 30 seconds (approx) it returns to normal. (I agree with pemasu the initial speed is too slow) does anyone find the initial speed OK?

That is just the time it takes to load your settings.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 21:39
by Lobster
In Seamonkey I was answering a google+ message.
Seamonkey crashed. Any combination of tabs - including none and restore and it still crashed. Downloaded and installed Firefox 6. That crashed too.

. . . now if I was cynical I would have loaded Chrome Browser and expect that to work - surely that would be evil . . .
Just reporting . . .

When you install 'Cloud' it appears on top of 'plan' icon

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 21:43
by Jades
I've realised that I may be coming across as a little negative about Slacko, for which I apologise. While the wireless thing is a concern, the rest of the distro is looking pretty solid. I particularly like the fact you've included up-to-the-minute applications with it, particularly Abiword and Gnumeric. Playdayz could be a little conservative sometimes (in some cases with good reason) about which versions went in to Luci and Lupu test builds.

It's also been interesting trying it on the K6. The most obvious non-working thing I've encountered is playing MP3s through apps which depend on ffmpeg (which is currently i686 only in all of the recent Woof-built Puppies). Other than that things seem to work quite well. In the longer term Wary is probably the Puppy for that machine, but I've enjoyed trying other versions on it.

Slacko B4

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 22:11
by majorfoo
Full install to ext 4 partition

zero problems - everything works OTB

Added a number of pets from Lucid and all work well

Looks like a keeper to me.


Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 22:28
by playdayz
I did 3 boots fresh and then created a savefile and did 3 more boots. This was on a Phenom 9850 and Asrock motherboard--about 2 years old. Measured with Hardinfo.

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 22:49
by playdayz
. . now if I was cynical I would have loaded Chrome Browser
Chromium-16 works just fine for me Lobster ;-) ...
It was tested in B2 and now B4. Oh, I get it now, but Chromium does work :oops:

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 23:01
by 01micko
sszindian wrote:First run... Select PROBE from menu for screen resolution... select 1440x900... screen comes up with 1024x1024 size, Hmmm.
That's weird.. I have a very similar SiS chip and it uses the correct driver, I'm hooked up to an old 17" crt, I get 11280x1024 with no issue, what monitor do you have? I wonder if we booted direct to desktop if Xorg would pick it right? Sorry indian :(
aarf wrote:can't get to the bottom of this screen to select something to create pupsave.
can just hit return and it defaults to whatever.
That's sad too :( , but I can fix it :wink: BTW, Ty for delta, I was going to ship one today.


Jades, I might compile ffmpeg/mplayer i486 and put them in the repo, my bad about mesa, works ok from PPM.

jpeps (from B3 thread) wrote:re ram useage: seems to be stable after I switching off weather-station widget; don't think there's any issue with the kernel config. I compared loading firefox (my copy) and logging onto gmail with lucid 5.2.5 with dog:
Dog actually did better with 213156K vs 253156K used (thats just for the browser!). Want to know why I use Dillo and Links?
Do we consider your issue closed then? Thanks for report.
Stripe wrote:when you 1st open ppm the slacko button is highlighted but it shows the page from slackware 13.37 official, if you swap to another repo and then back to slacko it corrects itself until you open the ppm again.
I think that's a general PPM bug in all pups. I can disable the Slackware/Salix/Slacky repos and that kind of fixes it, but then a user would need to find out how to enable new repos.. maybe a tooltip in the help. That bug has peeved me for ages, there is a better solution. I'm onto it :wink: .
JonT wrote:Frugal install of B4. Ran into some Brookdale effects, but found out why; the word “Brookdale" does not appear in my tmp/ddcprobe.txt (first few lines shown below) to trigger the fix. It does appear in the output of lspci, only place I know of. [snip]...
lsynclient-wrapper also works! The action might be clearer if the “Is your touchpad Ok?

Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 23:32
by jpeps
01micko wrote:
jpeps (from B3 thread) wrote:re ram useage: seems to be stable after I switching off weather-station widget; don't think there's any issue with the kernel config. I compared loading firefox (my copy) and logging onto gmail with lucid 5.2.5 with dog:
Dog actually did better with 213156K vs 253156K used (thats just for the browser!). Want to know why I use Dillo and Links?
Do we consider your issue closed then? Thanks for report.
Yeah...both dog and slacko have been stable since turning off weather-station. I've got a switch on my task bar for when I need a wind check (for windsurfing).

Personally, I think slacko needs more base libs. I've had to add libs now for just about everything....vim, links, Notecase, rdesktop... This isn't really a small derivative , so might as well make it more publicly useable.

Here's libs for rdesktop:


Posted: Fri 23 Sep 2011, 23:59
by jim3630
b4 manual frugal install to ext4. pfix=ram. continue unable to wifi connect with sns and connection wizard after installing broadcom wl.ko spup pet. installed frisbee from the menu acquired wifi configured and made connection without issue. Nice to see frisbee readily available. sm from menu and my Nightly firefox used without issue and all survived reboot x1.


Posted: Sat 24 Sep 2011, 00:09
by sszindian
01micko wrote:

That's weird.. I have a very similar SiS chip and it uses the correct driver, I'm hooked up to an old 17" crt, I get 11280x1024 with no issue, what monitor do you have? I wonder if we booted direct to desktop if Xorg would pick it right? Sorry indian

I'm running a Gateway 19" Widescreen 1440x900 - Inputs DVI VGA, Contrast Ratio 1000:1
My concern is that possibly others are using my same setup and will experience the same problem... What I can't understand is why all the other puppy's don't have a problem with getting the correct resolution, just the slacko series, Spup (99 & 100) didn't have a problem with my setup and I haven't changed anything, in fact just booted Spup and it was just perfect so doubt any type of boot will make the differance... don't know?

EDIT: One thing forgot to mention, Icons (top row) are only 'Half-Visible' top of them are off the screen somewhere?


Posted: Sat 24 Sep 2011, 00:40
by 01micko
jim3630 wrote:b4 manual frugal install to ext4. pfix=ram. continue unable to wifi connect with sns and connection wizard after installing broadcom wl.ko spup pet. installed frisbee from the menu acquired wifi configured and made connection without issue. Nice to see frisbee readily available. sm from menu and my Nightly firefox used without issue and all survived reboot x1.
Still need wl driver eh? The firmware you requested is in there... so it fails? If so I'll remove for B5/RC1, thanks for report

Indian... maybe I'll compile the driver from spup-100, it's definitely a driver issue.
