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Chromebook Pup V1 & V2

Posted: Thu 05 Nov 2015, 09:39
by ETP
@ balloon,

The selection of a name posed a problem for me at the time of issue given that "Chromixium" was already taken.
I did consider using "Black Chrome" but thought that it might also obscure the Pup's purpose.
In the end I stuck with Chromebook Pup as the trademark "Chromebook" relates to hardware.
I agree that the name has caused confusion so have now made a further edit to the original post which hopefully
should put its purpose beyond doubt.

@ Pelo,
Thanks for reviewing Chromebook V1.
Can you suggest a quick fix for resolving the wireless module/firmware issue?
Failing that could you, for the benefit of others, describe the steps that you took
to solve your issue?

wireless connection, easy for me

Posted: Sun 08 Nov 2015, 16:00
by Pelo
Zrive must contain at less modules filse from etc and lib, plus firmware from lib.
Edit the SFS of zdrive to complete by transfering from main SFS.

Sorry Pelo, Lost in Translation re instructions Getting WLAN

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 01:38
by Max Headroom
ie. How?

Wireless works w/ Saluki Natively on this Laptop
it's intel Pro Wireless ipw2200/2915ABG


:? K

Sorry Pelo, Lost in Translation re instructions Getting WLA

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 11:21
by ETP
Hi Max,

"Lost in Translation" - agreed, moi aussi! :lol: :?

I assume that your Intel Pro Wireless ipw2200/2915ABG is not working in this Pup, hence your query.
There are several threads on the forum covering the Intel 2100 & 2200 pci cards.
The relevant modules are in that kernel but loading them may need to be forced.

I am no expert on wireless so this is my best guess at what might work:
On the JWM menu go to System/Boot Manager. In the window that pops up select the modules tab then the "Add new module" button.

In the list on the LHS select each of the 2 items as below and add them to the right hand panel. Click OK, click on the desktop save icon, then reboot.
(If you cannot find one of the items in the left hand list do not worry as that means that it is already loaded. Just add the missing one)

See if that does the trick (firmware is I think, built into that module)
If it does not work please post the output of the following two commands:

dmesg | grep firmware

dmesg | grep intel

Great Thanx ETP, yoU'Re the Guru

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 15:36
by Max Headroom
Now I'd Love 2 install it on a Laptop that's too Old 2 Boot from USB ( Actually a Centrino ), so can I write V2 img.xz File 2 a CD?

& just 2 make things real interesting / Challenging if I include the PupSave File Will that be the same as Remastering?

Otherwise How Best 2 Achieve that Please?


Chromebook Pup V2

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 17:04
by ETP
Hi Max,

V2 must be written to a USB stick not a CD. The possibly good news is that the included boot method is
intended to work on old kit not normally happy to boot from a stick. It does that by fooling the bios
into thinking that it is a USB HDD or ZIP drive.

I suggest that you give it a try. When you first attempt to boot the stick you must enter the BIOS and put whatever it
sees it as at the top of your boot order.
I would not recommend substituting a save file from different hardware. To quote from the release notes:

[quote]Access to Quicksetup is provided by a temporary icon on the desktop. The image contains support for booting from “difficult

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 21:05
by bigpup
entered in error.

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 21:45
by Max Headroom
G'day again ETP, Unfortunately in this instance I'm Dealing w/ a Basic BIOS, CD/DVD or HDD or FDD, No Zip ( Toshiba Satyrlite Pro L20, maybe 2006? )

Any more ideas or just wRite the V1 iso? Please


Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2017, 22:03
by ETP
Hi Max,
Just give V2 a go with a USB stick. Once the image is on it the BIOS should see it as a HDD.
If not fall back to V1 and I will crawl back into my kennel. :lol:

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2017, 21:14
by Max Headroom
ETP, Please Howto have Multiple Desktops, But Most importantly, Different Wallpaper Backgrounds on each?


Chromebook Pup V2

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 12:26
by ETP
Hi Max,

1. Multiple desktops:
Setting that up is a two stage process. In image-1.png follow it through from
left to right. Change the number of desktops from 1 to 3 and tick the box at the top to
"show a notification when switching desktops" box.

The second step is shown in image-2.png. Click on the panel applets tab and use the add button
to select "Desktop Number / Workspace Name". Then use the up arrow to move it up to the place indicated.

The above will give the desktop number as in the shot below. Image-3 shows one method of moving between
desktops. Another is to hold down your Shift + Alt keys then use your right and left arrow keys to move
between them.
The simplest method however is just to click on the "desktop 1/2/3" text on the taskbar to cycle through them.

2. Different Wallpaper backgrounds on each desktop:
Tricky but should be possible. It will require a pet and I will need to know the full exact names of the wallpapers
that you want on each desktop.

