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Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 00:03
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
musher0 wrote:@technosaurus and all.

There are also 43 Mb's of templates in Mandarin, which obviously a Westerner would
have no use for, since templates for en_US are also provided. So we'd have a "slim
Western" package of KingSoftOffice 9.1.0 about half the original "weight" in Mb's.

We'd have to use a separate sfs or pet for Qt-4.7.4 or higher, of course (+/- 28 Mb's),
but still, overall, that's a sizeable difference for distributing a package.

I already removed the Chinese fonts, and all entities work. I'll test some more without
the above-mentioned components and see if it works.



regarding qt, on my installations, it seems it can break itself (and the some of the things dependent on it ) if it's installed when it or a version or itself is already installed. this is just an observation; i don't have the computer savvy to know what it means, just think that maybe keeping it separate's a pretty good idea for this type of reason. is that what you meant by the "of course," or is there something abnormal going on with my systems when i experience that type of problem? (fwiw, audio/studio programs seem most afflicted by this...). do the versions of qt overwrite themselves or pile up?

hope that's not too off topic.
Hi, Puppus.

I don't think so. It's about ways to make a better sfs for the package in the title.

I have done a couple of tests, and it would seem that the Qt 4.7.4 libraries provided with
KingSoftOffice need to stay where they are. If I strip down the package and load Qt 4.8
sfs in parallel, the KingSoftOffice executables do not load, and I get "symbol x missing"
messages and the like.

Maybe it's just me (likely), or this Puppy (unlikely), or this machine (pardon me, old girl).
An expert (technosaurus ?) ;) would have to confirm this. I do not have the expertise
to detect if the KingSoft people have edited the Qt 4.7.4 libs for their suite of programs.

Anyway, at this point I have an 80 Mb sfs running ok, just by removing the Chinese
fonts and templates. (No offense intended to any Chinese person, I simply never use
those fonts and templates.)


thanks for the info and modded program, musher. will mirror your file and test/upload a pet made from it. haven't used Kingsoft in a while--annoyed me that it couldn't read odt--but it was really nice for Word documents. the tabbed interface worked well--the whole thing ran very well. 94mb/KingSoftOffice- 80mb

western version and the only roman alphabet/indonesian word for komodo dragon version...

8) :roll:

[can't code and like to feel like i'm helping] :lol:

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 00:16
by TLM
Thanks everybody for the additional compilations of pets and sfs of this. I used Kingsoft quite a bit in Windows. Now that I am 99 percent Linux user, I was most happy to see it available for Linux. One of the few reasons I used to fire up XP in Virtualbox was to use Kingsoft; now I can use it from Linux directly.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 01:34
by Puppus Dogfellow
installed the pet, it's working fine, and it's telling me there's a new version available ("Download Office Free 2013," which points to an .exe; Writer can apparently save as .docx now...). so, if there isn't already a deb, there may be a new one coming.
Author Message
PostPosted: Today, at 20:16 Post subject:
Thanks everybody for the additional compilations of pets and sfs of this. I used Kingsoft quite a bit in Windows. Now that I am 99 percent Linux user, I was most happy to see it available for Linux. One of the few reasons I used to fire up XP in Virtualbox was to use Kingsoft; now I can use it from Linux directly.

i'm downlading the 4480 exe to try in wine, but the file seems almost impossibly small--45mb? no chance of working if some sort of upgrade patch only...

edit: 2 out of two times a broken download...unable to grab this file for some reason...try some other time...have. can't get it to work in wine. decompresses to over 180mb so no space savings to be had anyway.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan 2014, 20:57
by technosaurus
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:i'm downlading the 4480 exe to try in wine, but the file seems almost impossibly small--45mb? no chance of working if some sort of upgrade patch only...

edit: 2 out of two times a broken download...unable to grab this file for some reason...try some other time...have. can't get it to work in wine. decompresses to over 180mb so no space savings to be had anyway.
The difference here is the win32 api is more commonly used so they don't have to add as many shims to their code base. Also they can count on certain fonts and other resources being installed. Those sizes are pretty typical and the uncompressed size of the Linux version is much larger.

