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Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 08:58
by msumner
Not sure how to get libdts as it still isn't listed in gpkgtool.

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 09:10
by plinej
msummer, Nathan's grafpup package repository is at:

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 11:13
by Alienx

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 11:29
by Nathan F
devx_oo5.sfs - OOo_005.sfs - jre_004.sfs can all be used with the beta, although jre_004.sfs will have to be renamed jre_005.sfs in order to be used. By way of explanation OOo stands for Open Office, and jre stands for Java Runtime Environment. I'll have a couple more to use in a few weeks, but I can't get all the files out at once if you know what I mean. I uploaded several gigabytes worth of files in the last couple days.

MIke - is the package you want.

Simon - Do you mean the probedisk and probepart I posted as attachments here? I need to make sure what works best and really need to nail it down soon.


Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 14:53
by Dougal
Nathan: the CFcard might be recognised as "hda" if it's connected via a IDE adapter (one of the options Barry has in the installer).

Simon: It's great that you at least confirmed that /sys/block/hda exists...

I have created a dotpup for testing HW, which runs a bunch of tests and gives you a tarball to send me...
Do dotpups work on Grafpup? If so, please try it -- it will save all this playing around...

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 15:35
by msumner
Hi Nathan, tried the libdts package. Maybe I have done something wrong but I still get the same error. I downloaded to /root, clicked to expand, went with the default to expand to /root. It put a directory in /root and several other files in various places, but still won't run. I suspect that I should have had the package in a particular place before expanding it?

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 18:12
by plinej
Just go to a command line, cd to the directory that has your libdts-0.0.2.tar.gz and as root type:

pkgtool -install libdts-0.0.2

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 18:43
by SimonW
Simon - Do you mean the probedisk and probepart I posted as attachments here? I need to make sure what works best and really need to nail it down soon.
Yep, I do. The ones posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:53 pm

They did the job just fine :-)

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 21:01
by Nathan F
Doaugal - Simon confirmed that for me a few posts back. And yes, dotpups do work in Grafpup.

Mike - To install the .tar.gz packages you have to either do as Jason says or else open up Gpkgtool and click on the folder icon, which brings up a package selection dialog. There is also a third way. There is a launcher for Gpkgtool at /usr/local/apps/Utility/Packages, which you can drag to the desktop for a shortcut. Then you can drag any .tar.gz|.pet|.pup package to the icon to install it.

Just clicking on a .tar.gz package brings up Xarchive, which is used to extract compressed archive files.

Probably next release (2.01) I may switch the system over completely to .pet packages like in Puppy. I didn't want to do it this time around because pkgtool does not fully support all of the possible features yet, like embedded dotpups and spec files.

Simon - In that case those aren't the latest but the oldest, the binary versions which come with libhardware as opposed to the replacements which are bash scripts.


Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 21:32
by SimonW
Eek - in that case we need to be extra specially careful. Do you want to post md5sums of them, and I'll compare?

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 21:59
by msumner
I installed libdts using jasons method. I modprobed and ran kino from the terminal. It started ok so I tried to capture using firewire:

sh-3.00# modprobe raw1394

sh-3.00# modprobe ohci1394
sh-3.00# kino
> help language code en
> Kino Common being built
> Creating page editor
> Creating Capture Page
> Creating Export Page
> Creating Export1394 Page
> Creating ExportAVI Page
> Creating ExportStills Page
> Creating ExportAudio Page
> Creating Preferences
Loading preferences from "/root/.kinorc"
Saving preferences.
> Creating ExportMJPEG Page
> Initializing MJPEG Export Page settings from Preferences
> Creating ExportPipe Page
> Creating page trim
>>> Image Create: Colour Range
>>> Image Create: Fixed Colour
>>> Image Create: From File
>>> Image Create: Gradient
>>> Image Create: Random noise
>>> Image Filter: No Change
>>> Image Filter: Black & White
>>> Image Filter: Kaleidoscope
>>> Image Filter: Fade In
>>> Image Filter: Fade Out
>>> Image Filter: Flip
>>> Image Filter: Mirror
>>> Image Filter: Reverse Video
>>> Image Filter: Sepia
>>> Image Transition: Dissolve
>>> Image Transition: Barn Door Wipe
>>> Image Transition: Differences
>>> Image Transition: No Change
>>> Image Transition: Push Wipe
>>> Image Transition: Switch
>>> Audio Filter: No Change
>>> Audio Filter: Dub
>>> Audio Filter: Fade In
>>> Audio Filter: Fade Out
>>> Audio Filter: Gain
>>> Audio Filter: Mix

