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Posted: Thu 13 Mar 2014, 01:24
by Terry H
peebee wrote:01micko has announced Slacko5.7(RC) ( aka Slacko5.6.8 ) with k3.4.82 for its non-pae 4g version

LxPup14.03 has been updated to the new base:

No other significant changes.

Updated my LXPup to the latest base. New frugal instal, without existing savefile. All good. The Intel 4965 Wifi working,

Great work. Thank you.


Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 12:30
by cicerosc
I am having trouble installing Crossover. I searched and found a post that said that needed to be installed, and I did that using the pet that was supplied here: ... 26f0cde754

I searched the pearl directory and it does appear to be there, but I keep getting this error. Can you help me figure out what is wrong? I REALLY like this LXDE Pup! THANKS!!

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /opt/cxoffice/lib/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /opt/cxoffice/lib/perl/ line 141.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/cxoffice/lib/perl/ line 141.
Compilation failed in require at /opt/cxoffice/lib/cxupgrade line 86.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/cxoffice/lib/cxupgrade line 86.

Re: Crossover

Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 12:43
by peebee
cicerosc wrote:I searched the pearl directory and it does appear to be there, but I keep getting this error. Can you help me figure out what is wrong? I REALLY like this LXDE Pup! THANKS!!

First thought is - do you have the devx installed?

If you are using the Slacko flavour of LxPup then see below.


Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 12:52
by cicerosc
Thank you for replying so quickly! No, I never installed devx, so that is no doubt my problem. I am looking in the SFS manager though and do not see that listed. I am hit and miss with linux - is devx an alternate name for one of the other packages listed there?

Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 13:32
by peebee
cicerosc wrote:Thank you for replying so quickly! No, I never installed devx, so that is no doubt my problem. I am looking in the SFS manager though and do not see that listed. I am hit and miss with linux - is devx an alternate name for one of the other packages listed there?

At work at the moment so not sitting in front of Puppy....

Which flavour of LxPup are you running??

You can download the devx directly for the Slacko5.7 flavours from: ... lacko-5.7/

you need to know whether you are running the pae or non-pae version.

Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 14:08
by cicerosc
Thanks again! I downloaded from there - thanks. It looks like I have shot myself in the foot by running an install and installing to a full partition. Now it looks like I am not able to use any SFS files at all as I am getting an error even trying to load the Audacious SFS. I can't remember the exact error message but it said something about support being experimental and then failed. I guess I will pull the plug on playing and use the system as is. Thanks for your answers so far! ---- EDIT WELL DUH I USED THE BOOTMANAGER to tell the SFS files to load at boot and it appears I am golden on Crossover. THANKS!!!!

EDIT 2 : Well I spoke too soon. Now I am getting "You seem to be missing the GTK+ Python modules.If this is the case you may try running one of the following commands as root:

Debian / Ubuntu: apt-get install python-gtk2
Fedora: yum install pygtk2
Mandriva: urpmi pygtk2.0
SUSE: zypper install python-gtk

Of course when I look in the package manager, it seems to say that python is already installed -- looking further..... but unable to get past this error. Oh Well....


Posted: Sat 15 Mar 2014, 20:59
by peebee
The Sfs Manager logic means that the devx is not offered if the distro name and version have been changed (as is the case for LxPup).

Therefore for LxPup, the devx has to be located and directly downloaded if required. I'll put links into the 1st post.

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2014, 18:41
by cicerosc
Before I give up completely on running Crossover in LXPup, I started a tread over here in general to discuss running Crossover. ... 349#765349

The first suggestion (probably unhelpful) ;-) was that if I were running Precise puppy I could install

I don't suppose there is an equivalent accessible in LXPUP? :-) No problem if not; I don't want to lead off on a wild goose chase! Really at this point just noting the problem in the event that something comes up that would deal with this python issue (or it could purely be limited to Crossover)

The main reason I find Crossover useful is in its archiving system, which makes it easier to set up a bottle on one machine and then move it to other machines.