Posted: Mon 06 Jan 2014, 15:11
by Puppus Dogfellow
technosaurus wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:i'm downlading the 4480 exe to try in wine, but the file seems almost impossibly small--45mb? no chance of working if some sort of upgrade patch only...

edit: 2 out of two times a broken download...unable to grab this file for some reason...try some other time...have. can't get it to work in wine. decompresses to over 180mb so no space savings to be had anyway.
The difference here is the win32 api is more commonly used so they don't have to add as many shims to their code base. Also they can count on certain fonts and other resources being installed. Those sizes are pretty typical and the uncompressed size of the Linux version is much larger.
in this case it seems the deb and exe take up pretty much the same amount of space. the pet made from musher's stripped sfs works well (in precise 5.5 and 5.6.1, anyway) and ate about half of what the wine route (though this can generally occur outside the save file) or stock pet/deb would have.

sort of related to what you were saying, when i mess up a deb conversion, i sometimes wind up with folders that contain a gig or more of content from a file a fifth that or less. is this because of decompression or some sort of building process? (i'm not sure why, but i get the impression of a tool being built and then mistakenly left behind).

anyway, thanks for the insight.

Posted: Mon 06 Jan 2014, 21:35
by musher0
@Puppus Dogfellow and nmlkngdm:

"Médor" from the French side of the forum reminded me of KingSoft's
distribution restriction... ... h&id=73680

I probably should have read it before doing anything, but since the authors are
providing deb, rpm and txz packages and that those are not "native" to Puppy,
maybe providing an sfs archive is not too big an extension. Besides, the authorship
was not changed, and for one package only some templates and fonts removed.
No code was edited. And my packages were provided "ad usum privatum".

In any case, I leave the decision to you guys. What do you think?
(My storage/sharing on limelinx and filedropper will die out shortly.)
I don't want to get anyone into trouble.



Posted: Mon 06 Jan 2014, 22:23
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:@Puppus Dogfellow and nmlkngdm:

"Médor" from the French side of the forum reminded me of KingSoft's
distribution restriction... ... h&id=73680

I probably should have read it before doing anything, but since the authors are
providing deb, rpm and txz packages and that those are not "native" to Puppy,
maybe providing an sfs archive is not too big an extension. Besides, the authorship
was not changed, and for one package only some templates and fonts removed.
No code was edited. And my packages were provided "ad usum privatum".

In any case, I leave the decision to you guys. What do you think?
(My storage/sharing on limelinx and filedropper will die out shortly.)
I don't want to get anyone into trouble.


i'm leaving mine up. you're not stealing business from them, just allowing more people the chance to use the free version of their software--you're helping them advertise, if anything. if they come after you, make a citizen's arrest over abuses down at Foxconn or tell them you are redistributing software in protest of tiger bone and bear bile farming.

anyway, it works well, and it seems you have improved it for a target demographic. nice job.


Posted: Tue 07 Jan 2014, 16:35
by keniv
Hello All,

Can I ask if the version of the "westernized" .sfs should run on the new revitalized version of lupu 5286 or even the old lupu 528. I have down loaded it twice but I cannot get it to load in lupu 5286. I have libreoffice and softmaker as .sfs both of which load without any trouble.



Posted: Tue 07 Jan 2014, 16:46
by musher0
keniv wrote:Hello All,

Can I ask if the version of the "westernized" .sfs should run on the new revitalized version of lupu 5286 or even the old lupu 528. I have down loaded it twice but I cannot get it to load in lupu 5286. I have libreoffice and softmaker as .sfs both of which load without any trouble.


Hello, Ken.

You may ask! :) The answer is no, unfortunately. KSO runs well in recent Precise,
wheezy and raring Puppies only. You see, the "glibc" and "libstdc" libraries used in the
Puppy lupu series -- as well as in the Puppy wary and racy series -- are too low for
KingSoftOffice to run in those.