>>> Audio Filter: Silence
>>> Audio Transition: Cross Fade
>>> Audio Transition: No Change
> Creating Magick Page
>> Searching /usr/lib/kino-gtk2 for plugins
>>> Registering plugin /usr/lib/kino-gtk2/
>>> Registering plugin /usr/lib/kino-gtk2/
>>> Registering plugin /usr/lib/kino-gtk2/
>>> Image Filter: Colour Average
>>> Image Filter: Charcoal
>>> Image Filter: Jerky
>>> Image Filter: Levels
>>> Image Filter: Pan and Zoom
>>> Image Filter: Pixelate
>>> Image Transition: Composite
>>> Image Transition: Blue Chroma Key
>>> Image Transition: Green Chroma Key
>>> Image Filter: Superimpose
>>> Image Filter: Titler
>>> Image Filter: Blur
>>> Image Filter: Colour Hold
>>> Image Filter: Soft Focus
>>> Image Transition: Luma Wipe
>> Starting Editor
>>> iec61883Writer::iec61883Writer port 0 channel 63
>> Creating undo/redo buffer
>> Kino Common newFile
>>> Received playlist to store at position 0
>>>> Adding to end
>> Leaving Editor
>> Left Editor
>> Starting Capture
>> AV/C Enabled
>>> Using iec61883 capture
>>> iec61883Reader::StartThread on port 0
>> Trying XVideo at 720x576
>>> XvQueryAdaptors count: 1
>>> Xv: Intel(R) Video Overlay: ports 57 - 57
>>> formats supported: 4
>>> 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
>>> 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
>>> 0x30323449 (I420) planar
>>> 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
>>> 0: XV_IMAGE, 1920x1088 rate = 1/1
kino: symbol lookup error: kino: undefined symbol: img_convert
Reset Handler received
>>> AVC status error
Stopping thread
>>> iec61883Reader::StartThread on port 0

Any ideas?

Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 23:33
by Nathan F
There's a good chance this might have someting to do with ffmpeg being recompiled. I think I might rebuild Kino against the newer packages and then perhaps we can give it a try again.


Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2007, 23:39
by gamfa

I downloaded the Seamonkey version of Beta (finally got something besides dial-up) and I am having problems with installing to HD. When I pick "ATA Harddrive" I get a box that says "Nothing to choose from. If a plugin device, Did you plug in?" If I pick "Cancel" which is the only option, the dialog box goes away and nothin happens.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 00:06
by Nathan F
We were discussing this just a little while ago. I had replaced the probepart and probedisk utilities with some updated versions in this iso, and it is causing some errors. I attached the old versions in the thread a little ways up, which may fix your problem. ... ch&id=3807 ... ch&id=3806
These have been gzipped in order to upload them here. You can unpack them using the gunzip command and then place them in /sbin, replacing the ones that are already there.


Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 00:37
by Nathan F
Mike -

Kino has released version 1.0 in the interim, so I'm going to try an upgrade while trying to fix this. I've also packaged dvgrab so you can import video on the command line.

I checked into Cinelerra again and I have to recompile a few packages like faac, this time against mpeg4ip, and then I might get as far as Quicktime4linux. That seems to be the major stumbling block with quicktime anyway, it needs mpeg4ip, but I have to change a few things to get that to install.

I'll post the Kino and Dvgrab packages either late tonight or in the morning. No promises on Cinelerra yet.


Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 00:57
by gamfa
We were discussing this just a little while ago's a long thread and I have tried to keep track.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 12:46
by Dougal
Nathan: I had a chance to download the latest beta last night but it wouldn't download...

The link just gave me an error (either 404 or 500). Tried a few times.
Then I went to (which worked) and tried going into "iso" -- error again. About the tenth time it finally went in and I managed to get to the "test" directory and click to downlod it.

It stopped after 39k... I tried again and it seemed to be downloading ok, so I left it, but when I came back it had stopped and I had an error message: "Internet Explorer could not download the file"...

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 13:10
by msumner
Nathan, a couple more things:
I changed the root password and now I have to log in twice :shock:
I presume the auto log into root isn't finished yet as I can't get that to work.
I have never been able to get gtkam to recognise my Sony dsc-w50.
I was trying the new pclos this morning and digikam seems pretty usable. It also scanned and found my camera no probs so it set me thinking about your experimental KDE version. Would you be able to make digikam available as a package or would it have to come with the full kde thing? A fast kde does sound quite appealing, I think I would like to give it a try some time.

Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 15:49
by Nathan F
Dougal - not sure why, unless it's related to Internet Explorer :wink: . I just tried it and the iso is downloading for me at full speed for my connection, about 150kbps, with no signs of slowing down or stopping. Of course it's also possible that demand might have been slowing things down, especially on bubbleletter, because distrowatch links directly to the download right from the front page. When it goes final I'm going to release a torrent as well t give people one more option.

MIke - Your camera undortunately isn't one that libgphoto supports, so it's not going to work in gtkam. To see the list of currently supported cameras go here. You're the second person who has mentioned Digikam in as many days and yes I am considering creating a package for it, but I have no timeline on when it will happen. I might upload an early version of the kde iso in a few days but understand there will be some rough edges, like having to shut down from the command line.

I'll check into the login problems too.

Also, I uploaded the new Kino package to and the bubbleletter mirror, as well as another version of ffmpeg which doesn't depend on libdts. I'll be gone on family stuff for most of the day though, so I can't help with anything else for a while.


Posted: Sun 29 Apr 2007, 18:47
by msumner
Nathan, tried the new kino, put it in /root:
sh-3.00# gunzip kino-1.0.0.tar.gz
sh-3.00# modprobe raw1394

sh-3.00# modprobe ohci1394

sh-3.00# kino
sh: kino: command not found
sh-3.00# :?
Have I missed something?