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Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015, 17:02
by Scooby
yeah you are quite right.

My asus router called it AES so I was confused.
Further reading gives that CCMP is the "correct" naming
of AES encryption in WPA2.

Sorry for bothering you.

This is why standard names are useful

What a pleasure to run old CDs with PeasyWifi :)

Posted: Fri 12 Feb 2016, 02:39
by Pelo
PeasyWifi 3.4 va bien aussi sur nos classiques puppy 4
good results too with our famous Puppies serie 4
Fast boot, impressive speed and wireless stable connection, what people could ask more ?
What a pleasure to run old CDs with PeasyWifi :)

: no wlan0 :!: , change it to eth0 or eth1, depending on the 'old' Puppy running.

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2016, 15:48
by rcrsn51
PWF v3.8 is posted on the main page. See the Update note.

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016, 18:35
by Scooby
I am commandline jockey so I found it really useful to add bash completion
for peasywifi.

I am running an older version
with wpa profiles in path /etc/network-wizard/wireless/wpa_profiles

Anyway this would work with any path

As you know I like peasywifi and would like to share

if you add to ~/.bashrc this

Code: Select all

	local cur pwf
    pwf=$( ls -1 /etc/network-wizard/wireless/wpa_profiles/ )
    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$pwf" -- $cur) )
complete -F _peasywifi peasywifi
Now in a terminal I can do p <tab> and get peasywifi and then
the first letter of my wpa profile file + tab and then hit return to connect.

Not for everyone I guess but for me that doesn't want to have a certain profile set to autostart it's gold

Just wanted to share :D

Posted: Sat 02 Jul 2016, 16:02
by rcrsn51
PWF v4.1 makes a significant internal change. It removes dhcpcd as the DHCP client program in favour of Busybox udhcpc. Udhcpc is less intrusive and may eliminate connection problems like dropouts. Thank you to Marv for his help with this.

See the main post for details.

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 03:33
by akuma
estoy probando esta aplicasion necesito saber como activar el Wlan1 ya que me arroja el siguiente mensaje de error

I am testing this application I need to know how to activate the WLAN 1 so and throws me the following error message


Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 12:27
by rcrsn51
Click the Help button at the top and read the basic instructions.

Then click the Config button and change INTERFACE=wlan0 to INTERFACE=wlan1

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2016, 12:52
by akuma
rcrsn51 wrote:Click the Help button at the top and read the basic instructions.

Then click the Config button and change INTERFACE=wlan0 to INTERFACE=wlan1
thanks for your help I'll be they test

cdc_ether interface

Posted: Mon 02 Jan 2017, 04:34
by zygo

Can you tell me what to do so peasywifi recognises a network card which is visible in ROX as the following items

Code: Select all

which usb-modeswitch creates when I plug in a 3g dongle (with driver cdc_ether).

SNS in Quirky werewoolf has no problem even though ifconfig doesn't list it.

In Fatdog-Arm, peasywifi and Fatdog connect don't see it. How do I add this usb0?

Peasywifi does list the no-existant eth1. I thought I could point this at usb0 but no.

I don't see usb0 in /dev/.

Posted: Mon 02 Jan 2017, 23:42
by rcrsn51
Click the I/F button. Is the usb0 interface listed? If not, PWF is not going to work for you.

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2017, 12:18
by rcrsn51
@zygo: No reply? Too bad. This could have been useful information for other community members.

I don't know much about 3g dongles, but I thought that they presented themselves as tty devices, so you had to use modem software.

Is this device presenting itself as an ethernet adapter named usb0? Does it show up in "ifconfig -a"? In that case, open the file /etc/pwf/interaces and change "eth0" to "usb0".

Run PWF. Under the Ethernet tab, configure this usb0 interface. Then do a Reconnect. This assumes that you have configured PWF as your primary network manager.

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2017, 04:37
by zygo

Firstly, I read on another post of some years past that one could make the change to /etc/pwf/interaces that you suggest and it would work but it doesn't. Secondly, this was with PeasyWifi either v3.4 or v3.6 whichever I thought was current at the time of the post.

Your first reply was very effective. When the I/F button returned a window with no list it prompted me to copy the newest SNS files I had to hand (from Barry's quiky-xerus-pi) to the Raspbery Pi. That worked but with a few errors on the command line ad GUI.

