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Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2016, 16:27
by Atle
So then a experiment has been done...

I a fresh Lupu SuperLupu 004 (

Messed around a bit trying to fit in the smaller Hiawatha 9.3, but ended at the XAMPP.SFS. The i installed Joomla to it... All worked very fine.

Then i installed the .db and Made a name as GoTo:

So that the user knows where to go with his browser and added a password. All fine... just some error messages, but no showstoppers.

Then i logged on from another laptop to the ready set up box.

And guess what... It just WORKED...

So what are we looking at here rcrsn51?

We are now looking at something very special as I can set up the Joomla to become almost whatever the world of web can offer.

Filesharing, FTP, chat, forums, and what else Joomla can do.

Have a look into the repo of Joomla plugins just to get an idea of what one can now turn a laptop into.

So my next move now, that will be offline, is to connect the laptop set up with xampp, joomla and Wlanmaker with wired internet and the see if my joomla can connect to that while the Wlan serve the other laptop.

This will be VERY exciting :-)


Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2016, 16:47
by Atle
Well... that worked to...

The laptop xampp, joomla and what not is connected to the internet with wired connection while the joomla is served trough Wlanmaker.

This will also apply to mobile internet. And this is VERY interesting setup.

I changed the index.php in the root folder of the server so it now points straight to my jooma upon

So the next big step now is to make this go automatic.

So once logged to the AP made, whatever you put into the browser, sends you straight to the joomla (

Wow I am so happy about this...

Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2016, 13:54
by Atle
How do you stop wlanmaker from terminal?

Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2016, 14:00
by rcrsn51
Atle wrote:How do you stop wlanmaker from terminal?
Ctrl-C. And maybe "killall hostapd".

Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2016, 18:17
by Atle
Thanks... Ctrl C does it...

I have tried to create a startup script by simply having this:


# wlanmaker wlan0 nameofSSID Password

The thing is to have one "concept"... Could be "Puppy goes local" kind of server. maybe

wlanmaker wlan0 FreeLinuxNow none

But THAT did not work

Also a stop script i want for the desktop.

But before a startup script at least for FatDog WpaGui needs to be stopped first. I think i Slacko 64 that was not necessary(freesbee)

The sort of idea is that people will start and stop this many times, but changing the SSID and PW is something less often...

Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2016, 11:44
by rcrsn51
Change line 30 of /usr/sbin/wlanmaker to

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hostapd /tmp/hostapd.conf $4
Run it with

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wlanmaker wlan0 ssid passphrase -B
The -B option sends everything into the background.

Now try running wlanmaker from inside a script.

Stop it with

Code: Select all

killall udhcpd hostapd

Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2016, 12:35
by Atle
And that was just perfect. works like a charm...

Thanks rcrsn51

A preview is ready..

Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2016, 13:07
by stemsee
I had a problem running the routermaker as AP the solution was to load the nat_* module manually, by the way.

Posted: Mon 07 Mar 2016, 13:13
by rcrsn51
stemsee wrote:I had a problem running the routermaker as AP the solution was to load the nat_* module manually, by the way.
That was the problem with RouterMaker in many Puppies. To do internet sharing, you needed to mess around with the iptables modules.

Because WlanMaker does NOT do internet sharing, it's not an issue.

Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2016, 11:10
by Atle
I think this post could be of interest to all viewers of this thread...

Posted: Tue 19 Apr 2016, 16:32
by rcrsn51
Adding Domain Name Lookup to WlanMaker

Install dnsmasq from a repo, like here.

Create the file /etc/dnsmasq.conf

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Open /usr/sbin/wlanmaker and go to line 19

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udhcpd /tmp/udhcpd.conf
Delete it. Then insert

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killall dnsmasq; dnsmasq
Add a line to /etc/hosts

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Dnsmasq will use the hosts file to translate domain names into IP addresses.

Start wlanmaker.

Start a web server on Requests from a client for will be redirected to the local web server.

Posted: Sun 01 May 2016, 21:41
by Atle
Hmmm... I did not really succeed in getting any results in this...

But I shall remaster a SULU004 with my settings...

When i follow the procedure, nothing really happens...

This was both in Fatdog and Lupu...

When trying to log on to the address i get:

This site can’t be reached’s server DNS address could not be found.

only produces result...


Here is the ISO i have used to do this. The only glitch that i could note was that desktop icons for Wlanmaker was not reproduced and must be pulled out to the desktop from /root/scripts.

But this is the 32 bits version of what i did not get to work after following the post above. I might have done something wrong and i might not.

Never the less i updated the Joomla to 3.5.1 and that is the release version as the Sulu had the beta6 initially.

The file can be downloaded HERE



Posted: Wed 04 May 2016, 17:24
by jamesbond
@Atle - I tried to find your post about redirecting all DNS lookup to the machine same machine that hands out the DHCP IP. I can't find that post, so I will answer it here. I will skip the DHCP part - I assume that it has been handled over by wlanmaker. To do what you want to do, you need to enable run dnsmasq with this flag: "-h -2 -b -R -A '/#/your-wlan-ip-from-wlanmaker". This should work with dnsmasq started by wlanmaker assuming that it doesn't hog the DNS port as well (if it does, then tell wlanmaker not to meddle with DNS ports - or somehow, merge the two dnsmasq configs together). Make sure that wlanmaker returns "your-wlan-ip-from-wlanmaker" as the DNS server when handing out IP address via DHCP.