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2014, 19:32
by peebee
cicerosc wrote:Before I give up completely on running Crossover in LXPup, I started a tread over here in general to discuss running Crossover. ... 349#765349

The first suggestion (probably unhelpful) ;-) was that if I were running Precise puppy I could install

I don't suppose there is an equivalent accessible in LXPUP? :-) No problem if not; I don't want to lead off on a wild goose chase! Really at this point just noting the problem in the event that something comes up that would deal with this python issue (or it could purely be limited to Crossover)

The main reason I find Crossover useful is in its archiving system, which makes it easier to set up a bottle on one machine and then move it to other machines.
Searching for python in PPM shows pygtk-2.24.0 from the slackware14.0 repository however it has further missing dependencies.....pycairo and pygobject

You might want to try CompizPup which is a derivative of LxPup and from memory has much of this python stuff built-in as its needed for the Compiz Configuration Manager....however I am planning soon to update CompizPup.....

Posted: Sun 16 Mar 2014, 19:48
by cicerosc
Ha! Had not heard of Compizpup! Will check that out as a test, and then I will wait for the update! thanks! UPDATE: Well my old computer does not like Compiz ;-( Apparently time for me to drink some wine until you add something to the main LXPup that requires more python support!

HMMM - I had not noticed that you had a 14.02 version based on Precise. I will try that and see if I can access that python package he referred me to...

Edit - you know Linux would be no fun if everything worked, would it? The Precise version won't recognize the modem that the slacko version recognizes without a hitch - ARGH!

UPDATE EDIT - using the precise version of the lxpup iso, and downloading a package I think was called bpython-gtk i have successfully got crossover running. Still not sure I like this as much as the slacko version, but maybe I'll get used to it. but thanks for the help!

Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2014, 22:35
by playdayz
This had been about the Help in LxPup. Peebee has a better fix on p.16. Here is still the Firefox 28 for anyone who wants it.

Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2014, 22:49
by peebee
playdayz wrote:Thanks for this peebee. It's nice to have some variety. I have always liked LxpanelX and LXDE in general. One thing I noticed was that the Help is not working, because openbox uses a different method than slacko with jwm--openbox uses the traditional gvfs method of gnome. These 3 pets will make the help work, including mtpaint and gnumeric, which do not work in Slacko. For anyone who might not know, this means Help entries work from the programs' menus, and the links work in the Help -> About each program. The pets also add Firefox 28 because I couldn't get it to work with the default Firefox and I wanted the most recent FF anyway.

1. Download and install the 3 pets.
2. Menu -> Desktop -> Preferred Applications -> Click, Customize, Internet, Firefox
3. Run Firefox once from the menu
4. Test help in Abiword, gnumeric, mtpaint, etc.

I should say I am using 14.03 pae, but I think this should work in any of 14.02/3.
Hi Playdayz

Thanks for that.

gvfs-1.12.3 is already built-in to LxPup14.03 so maybe that pet isn't needed??

libsoup isn't included however....I'll add it to the next version whenever that appears.

Would be good to not have to update Firefox....


Posted: Thu 20 Mar 2014, 23:19
by playdayz
peebee said:
gvfs-1.12.3 is already built-in to LxPup14.03 so maybe that pet isn't needed??

Probably only libsoup is needed then. I will experiment. Add: Yes, it seems so.

The rest is handled by peebee's fix on p.16.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2014, 06:36
by peebee
playdayz wrote:peebee said:
gvfs-1.12.3 is already built-in to LxPup14.03 so maybe that pet isn't needed??

Probably only libsoup is needed then. I will experiment. Add: Yes, it seems so. Probably someone can figure out how to use the default Firefox. An experimenter could just add the libsoup pet (or add it from the PPM) and then see if the Help works. One might compare the default /usr/bin/firefox to the one in the pet. Micko wrote a very fancy /usr/bin/firefox that somehow seems to shave the url off when the help starts a link, but this is here for anyone who wants the latest FF anyway. The FF 28 pet also contains the enabling pieces for the help in mtpaint and gnumeric.
I'll have a play/experiment....