I've had a few 3g dongles but this latest one (or 2) presents itself as an ethernet adapter named usb0. In FatDogArm it shows up in "ifconfig" but only after I use the "up" option of ifconfig. It is listed as "wired" in SNS even though it's 3g.

I hope to try your latest PeasyWifi in FatDogArm on the RaspPi soon. Just to be clear, where should I enter "usb0" in /etc/pwf/interaces? The line

Code: Select all

should become what?

Thanks PeasyWifi has saved my bacon, on WiFi, in the past.

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2017, 11:51
by rcrsn51
zygo wrote: In FatDogArm it shows up in "ifconfig" but only after I use the "up" option of ifconfig. It is listed as "wired" in SNS even though it's 3g.
That's why I suggested the command "ifconfig -a". It will show all interfaces, whether they are up or not.
When the I/F button returned a window with no list it prompted me to copy the newest SNS files I had to hand (from Barry's quiky-xerus-pi) to the Raspbery Pi. That worked but with a few errors on the command line ad GUI.
That was bad advice. Your dongle is not a WiFi adapter, so it won't show under the main I/F button.

Instead, open the file /etc/pwf/interfaces and change:

Code: Select all

There are several more steps.

1. Restart PWF and open the Ethernet section.
2. Select the new usb0 interface for DHCP and click Configure.
3. Select your current eth0 interface and configure it as Disabled.
4. Click Check. You should see a dummy file named "usb0.dhcp".
5. Click Reconnect.

Be aware that if you are already using SNS as the default connection manager, you may have trouble switching to PWF. There are instructions on the main post for doing this.

I have high confidence that this procedure will work in Puppy, but I cannot comment on the non-Puppy platforms you are using.


I jump to 4.1

Posted: Fri 17 Mar 2017, 04:16
by Pelo
peasy Wifi 2.8 was my version until now.. I jump to 4.1 . For keeping connected longer.. Good work again rcrsn51 :)
Sommetime i ask myself why to buy a laptop if my Puppy keeps me linked at home. Devs should think about kernels with no drivers available.

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017, 14:24
by rcrsn51
Old Puppies like 431 or 528 need an upgrade to udhcpc. Install the attached PET. This needs testing and feedback.

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2017, 03:34
by rcrsn51
PWF v4.2 posted above. See the new Update note regarding Ethernet interface names.

Posted: Wed 29 Mar 2017, 07:23
by jamesbond
Peasywifi 4.2 adapted for Fatdog: ... 465#949465. Inside, there is a file called "install/slack-note" which explains the adaptation that I've done.

Posted: Mon 17 Apr 2017, 13:16
by rcrsn51
Withdrawn due to lack of feedback.

Re: PeasyWiFi - a reliable WiFi connection manager

Posted: Mon 17 Apr 2017, 18:37
by Marv
rcrsn51 wrote:Update: Some new Puppies have the annoying habit of changing their WiFi interface names, like when you move a Puppy install to different hardware or if you plug in a different USB adapter. In PWF, this is not a problem - just click the I/F button to see the new name, then update your Config.

But the same thing can happen with Ethernet interfaces - eth0 may get renamed as eth1. PWF v4.2 adds a new I/F button to the Ethernet page that lists your current wired devices. In the event of a change, you could disable eth0 and enable eth1 for DHCP.
Thanks, this is a nice touch. I'll try it out. When I move pups between different hardware or update kernels, one of the files I scrub from the savefile is /root/.etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. This prevents much of the renaming/ethernet port number 'climbing'. The file is regenerated correctly for the new hardware and kernel on first boot in the new environment.

PWF is used on all my machines and pups and is greatly appreciated.

now i will remove frisbee when i install PeasyWifi

Posted: Mon 01 May 2017, 07:23
by Pelo
last news : now i will remove frisbee when i install PeasyWifi in my Puppies. Frisbee garbles PeasyWifi. Without everything works (Slaxen 6.3.2, wlan1, kernel 3.14.55, dongle assisted wireless connexion)
ndiswrapper : always have failed until now. But i linked to Windows hard disk files. Getting ndiswrapper outside on a pendrive would be worth a try. bookmarked