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Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 04:54
taking the p$ss? i'm serious.

spend all the time you want looking inside. those who don't look out get hit by a bus.

if you want social equality keep fighting but eventually you will see that social equality only exists in ant colonies and bee hives. (unless you're a drone)

drug technology has moved way beyond wonderweed and now there are powerful psychological agents approaching the "poisonous crap" of aldous huxley's bnw. gone broke? have a prozac!

my point is clear. the most determined individual will eventually dominate. right or wrong. your mission is to keep just enough courage in reserve to defend whatever you believe your rights to be when the need arises.

do you really think that this corporate oligarchy are united in their goal? if so who set the goal?

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 06:47
by greengeek
That is really interesting. On the one hand the catholics are saying that it is evil for rich people to have property, and on the other hand saying that it is the right of every man to own property. Very confusing.

They also seem to be saying that it is normal and natural for mankind to be divided into lowly workers, and elevated "masters".

Fascinating web page to read.

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 06:53
by greengeek
Aitch wrote:

Charity itself actually requires warm blood in a warm heart
I reckon there's plenty of that in the Puppy forums. Warms the heart it does...

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 12:28
by Aitch
VK6FUN wrote:do you really think that this corporate oligarchy are united in their goal? if so who set the goal?
Yep! ...well it sure wasn't me, but a little research is all it takes....look into banking, for example, or this ... iles08.htm

Don't just go on about conspiracy....., watch the movie gcmartin recommended that I linked to, and you'll see some of the connections - and get a hint of their agenda

btw, looking in deeply doesn't preclude looking out, in fact you are more likely to be warned of imminent danger if you look in, than out, as our senses have more range and connection with the real life energies, as well as the mask referred to as 'reality', than conventionally used....I've had many such warnings that had no visual, aural or touch counterparts, but were more connected to synchronicity/time-space relatedness

greeengeek - aye to that! :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 14:35
by Sylvander
I believe our subconscious mind KNOWS MORE than does our conscious mind.
And then...
When some content in the subconscious develops very great emotional drive [anxiety, fear, terror]...
The subconscious makes it known to the conscious mind in one form or another.
e.g. by sensations of irrational uneasiness or fear, or in dreams.
Hence the story of the woman who decided not to travel on the doomed voyage of the Titanic.
She sensed that the propaganda that the Titanic was "unsinkable" simply COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE TRUE.
[Doesn't take the logic of a philosopher to know that there is no such thing as an unsinkable ship?]

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 20:13
by linuxbear
Aitch wrote:
linuxbear wrote:....I think that the Magna-Carta was more about Droit du seigneur than it was about the people.
'right of god'

I am not sure I understand the "right of god" context unless it is in the sense of the "divine right of kings" I have always thought that the term Droit du seigneur was the right of lords, IE: royalty


Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 20:47
by Aitch
Maybe it's just a slight difference in the way it's been handed down through history?
Over here, the Droit du seigneur is AFAIK more associated with the taking of virgins on the wedding night, whereas the right of god, or divine right of kings is thought more in the greater morality sense, as it was claimed specifically to prevent Catholicism from gaining a stronghold....the king spoke with god's voice and meted out his law accordingly....which was the reason for the rights of men in magna carta, 'reign in', or claim back fundamental, divine, as given by birth, rights....and squash the tyranny of kings and their henchmen - in the actual words 'in perpetuity'
How soon we forget, eh?

I don't think having the right of someone's wife's virginity quite does it for's not the kind of empowerment I am trying to encourage...

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 00:16
"japan caused the northbridge earthquake" come on aitch get real.

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 04:48
by Aitch
WTF [I take it you meant Northridge, not Northbridge?]...Is that some snippet you found within the multitude of enlightening examples of corporate news perversion, as I never mentioned it, nor did I make that movie.......and you ask me to get real?...puleeze.....

I see you obviously have stopped taking the p*** and have acquired all the power and insight available to achieve your goals, then...?

