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Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2014, 23:02
by RSH
slackfan wrote:Hi RSH

I am searching for a companion (or 2 companions) for SARA B as I am not using some save file and I am sad, of course, to have to load my SFS each new start.

In the original LazY you have a very useful remastering environment. So I would try to remaster so that

- the regulary used SFS (LO, etc.) can be immediately preloaded if I start without save file
- some needing hidden contents of my /root can be preinstalled

(I will eventually use ratpoison in case no mouse is available and also try to re-introduce a login and password in my lovely puplet.

why password? Ubuntu is not happy if I change or add files as "root" as there is no root with user root in my ubuntu but an user with the root rights...)

Have you it as SFS to install it first, and remaster later in the actualized main.sfs or main.iso file of the considered puplet?

The second companion would be you super Vario-Menu also as SFS to add it to other puplet!

Kind regards

PS: but I would prefer to have 2 own SFS's and not a big one as probably that Vario-Menu is not compatible with all Windows managers that we can find in Puppy?

First of all: the basic VarioMenu Script is originally created by der-schutzhund and SFR.

And: yes, I have already the VarioMenu as SFS Module and tested it successfully.

Though, since we both are Germans, I would like to see you asking/posting in the German forum. I think, I will understand much better then.

Posted: Sat 12 Jul 2014, 23:21
by RSH

I have found two very small issues in using SARA-B.

First one is dependent on the compression of the OS used as well on the compression of the SFS Module used for SARA-B.

If you are running a GZ compressed OS like Lucid e.g. make sure, the SFS Module used for SARA-B is compressed in GZ compression also.

The second issue is dependent on the Exec= entry of the .desktop file.

Since all needed information are grabbed out of this file some special entries in Exec= can result in a not loading SFS Module when executing the created SARA-RSD Application.

This code is taken from the .desktop file of my LP3_LMMS-1.0.2-carolina.sfs

Code: Select all

Exec=env QT_X11_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR=1 lmms
Usually this line looks like

Code: Select all

The Script inside of the SARA-RSD Application first checks if the application listed in Exec= is available in the OS. If not, it tries to load the SFS Module and after this tries to execute the Application. While creating the SARS-RSD Application, SARA-B grabs the information from Exec= in this form:

1st entry = the App
anything else = Parameters

In the 1st example above the App is env which is already available in Puppy, so the Script doesn't try to load the SFS Module, because it seems to be loaded since the App is already there.

Solution is to write a small wrapper/starter script (e.g. lmms-starter) like this one

Code: Select all

#!/bin/bash -a
and to replace the Exec= entry inside of the .desktop file with

Code: Select all

Of course, you need to edit the SFS Module for this.

Btw.: this should be equal when using the SFS P.L.U.S.

Posted: Tue 15 Jul 2014, 22:34
by RSH

Found another small issue in SARA-B dependent on what is found in the Exec= entry of a .desktop file.

If the Exec= entry contains things like

Code: Select all

Exec=xombrero %u
the my_sfs_runscript.cfg will be send to the default text editor instead of loading the SFS Module and executing the Application. Note, the %u could be also something like %f or several of those.

The my_sfs_runscript.cfg then will contain an empty entry like

Code: Select all

which can be solved in two different ways.

1. Just add the name of the application manually to this entry and save the my_sfs_runscript.cfg
2. Edit the .desktop file, remove this stuff (I am doing this generally when editing the SFS Module to get German menu entries, this seems not to be needed in Puppy generally at all) and create again a SARA-RSD Application from the edited SFS Module

Posted: Sun 07 Dec 2014, 10:02
by augras
SARA B works fine on tarhpup6.0.
Thanks a lot for your work.

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016, 23:18
by LazY Puppy
Since I don't have access anymore to my old RSH account and therefor I'm unable to change the topics title to 'discontinued', I'm going to post here:


All my work done is by now combined and continued into T.O.P.L.E.S.S.