It is easy to test this without wlanmaker. Run "dnsmasq -h -2 -b -R -A '/#/ -d -q" (the last two extra param is to for debugging purposes so you can see what is happening) in one terminal, then do "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf", then open another terminal and do "nslookup", or "nslookup", or "nslookup" and see what IP address they resolve to. They all should resolve to

The rest of your problem is easy - make sure you don't accidentally enable IP forwarding on your "router/server", so the only machine the students can connect to is your router/server. Your machine can still happily connect to Internet through its other interface (eth0, I suppose?). EDIT: I see from earlier posts that wlanmaker doesn't attempt to share internet, so yes this is already taken care of.

If what I say here is over the top for you - don't worry, I'm sure rcrsn51 knows what I'm talking about. He could help to incorporate what I said above into wlanmaker and automate the entire process for you if he's motivated enough :D

Posted: Wed 04 May 2016, 18:32
by Atle
Thanks JamesBond... I saved this page and shall try it offline later. Got all the files ready and saved to test.

As for rcrsn51, i can just cross my fingers and hope, but i believe it will be a amazing result when this is up and going as it changes the way we think network, if not a lot, at least a bit.

Already I have enjoyed the benefits of having Wlanmaker to assist in file transfers as my laptop has a error that messes up USB from time to time(physical damage).

And I believe that with just a little neat script in Moongose, that gives you a upload function and a decent solution for a nice looking download page that can be edited in Seamonkey, would give the 710 a new function that at least me have never seen in Linux distro before. I did not look to much at Moongose, but have realized the choice is very good.

With using Moongose I will not have the remaster problem due to large size as seen with xampp and other bloated progs.

thanks... this will be a exciting evening for me.


Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 00:41
by rcrsn51
@Atle: I looked at this again.

1. I did a clean setup of Precise.
2. I installed wlanmaker as usual.
3. I followed the above procedure to install dnsmasq and remove udhcpd.
4. I started wlanmaker.
5. I went to another computer and connected to wlanmaker's WiFi network.
6. I ran: ping
7. I got a valid response.

Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 09:53
by jamesbond
@rcrsn51 - your method works (in fact, I use similar method here: ... DynamicDns). But then the name resolution only works for; not or any other domain except you explicitly add it to the /etc/hosts (which in this case, you'd be better off using a different file unless you explicitly also want that the host map to itself ).

I've got the DHCP + DNS combination to work with the following dnsmasq parameters, assuming that the "wlan1" (provided by wlanmaker) has IP address of

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 dnsmasq -d -q -A '/#/' -z -h -b -R --listen-addres= --dhcp-range=,
The -A switch makes all DNS name to be mapped to the given IP address ( in this example) - so,,, whateverdomain.abcxyz will always be mapped to

These parameters can be converted into /etc/dnsmasq.conf as needed.

@Atle: yeah, mongoose is a nifty little server that could :)

PS: As an aside, I no longer need to use my "LocalDynamicDNS" above ever since I run mdnsd and libnss_mdns. I can connect to others using ${remote-hostname}.local, e.g. if my remote machine hostname is "abc", I can connect to it using the name abc.local.

Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 12:24
by rcrsn51
@jamesbond: Thanks for that. All Atle wanted was the luxury of clients reaching his web server by name instead of IP address. But your modification suggests something more. If a client launches his web browser with its default home page, like, it would be automatically redirected to

Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 12:40
by jamesbond
rcrsn51 wrote:Thanks for that. All Atle wanted was the luxury of clients reaching his web server by name instead of IP address.
No worries. I was responding to his earlier request that said whatever the URL the clients typed, it should always be redirected to the wlanmaker server. I couldn't find his original request (perhaps his post is buried in the Fatdog64 threads ...), this is the closest one I can find. If the purpose is only to map one single DNS name back to the wlanmaker server, your way is perfectly all right. Sorry for the confusion.
But your modification suggests something more. If a client launches his web browser with its default home page, like, it would be automatically redirected to
No, if the client types, it would still show in his browser. But he is actually connecting to the wlanmaker server. From this point, if wanted, it's (relatively) easy to detect on the server side that if the hostname is not, then send a browser redirect to go to This can be done in many ways, e.g. using javascript, or server-side scripting (php, etc).

Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 12:51
by rcrsn51
jamesbond wrote:No, if the client types, it would still show in his browser. But he is actually connecting to the wlanmaker server.
That should be OK, as long as the client did not get a "page not found" error.

Could you suggest to Atle what options should go on the dnsmasq command line in wlanmaker and what should go in the dnsmasq.conf? My suggested dnsmasq.conf is posted above.

BTW, what happens when the client reboots to an Internet-connected network? Will his browser have issues with caching, where still points to

Posted: Thu 05 May 2016, 13:09
by jamesbond
rcrsn51 wrote:Could you suggest to Atle what options should go on the dnsmasq command line in wlanmaker and what should go in the dnsmasq.conf? My suggested dnsmasq.conf is posted above.
I need to lookup the manpage. Basically just convert the short options to the long options. I will edit this post to reflect the answer later.

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This is the settings that corresponds to what wlanmaker sets (SUBNET=192.168.100). Remove the two last lines if you want to run dnsmasq in daemon mode. This one does not use the existing /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts (obvious from the option names). Also, for this to work, obviously the line "udhcpd /tmp/udhcpd.conf" must be removed from wlanmaker - let dnsmasq handle the DHCP as well. Hope that helps.
BTW, what happens when the client reboots to an Internet-connected network? Will his browser have issues with caching, where still points to
No issue at all. Everything is handled transparently. If you have a proper Wifi manager, you can, for example, switch to another AP (that is connected to the Internet); this should re-initiate DHCP scans and reset the nameserver and you're good to go - not even a reboot is required. The problematic caching usually happens by the browser - this is usually fixed by pressing Ctrl-F5 just like any other.