What happens if a different browser is set as default - I always install and set chromium as my default for instance - does help then stop working again??


Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2014, 15:16
by playdayz
Again, please refer to Peebee's method for activating the Help throughout LxPup.

People do know that Firefox ESR is on version 24 now, right?

Help fix pet

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2014, 22:03
by peebee
playdayz wrote: I cannot get the default Firefox 17 or the chromium 33 sfs to create these files properly.
Hi playdayz

In posts below find the lxpup-help pet.

I used yours as the template - but modified it somewhat.

I've used a pinstall to ensure that the desktop file - now called lxpuphelp.desktop - gets installed complete with the " %u"

I've reduced the mimeapps.list file down to just 2 lines

Included yelp for gnumeric

Now works with any default browser - tested ff17 as delivered with Slacko & chromium33 & your ff28 - all work ok.

The only problem I foresee is that the right-clicks option pet also installs mimeapps.list and depending on the order they are loaded each pet will overwrite the others mimeapps.list

If your testing confirms its working OK then I'll add the 2 lines from this fix to the right-clicks pet mimeapps.list so that help will continue to work if the right-clicks option is installed.

Thanks for identifying the need for this improvement - it's a great addition.


p.s. still needs libsoup for abiword help....but maybe only for abiword??

Posted: Sat 22 Mar 2014, 22:59
by playdayz
from p.install:
mv /opt/lxpup/lxpuphelp.desktop /usr/share/applications/lxpuphelp.desktop
I thought the desktop file needed to go to /root/.local/share/applications, but your way is working for me.. Someone one might still be able to mess it up by using Preferred Applications and choosing Firefox from the menu, I am not sure. It is so hard to block every bad move ;-)

And oh yes, gnumeric (yelp) plus mtpaint and Sylpheed all 3 need simple fixes to their help. I just remembered the Sylpheed one, the fix for mtpaint was in the same FF 28 as yelp. I'll try to get the fix for Sylpheed in a moment if I can.

The mtpaint Help is in /root/.mtpaint and in /usr/share/doc/mtpaint_handbook in the FF28 pet

Here is the Sylpheed Help. I know I may be kind of obsessive about Help, but it is a usability feature imho, and I also really hate when users get error messages such as gnumeric, mtpaint, and Sylphhed give when their Help is not present.

And it is my impression that libsoup will be necessary for most of the Help files to work, those that are displayed in a browser anyway., but I could have been wrong about that too That will be easy to test. Anyway LXPup is one of my two go-to distros now.

Does LxPup use the right-clicks pet by don570? I thought it was only for rox--but I guess people can use rox in LxPup.

Peebee's contains this Sylpheed help.

Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2014, 07:06
by peebee
playdayz wrote:Does LxPup use the right-clicks pet by don570? I thought it was only for rox--but I guess people can use rox in LxPup.
Thanks playdayz

No - the right-clicks pet was put together specifically for lxpup and pcmanfm - I used don570's list as a basis but the mechanism is different.

I've added the bits you've provided for other apps - latest pet (needs the libsoup pet loading) is attached.

Seems to work fine for abiword, gnumeric, geany, mtpaint, sylpheed and any app where a valid link is provided in About.

InkLite doesn't work though - it uses xlink which is an xml linking protocol -

If you run it in a terminal you get:
# inkscapelite
Activated xlink:href=""
but nothing happens....


Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2014, 15:50
by playdayz
the right-clicks pet was put together specifically for lxpup and pcmanfm
That's great news. don570's right-click is very useful to me--adds considerably to usability. Glad LxPup has one too. Uh, I haven't been able to find it--ok, I'm lazy.

About Inscapelite,. Do you mean the About under Help? It works for me, but I am using the Firefox 28 pet that I posted. I didn't get that error message. Here's my mimeapps.list. I am using 14.03 (slacko-based) which may matter, who knows.

[Added Associations]

[Default Applications]

Posted: Sun 23 Mar 2014, 21:59
by peebee
playdayz wrote:Uh, I haven't been able to find it--ok, I'm lazy.
Desktop - Change Appearance - Options :)