Good to see my encouragement being so effective :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 05:37
Yep! ...well it sure wasn't me, but a little research is all it takes....look into banking, for example, or this ... iles08.htm
well aitch that link lead me to such tripe as this:
The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire.
They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon
While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.
that page also contains this quote guaranteed to transform any normal human being into a megaROFL:
On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. Exactly one year later on January 17, 1995, the city of Kobe, Japan was seismically destroyed. Kobe was the home of the Japanese electromagnetic weaponry centers. The European/American Illuminati will not tolerate thorns in their sides. The destruction of Japan and its royal family will continue in the coming months
if you are going to suggest i read something, aitch, at least read it first yourself!!!


Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 07:57
by Aitch

For someone who said
do you really think that this corporate oligarchy are united in their goal? if so who set the goal? which I responded,
'Yep! ...well it sure wasn't me, but a little research is all it takes....look into banking, for example, or this '
....which leads straight to the oligarch banking families with a not-so-secret-agenda....

Is it my problem that you are too lazy to do a little research, or apply a bit of discrimination to sort the chaff from the wheat?....since that IS the purpose of the thread, you know, towards understanding and empowerment......but you just keep coming back with negatives, like a lost troll, expecting it to happen by itself...without anyone setting the goal?....and still taking the p*ss....yawn

OK, good luck with that, but I prefer to at least give consideration to a few probabilities, even if they get smothered in cr*p to make them seem unimportant
Have you never heard of propaganda...? or doesn't that happen where you live...?

So tell me, what's your agenda in keep posting in this thread, apart from taking the p*ss? - You said you were what have you to offer to empower and inform us?

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 10 Mar 2012, 21:09
by gcmartin
In this thread's discourse there are 2 prevailing thoughts that can be drawn.

Preface, though, such words as conspiracy. This word, the world's common people have been taught, applies to something that an OFFICIAL media has not presented you with.

I learn this as a practice 40 years ago. Surprise, that so many uninformed, continue to use that word, since, this thread appears to be inhabited by those who should know better.

Preface, again, when an account that is being presented, has one single item that can be disputed, the peoples have also been taught to REJECT THE WHOLE THING. This again is counter-intuitive as if you are any kind of technician (and this is the Puppy Community) then most of all WE SHOULD KNOW THAT BECAUSE one line of code in a program does NOT mean the whole program is bad as there are other aspects which are perfectly useful.

So, without further ado, for those who really do want to understand what's going on in the world, there is another Youtube ONLY video that's available to you: "SLAVERY by Consent".

Maybe this will provide useful information about our existence such that you can understand and make a difference starting in 2012.

For the rest who ask, "Now that I know, what can I do?" Insure that everyone around you knows this too. That way, should 2012 become an evolution for mankind, YOU'll understand why they are making the changes and adjustments.

Hope this helps

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2012, 00:15
by Aitch
Those interested in empowerment, may also enjoy ... ULopfMGpr4

Aitch :)

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 02:13
i asked this question:
... if i have a government approved superannuation scheme (compulsory in australia) wouldn't i be working against my own interests?
btw along with your rant about the evil people running the bank etc you also mentioned flouridated water.

well fyi i used to be an apprentice dental technician, and was required to travel around regional western australia with the "road dental clinic".

we would arrive in a town where there is "scheme water" (flouridated) and it would be necessary to drum up a little business by putting flyers in the hospital, chemist, school etc.

then we would go to a town with "tank water". there would be a queue of people waiting for dental treatment as the bus drove into town!

i saw it for myself. no flouride = no teeth. irrefutable

your charitable inclinations are very laudable aitch but your research habits are laughable. there is no secret cabal of money controllers. anyone can get rich if they are sufficiently determined.

ps "slavery by consent" is a contradiction in terms. an oxymoron.

we are all as free
as we want to be.