The 3 images can be found here: ... sp=sharing

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 15:37
by Max Headroom
Thanx ETP 4 your Reply, I Really Hoped that it wouldn't be too much trouble 2 do this, on 1 hand what yoU've done is Great in Achieving the ChromeBook Look & Feel ( The Comfy Old Slippers that Fit! ), But on the Other Hand I Do Need My Own Wallpaper image that I can Switch 2.

Can I Not just Simply ReName My Background image?


Chromebook Pup V2

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 16:08
by ETP
Hi Max,

For the purpose of testing I will include 3 wallpapers in the pet but they will be named:


Once you are satisfied that the switching is working as expected the intention is that you substitute
3 wallpapers of your own choice giving them the same names. Simply overwrite the 3 that the pet will
install in /usr/share/backgrounds.

Chromebook Pup V2

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 16:52
by ETP
Hi Max,

Assuming that you now have desktop 1 showing on your task bar:

1. Install the pet ( which you will find in the same location as the 3 images.

2. Restart X

3. Test and if happy click on the save icon. If not shut down without saving.

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2017, 22:36
by Max Headroom
That's Great Thanx ETP, it Works Mostly, eXcept that I Don't get OpenBox in the Menu & there wasn't any save button 2 clic', they're just Details!

Still I'm Surprised that this Feature isn't a Std Puppy Feature, But Thanx 2 Your Skills & Generous Time contribution, Now it's an Option.

Cheers ETP


Posted: Wed 01 Mar 2017, 23:02
by Max Headroom
Question ETP, might / should this Work in Other Puppies / Desktops? eg. Compiz, XFCE, LXDE, eNLightenment, etc

Truth is I'm Tempted 2 eXperimenting w/ Compiz on ChromeBook Pup, altho I'm Mindful that OpenBox isn't Compositing, so could be a HeadAche, But I Never did figure out Howto make Different Wallpaper Backgrounds on Different Desktops happen w/ Compiz...

Of Course the Other Consideration is Resource OverHead on Certain Legacy Hardware, But I just Love Showing Off what Linux Can Do on Hardware that Windows could Never do!


Chromebook Pup

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2017, 10:15
by ETP
Hi Max,

As it stands the pet would not work on other Pups as it contains a version of wmctrl which suits
Chromebook Pup. A revised pet with that removed should work on other pups which either already
contain wmctrl or have it available to them via PPM/QPM. (Most do)

Compiz with its special effects is resource hungry and provides only 10 minutes of amusement before
the general performance penalty it results in begins to annoy. Possibly O/K for someone with an i7 and a high end graphics card who values bling above performance.

The Puppy ethos is small and fast even on old kit. I would suggest Linux Mint for anyone wanting to
try out compiz.

Please let me know the outcome if you ever decide to try the V2 USB version of this Pup with your Toshiba Satellite Pro.

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2017, 12:28
by Max Headroom
Oops Sorry ETP, Both identical Toshiba Satyrlite Pro 9100s have Died, I'm Now Trying 2 Create a New Vanilla Remaster from your Good pet Project!... on Different Hardware, Currently a Pentium 3, Dell Latitude C610 w/ a GB RAMemory,... the ReMastering thing I've Never done B4 because I haven't had a Need 4 it as I Now have, so this is another Learning Challenge, But it's Fun having your Support from the Antipodes...


Ps. But, then again, this place is Getting Rather Crowded these days!

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2017, 01:38
by Max Headroom
G'day again ETP, How can I Do a Full install from USB V2 since there's No CD ROM Dr or sr0 to get vmlinuz, initrd.gz & obprecise_14.07.26.sfs Files from, I've Looked in All of the Folders in the Puppy Universal installer Window After Clicking on the Directory button, because the Files aRen't on the CD ROM...

& of Course I've Searched on this Forum & Drawn a Blank.



Chromebook Pup V2 Released 20th Dec 2014

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2017, 21:04
by ETP
Hi Max,

A traditional full install with this particular Pup (V2) is neither possible nor desireable. A manual transfer/copy to HDD/SSD
is IMHO, a much better option. The basic idea is described in this post: ... 231#763231

The advantage is that the bulk of the Pup loads more quickly from the faster media. Saves and shutdowns
are also faster. In contrast to a full install, the Pup continues to run entirely in RAM whilst still
retaining the ability to save or not at the end of the session which is not possible with a full install.

The first requirement is that you possess a built USB stick which works on the hardware in question.

There are then a number of options, so to best advise you I will need to know what is presently on the hard disc
together with the number and format of all existing partitions plus free space available on each.

The screen-shot shows the layout of the MSDOS 2 partition stick (fat32/f2fs) for possible later reference.