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Posted: Sun 18 Oct 2015, 08:16
by dancytron
8139david wrote:Thanks.
I'm not very familiar with puppies.
When more apps are added to a puppy, such as this one, are all the apps loaded at once into the ram?
So that one needs a machine with more ram to run it efficiently?
It depends. If running from a hard drive, then no unless you specifically set it up so that it does.

If running from a CD or USB, then probably.


You should post in the beginner section with the specs of your computer and someone will help you figure out the best setup.

Multimedia : Acetone unknown on the Puppy Forum

Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2015, 00:36
by Pelo
brand new app in Puppy : Acetone !
Plays DVD isos. Checking.

Re: Multimedia : Acetone unknown on the Puppy Forum

Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2015, 09:23
by ninotix

i will try the last version later.

Posted: Fri 23 Oct 2015, 04:20
by Pelo
so i would not be playing the last PRER ... Damn it !
Too bad so i am wrong ; i will try the last version later.
The main issue i met is that PRER does not run Xorg. The kernel 3.0.66 is the cause.
Franckly that is not penalizing.
Skype : i decided to try it at last. Checking the forum.

Posted: Sat 24 Oct 2015, 20:21
by musher0
Great distro! The man has a talent for designing a desktop! Beautiful!

Only problem: ldd --version says: glibc 2.10...

That means very few new apps will run on it...

Any way you can up it up, even if that means dropping the 5.5 base? Just a thought.



Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2015, 11:08
by ninotix

Distro is using libc6 2.11.1, even do ldd (usr/bin/ldd) reports it as 2.10.1, i didn't need to update ldd in this case

I'm glad you like look and feel of distro, props to the maker of the openboxplus 1.6.2 package, ofc. i did some modifications here and there

For now i don't have any plans to respin or to woof build some other puppy derivate, because there are so many out there, if you like all new and shiny racy base, Carolina is way to go (y)

Intention of this distro is to have polished and oobe feature rich distro for older computers

About glibc, is it possible to update them ?

Posted: Sun 25 Oct 2015, 11:22
by Pelo
About glibc, is it possible to update them ?
Often I had to rename links libavcodec libavformat to a different dash in several puppies. Any idea about that, is there something common with GNU LIB ?


Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2015, 15:11
by ninotix
Here is similar build to prer, but this one is build on top of Precise 5.7.2 with 3.9.11 pae kernel

edit 18.07.2019 updated iso ... sp=sharing

Size of the iso is 343mb (359426048 bytes)

md5: d97d69d29e5c647bae22740c7dd92491

Openbox/lxpanel as default desktop, most of important security and app updates included

Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2015, 15:49
by ally

Posted: Tue 15 Dec 2015, 01:18
by ninotix
Amazing (y) thx Ally

its too big ! Open office ?

Posted: Sun 19 Jun 2016, 16:52
by Pelo
its too big ! Open office ? It will be unable to run my laptop Acer with 512MB RAM with only one processor. The interest of Racy was to be around 130MB id 450MB in Ram..
Would you choose an anonymous Puppy ? , please list contents..
Sorry, contents are listed in the first post, i beg your pardon :)
About wine and Windows and old computers :
Would you use Wine if your computer was bought with Windows included ?
Qt and Java included are not a bad idea, Wine can be discussed. And two browsers
A nice idea would have been to deliver PRER with QT and java Apps included, that would have changed the usual menu of Puppies
There are so many puppies ... each one must have something to be elected.. :roll:

However PRER 5.5.2 being downloaded ( i use my Medion 4GB Ram most of the time)

Re: its too big ! Open office ?

Posted: Sun 19 Jun 2016, 20:34
by learnhow2code
Pelo wrote:Would you use Wine if your computer was bought with Windows included ?
i would. when i was transitioning from windows, i switched out any windows software that wouldnt also run in wine. had to use wine to find out what programs were easily wine compatible.

also, wine is more likely to be secure than windows (but not always by much) and more trouble than windows (but not always) but it definitely does less to bother you, doesnt phone home to microsoft, and doesnt try to downgrade you to 10.