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 02:36
gcmartin said
one line of code in a program does NOT mean the whole program is bad
this attitude is the main reason open source will never replace commercial software.

the whole program is indeed bad until the faulty line of code is found and CORRECTED. (see i can use the shift key too)


Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 17:16
by Aitch
VK6FUN wrote:i saw it for myself. no flouride = no teeth. irrefutable
:lol: :lol:

Of course, there could be other reasons...
VK6FUN wrote:there is no secret cabal of money controllers
Glad you've given us your fluoride, I take it...?

thanks for your empowerment tips....

Aitch :)

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 17:50
by greengeek
I read recently that the current sources of "fluoride" are different to what they used to use in the water supply originally, and different to what might be naturally occuring.

The modern fluoride comes as part of a "complex ion" and the other parts of that fluoride complex are sourced from a variety of industries, and can often be little more than a "waste product" that might not be the healthiest way to get fluoride into the body.

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 19:18
by greengeek
Aitch wrote:Those interested in empowerment, may also enjoy ... ULopfMGpr4
I found the beginning of that clip offputting due to the odd images, but the narrative itself was rather thought provoking. I had to chuckle at his reference to "priests, intellectuals and artists" as part of the "propagandists class" - acting as a tool of those who want to control us.

I hadn't thought of artists in that vein at all. Some intellectuals maybe, and definitely priests.

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 21:08
by Sylvander
If an artist doesn't do what his masters require of him, then he will not "live long and prosper".
In extreme cases...
It will almost certainly be arranged that [s]he die.

Can anyone think of examples?
Of those who prosper, and those who die?

Make a list.

Posted: Mon 12 Mar 2012, 22:20
by gcmartin
VK6FUN wrote:
one line of code in a program does NOT mean the whole program is bad
this attitude is the main reason open source will never replace commercial software.
the whole program is indeed bad until the faulty line of code is found and CORRECTED. (see i can use the shift key too)pete
I wish that I could agree with you, but, I cannot. You reference is flawed in that you are making an attempt to distort the general nature of what is offered. In very large systems, or complex programs, one line o f code may impact a item within the program, but, the whole thing is not a waste. That's illogical. But, I can see your emotional response were I to take a very narrow view.

For example I had a problem that was recently corrected in Xine. The problem did NOT make XINE, as a whole, bad; for indeed, it was rather useful for almost everything else.

Your training (programming) MAY have contributed to your viewing things as you do, but, on that reference the logic is misguided. The water issue is a different thing as there is almost a century of historical data available on this.

Another misguided comment from you is the one on , where again, you seem to be making attempts to discredit useful information.

Offering insights, I believe are helpful. But, attempts to discredit information without ever looking at it is another. Should you want information for which MAY be useful, YOU may want to evaluate the information on the basis of what it present. We don't live in a perfect world. But, we can work to provide whatever inspiration, direction, and guidance we can to drive our behavior to one of perfection by constantly upgrading our useful knowledge base and provide the means for everyone to use and make use of that knowledge.

Many people has suggested to me that logic is NOT always used by those around us. An example is a distorted comment about the Title of a piece of information that is found by many to be very useful information. Should anyone decide to review the YouTube title "Slavery by Consent" I am most assured that you would have never made the illogical reference that was made.

Please consider, that no one is making anyone else believe anything here. It seems that we are hoping to get enough information into each persons hands to better understand the world we are in. Understanding it should prove most useful should we need to understand changes and approaches we see developing when we do. Further, we can make more meaningful comments about whether this could improve mankind or not.

I am and have always been in favor of "questing" for knowledge that I could apply usefully to help. I can only hope that with all of the destruction we've seen in just the last 100 years, that we "awaken" wiht a resurgence of mankind improving lives (and water) everywhere.

In the past years (since the Greeks), we have become more and more distorted. I am NOT an elitist, or a perfectionist, or am one who doesn't understand mankind based upon our historical record. But, it doesn't take a room full of Rhodes Scholars to feel (as they do) that some sustainable change is going to have to occur.

No personal offense to anyone.