Openshot 1.4.3 Video Editor

Audio editors, music players, video players, burning software, etc.
Terry H
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#21 Post by Terry H »

Hi Mike, I've never used openshot, but have used flowblade a fair bit and am familiar with kdenlive, so thought I'd give this openshot.sfs a try. Unfortunately on this Bionicpup64 install, it won't run. I checked the md5sum following download, which was correct. Output when running in terminal:

Code: Select all

root# openshot
Added /usr/share/openshot to system path

------------------------- ERROR 1 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot import main'
Error Message: cannot import name main

------------------------- ERROR 2 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot.openshot import main'
Error Message: No module named gtk

OpenShot has failed to import some of the Python files or libraries 
required for our application to run.  Here are some trouble shooting

Tip 1) Check if MLT can be successfully imported in Python.  Run the 
 following commands, and see if any errors are displayed.  If you get 
 an error, you need to investigate the correct way to install MLT.
 NOTE:  Do not type the $ or >> characters in the examples below.

       $ python
       >> import mlt
       >> mlt.Factory().init()

Tip 2) If MLT is working from the first example, then the next tip is 
 to look at the above error messages very closely, and google for more 
 help.  It's likely the problem is already reported, and maybe there is
 a simple work-around.  Also, you can search for bugs or report a new 
 bug at  Good luck!
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666philb has published a new BionicPup64 with OShot 2.4.1

#22 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Terry H,

I was going to respond with a long explanation about the difficulties that can arise when an application uses python as a framework, with suggestions for a work-around. But I see that 666philb has just published an revised BionicPup64 in which "openshot 2.4.1 now installs from the PPM ... a bit hacky, it fires up sc0ttmans 'pkg' to grab the remaining deps"*.

I'm going to try that. But if you still want to use the 1.4.3 version, the most likely cause of the problem you experienced is that it's python conflicts with some other application's version of python. The only work-around I can think of is to convert the SFS into a pet and install the pet**. The downside of this work-around is that its version of python may overwrite the conflicting version breaking the application which depends on it.

** There's a Openshot 2.4.x AppImage, which doesn't run. I think rockedge posted a recipe for decompressing an AppImage. It might not have been rockedge and, in any event, I haven't been able to find the post. AppImages are supposed to be self-contained but they aren't built with Puppy in mind. To run in Puppies some additional libs may be required. The best solution would be to modify an AppImage and repackage it again as an AppImage. Then, being self-contained again, it could be used without conflicting with other applications.

* Short recipe: mount SFS, copy its files to a folder, dir2pet that folder, install the pet.
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Mike Walsh
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#23 Post by Mike Walsh »

Terry H wrote:Hi Mike, I've never used openshot, but have used flowblade a fair bit and am familiar with kdenlive, so thought I'd give this openshot.sfs a try. Unfortunately on this Bionicpup64 install, it won't run. I checked the md5sum following download, which was correct. Output when running in terminal:

Code: Select all

root# openshot
Added /usr/share/openshot to system path

------------------------- ERROR 1 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot import main'
Error Message: cannot import name main

------------------------- ERROR 2 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot.openshot import main'
Error Message: No module named gtk

OpenShot has failed to import some of the Python files or libraries 
required for our application to run.  Here are some trouble shooting

Tip 1) Check if MLT can be successfully imported in Python.  Run the 
 following commands, and see if any errors are displayed.  If you get 
 an error, you need to investigate the correct way to install MLT.
 NOTE:  Do not type the $ or >> characters in the examples below.

       $ python
       >> import mlt
       >> mlt.Factory().init()

Tip 2) If MLT is working from the first example, then the next tip is 
 to look at the above error messages very closely, and google for more 
 help.  It's likely the problem is already reported, and maybe there is
 a simple work-around.  Also, you can search for bugs or report a new 
 bug at  Good luck!
Hiya, Terry.

Sorry for the late reply; I've only just found this!

From the look of things, you'll need to install the 'pygtk' module from the Bionic repos. Make sure it's for Python 2, NOT Python 3.

It didn't come up for me when I was working out the dependencies, because I already had it installed as a dependency for RecordMyDesktop; again, Python-based.

Let me know if that 'fixes' it for you. If not, give us a terminal read-out, and we'll see what's what. That'll fix error 2.


As for error 1, I've found it's usually caused by the way .deb packages install in Ubuntu itself; slightly different to how it works in Puppy. There's a missing sym-link.

Go into /usr/lib/python2.7. You'll find two directories need investigating;'site-packages', and 'dist-packages'. See which one the 'openshot' directory's been installed to. A pound to a penny it's been put in 'dist-packages'.....but, for Openshot to work with Puppy, it needs to be in 'site-packages'.

If it's the first, but not the second, just sym-link 'openshot' (in 'dist-packages') across to 'site-packages'. Have a ROX window open on each, drag it across from 'dist-packages' to 'site-packages', drop it, and use 'Link(absolute)'.

That should fix it. Now try starting Openshot again from the terminal, and see what happens. If it's still playing up, give us some output, please.

Mike. :wink:
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#24 Post by josejp2424 »

Here is an Openshot package for Slacko 14.2 complete with dependencies ... ibaInu.sfs

MD5 : ce7c0291b5d97419695a9f4a35285ee2
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