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Looks, (all show no go!)

Posted: Sun 14 Jul 2013, 01:21
by ezl
Hey fells, Carolina can show more!


Posted: Sun 14 Jul 2013, 01:59
by Q5sys

My current setup is the first one, below that are older setups.

Posted: Tue 23 Jul 2013, 14:27
by Bert

I found this lovely picture here in the Guardian today (UK edition) and just had to make it into a wallpaper 8)

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 13:46
by Eyes-Only
Thanks for sharing that Bert! Frogs used to be so very plentiful around here but have become a true rarity today. About all they can figure out is that it's due to the thinning ozone layer here in the Northern Hemisphere ( i.e. "they've become our canary in the mines" so to speak ). Sad really. Used to be on a warm summer's night one could go into the backyard - even here in the city! - and hear the deafening croaking of the frogs, the chirping of the crickets, droning of assorted insects... and now? Now it's so silent at night one can nearly hear the blood coursing through their veins! :shock:

Perhaps our own days are numbered as a species?

At any rate, sorry for becoming so morose. Thanks once again for having shared such a delightful wallpaper Bert! I've already placed it upon my Raring-Pup desktop! :)



Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 15:09
by starhawk
@Eyes-Only -- down here in NC, things are noisier ;) we've got other problems, but the crickets, cicadas, and tree frogs all make quite a racket :D if we can make this state a little nicer, rather than this rowdy crowd trying to haul us kicking-and-screaming backwards whether we like it or not... maybe you could try things down here. One thing we can't fix fast, though: it's warmer!

[politicsandreligion] why is it that some people can't see that imposing their morals and values on others --who quite clearly don't want them-- is wrong??? I hope I don't offend people by saying, if that's what their Book tells them to do, I don't want to read it. That's a supremely bad example they're teaching -- and I bet if I say that to them they'll just hit me with fear and anger and hate... as if it's all they know... so sad. C'mon folks, humanity can be a lot better than THAT. [/politicsandreligion]

Posted: Wed 24 Jul 2013, 21:13
by RetroTechGuy
Bert wrote:Image

I found this lovely picture here in the Guardian today (UK edition) and just had to make it into a wallpaper 8)
I toad you it was gonna rain!... ;-) :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 07:37
by Eyes-Only
LOL RetroTech! Good one! Gave me my "Laugh For The Day". :lol:

Starhawk? If I could withstand the heat like I did a few years back - maybe five years ago? - I'd be down your way in a minute 'cos I really miss those nightime sounds buddy regardless of the migraines! There's nothing like the sight and sounds of nature to remind one that they are not alone on this ball of rock drifting through space...

Thanks for sharing Starhawk. I appreciated that! I really owe you an email as well. -sigh- I've been a very bad boy in that respect. lol.

Oups! Time to take the newspapers around the complex here... Laterzzz!



Posted: Thu 25 Jul 2013, 15:20
by starhawk
@Eyes-Only -- drop by in the mid- to late fall, if you want to visit when the weather's agreeable. Spring is rainy, summer is unsufferably hot (this July has been mostly 90 F days...) and winter is too cold but without snow... yet fall is NICE... funny how that works.

Late Sept, all of Oct, and maybe some of early Nov should be nice. "Should be".

I'd advise for sure against visiting in winter. Although we had very mild winters the last couple years, we're about due for a humongo snowstorm -- they tend to drop by every five to ten years (or so) and the last bit of big winter weather was in the early '00s -- 2004 we had 23in of snow in the drifts, at least on my property. So we're actually overdue... of course if Al Gore has his science right the whole country's gonna look like New Mexico in a few decades, but that's a whole other ball of wax, I think.

Don't sweat the email. It's not a big deal.

If I had a decent microphone I could record some of those sounds for you and put 'em on a CD... ah but the microphone is sorely lacking and a standard PC model (optimized for voice, not environment) won't produce anything other than a pile of awful.

Posted: Fri 26 Jul 2013, 20:01
by starhawk
Latest computer contraption build of mine, "Paper Tiger 2". Worklog here.

Desktop screenshot as seen by my horrible camera. Maybe someday I'll get a better one, when I get the money...


Puplet: Upup Raring 3991

Resolution = 1024x768 (16b color IIRC) 75.1Hz refresh.

Wallpaper: from goooooooooogle, don't remember the site but I can post the original if need be.

Icons: from dejan555's site. Not wonderful, but it's alright.

GTK Theme: I forget :oops: I want to say it was gray bird something something but I can't remember the whole bit. Included with Upup.

JWM Theme: Onyx. Included with Upup.

Camera: Pathetic, awful, blurry as **** and partially damaged (battery door is cracked) Kodak EasyShare DX7630. Nobody told me it was the FuzzyPix Edition, either... :(

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 14:26
by starhawk
...nobody cares? or just, bad photo is bad?

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 14:34
by Q5sys
starhawk wrote:...nobody cares? or just, bad photo is bad?
Its just the way this thread works. Tons of people post pics and never get responses.
Example: my post higher on this page got no responses. No big deal, it doesn't matter if others don't like my setup... just as long as I like it. :)

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 15:02
by starhawk
Now I feel bad -- I looked at your pix, thought the space themed ones were incredibly awesome, but didn't get the Tron thing (I've never really paid attention to Tron for some reason). Meant to post a comment, got caught up in other stuff, forgot, and here we are.

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 15:14
by Q5sys
starhawk wrote:Now I feel bad -- I looked at your pix, thought the space themed ones were incredibly awesome, but didn't get the Tron thing (I've never really paid attention to Tron for some reason). Meant to post a comment, got caught up in other stuff, forgot, and here we are.
Its all good. Tron is kinda a niche film anyway, And the remake was rather abysmal.

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 17:08
by greengeek
starhawk - it'd be nice to see a clear screenshot of your tiger setup - can you use mtpaint or something to get a screenie in better detail? I love those flamey cat pics.

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 22:13
by starhawk
I'm about to go make (and then eat) dinner -- but when I'm done I'll see what I can do...

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 23:51
by starhawk
Just realized -- I have the wallpaper itself on my main system (which is what I'm typing on now). So I'll just post that. Here you go...

Posted: Sun 28 Jul 2013, 23:57
by Semme
Bing's probably easier >> Tiger-abstract-HD-wallpaper.jpg

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2013, 02:13
by starhawk
Bing is M$ trying to end Google. I know, "good luck with that!" but I don't want to give them anything more than I absolutely have to.

Also, take a look at this.

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2013, 03:29
by Semme
Politics? I was merely looking for an image >> *tiger abstract hd wallpaper*

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2013, 03:54
by starhawk
More corporate greediness and monopoly-making than anything in the usual arena covered by politics... but then again, these days the two are hardly separable...