No discussion about Wine, it was only an opinion.

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2016, 00:59
by Pelo
No discussion about Wine, it was only an opinion.
(i always install Puppy as Frugal, and keep Windows system alive)
Tested with photofiltre
Thunar 1.0.2 (standalone version)
- Wine 1.4.1 + winemenu
- Parcelite(autostarted)
- Virtual Magnifying Glass
- Flash
- Java7 u45
- Updated Seamonkey 2.23
- Opera 12.16
- Skype
- Gimp 2.6.8
- Audacity 1.3.12(replacement for mhwaveedit)
- Gtk Youtube Viewer 3.0.2
- LxTerminal
- LxTask manager
- Avidemux Video Editor 2.5.3
- Guvcview 1.5.0
- Xvidcap 1.1.7
- AcetoneIso

Free Office (Softmaker) is part of PRER 5.5.2 !

Posted: Mon 20 Jun 2016, 02:55
by Pelo
Free Office (Softmaker) is part of PRER 5.5.2 ! for people working with their Puppy at home. But Java is missing . I would have prefered Java JRE to play some pleasure applications..
I use windows 7 for (rare) offfice work . And Abiword for light text in Puppy.
I Delete free office immediately ( i have escaped from my office work since trhree years now :!: )
I can use Wine, for urgent needs.

Gtk Youtube Viewer 3.0.2 cannot find any video. Strange

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2016, 09:36
by Pelo
Gtk Youtube Viewer 3.0.2 cannot find any video. Strange
Racy users : no feed back since a long time...I feel alone here.

Re: Gtk Youtube Viewer 3.0.2 cannot find any video. Strange

Posted: Fri 25 Nov 2016, 20:01
by ninotix
Pelo wrote:Gtk Youtube Viewer 3.0.2 cannot find any video. Strange
Racy users : no feed back since a long time...I feel alone here.
Gtk Youtube Viewer is unsupported because youtube updated data API to ver.3, so you need to switch to SMTube

Lightzone , SFS to load

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2017, 07:40
by Pelo
PRER : sfs load on the fly not included ? I did not found it. Installed to run RSH SFS Lightzone

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2017, 19:54
by csipesz
Bok, ninotix. Your Libertine system very fine, but:
where can i find devx file for 5.7.2 precise system???
(with the 5.7.1 devx - getnvidia failed for me, during making a driver...)

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2017, 12:58
by Puppyt
Hi ninotix,
really enjoying your premium Racy build. Somehow I missed all the forking with Quirky/Wary/Racy previously, but recently I was having considerable pain finding a reliable Pupplet or official Puppy for a Sony Vaio VGN-TX37GP, with 1.2GHz CPU, 1.5gb RAM. XP vintage. Unusual screen dimensions. Main hurdle was the ICH7 chipset for the onboard audio and Alsa configuration mismatches, along with the later Linux kernel changes... I'm hazy on details, but "regressing" back to Racy and your very commendable distro has this little workstation humming like a new machine! So snappy all round. Lots of great little performance and organisation surprises. Even Frisbee works straight off the bat - have had various connection inconsistencies with the more recent Puppy offerings, but that matter is covered in detail elsewhere. So I'm now streaming youtube without any hiccups whatsoever, and excellent audio with my headphones. *This* is what is great about Puppy and developers like yourself - hardware that is getting up to 10yrs old is still relevant and efficient for daily use. Please accept my thanks and Congratulations for a very useful project, in PRER. Cheers!

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2017, 06:14
by majka
The following were installed and appear to run.
PaleMoon 2.6.

The following were installed and refused to run.
PaleMoon 2.7
Inkscape (full)

If the developer could add more apps to the available repositories for this Puppy, that would be good.
The apps listed above were installed via .pets taken from repositories from other puppies.

thanks M