Posted: Tue 07 Jan 2014, 18:43
by keniv
Hi Musher0

Thanks for your answer and the explanation. Pity though, it looked promising.



Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 21:50
by musher0
Hello, all.

I chanced upon a bug in KSO Spreadsheets. You cannot have the listing "- Automobile" in
KSO Spreadsheets! It says the name is undefined... Try it, you'll see!

Or is it just me? Maybe KSO doesn't like the make of my car? :P hehe.

But no problems in KSO's "Writer" yet.



Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 21:53
by nmlkngdm
i'm leaving mine up. you're not stealing business from them, just allowing more people the chance to use the free version of their software--you're helping them advertise, if anything...
I'll follow suit with Puppus Dogfellow. Thanks for the notice though musher0, and if I do get a notice to take it down, I have no problem taking it down even though it would be unfortunate. It's never the lastest version that they provide on - right now it's 4244 from them, then for windows it's 4480 for free version, and 4490 for professional version (maybe as long as they don't compile the latest versions, it doesn't breach any legalities?)

You could try the lupusuper iso if you haven't done so already (precise kernel - 3.2.48 or above) and see if Kingsoft works on that, unless glibc and other libraries remain a constant throughout rerwin's builds (not an expert on glibc). There's nothing wrong with using Softmaker.

Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 21:58
by nmlkngdm
musher0 wrote:I chanced upon a bug in KSO Spreadsheets. You cannot have the listing "- Automobile" in KSO Spreadsheets! It says the name is undefined...
Try using a single quote in front of "- Automobile" - e.g. type in '- Automobile (add that single quote in front, without it I believe Spreadsheets thinks you're using that cell for a formula or number)

Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 22:07
by musher0
nmlkngdm wrote:
musher0 wrote:I chanced upon a bug in KSO Spreadsheets. You cannot have the listing "- Automobile" in KSO Spreadsheets! It says the name is undefined...
Try using a single quote in front of "- Automobile" - e.g. type in '- Automobile (add that single quote in front, without it I believe Spreadsheets thinks you're using that cell for a formula or number)
Your trick works, thanks. However, I had a whole listing with a dash in front of them and the "- Automobile" entry was the only one singled out. Strange.

Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 22:10
by musher0
Also thanks, guys, for your input on the copyright issue.

@nmlkngdm: I hadn't thought that this is a "community" issue.
I guess we're in the clear because of that.


Posted: Wed 08 Jan 2014, 22:24
by musher0

FYI, Médor, from the French side of the forum, has had success loading KSO in Lucid 528.

He opened the sfs, included the libstdc++ library from Precise in it, and then redid the sfs
without the xz compression (which ups the weight of the sfs to ~95 Mb).



Posted: Sat 11 Jan 2014, 22:34
by nmlkngdm
musher0 wrote:@nmlkngdm: I hadn't thought that this is a "community" issue. I guess we're in the clear because of that.
I hope you're right.
musher0 wrote:I had a whole listing with a dash in front of them and the "- Automobile" entry was the only one singled out. Strange.
Try different variations or if you're not too far into your file, try on a new spreadsheet.
' - Automobile (space in front of the hyphen/after the quote)
'-Automobile (no spaces)

Posted: Thu 16 Jan 2014, 16:59
by musher0

Thanks for the text formatting tips.


Posted: Sat 25 Jan 2014, 05:57
by NickAu 202MB

Working on 5.7.1 Precise (fatty)
Installed to hdd

Thank You

Posted: Fri 07 Mar 2014, 10:23
by makropo
As a matter of interest, Kingsoft Writer shows Thai text formatted in a way which is very difficult to read. The software seems to break up clusters of letters randomly. Until this is fixed, it won't make much headway in this country. I tried both the full sfs and musher0's version with only western fonts and got the same result with both. I wonder if this happens with other non-western and non-Chinese texts.