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Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011, 05:00
by marquitico
PupDial cannot find my modem with 001.

It is a simple USRobotics V.92 56K Faxmodem for dial-up, connected to COM1. Other Puppies are OK with it (i.e Quirky 1.2 Retro and Puppy 4.3.1), and other Linuxes, too. Pressing "probe" doesn't detect any modems, even though I also have a Winmodem that is detected on Quirky.

I have verified that the /dev/ttyS0 device exists, has the proper permissions, major/minor numbers, and so on.

Since PupDial has never failed me, I have never faced this issue before. What should I check next?

Thank you.

Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011, 05:52
by pemasu
In woof build, the big modem drivers option. I left the big modem drivers out. Of course I can build Insidious 002 with those modem drivers included.
I dont know if that is the reason, but only thing I can answer straight.

Posted: Mon 31 Jan 2011, 19:21
by marquitico
Oh, never mind: I found it. And I'm happily online with 001 as I type this. :D

Kernel modules weren't loaded, duh. :oops: For anybody interested, I did:

Code: Select all

modprobe serial_core
modprobe serial_css
Together they pulled in a few other modules, and voilĂ , serial ports.

Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 17:06
by gerry
I downloaded Insidious 002. Ran md5 check- ok. Burnt iso to cd, using slowest speed possible (=8x). Put cd into drive and powered up, but I get the following:

ISOLINUX 3.7.3 2009-01-20 ETCD Copyright (C) 1994-2008 H Peter Anvin

Could not find kernel image: linux


I've checked what's on the cd, and it is ten files just like Wary.

Any ideas on what's wrong??


Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 17:20
by gerry
I think I've found the problem, isolinux.cfg appears to be an empty file.

Now what?


Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 19:04
by gerry
OK- in a fit of pique I've deleted the downloaded iso, and binned the cd. So I'll start again with a fresh download. That was my last cd though....


Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 19:55
by pemasu
Check the md5sum of your download. The Iso has isolinux.cfg with content:

Code: Select all

default puppy
display boot.msg
prompt 1
timeout 50

F1 boot.msg
F2 help.msg
F3 help2.msg

label puppy
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=cd

Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 22:01
by gerry
Thanks-- yes, I did (unusually- I don't often bother) check the md5 before I burned the cd.


Posted: Mon 14 Feb 2011, 22:11
by pemasu
I usually dont burn puppies to the cd, but now I tested with rw cd. Insidious-002 burns just fine and has isolinux.cfg with content.

Posted: Tue 15 Feb 2011, 07:54
by gerry
Will Iguleder's next Insidious be an update of -002, or of his -001? Or is -001 as far as he is taking it?


Posted: Tue 15 Feb 2011, 08:30
by pemasu
Atm, Insidious is not actively updated. I did build Insidious 002 using Iguleder`s specs for 002.
Iguleder is now in army. He has every week 36 hours time at home. And he has used that time with his Teh Gray spup build, testing new kernels and lately with T2 building platform. He has also plans for is own linux distro Calf Linux. This information is from irc chatting at weekends and plain observation :)

I have also no plan to continue with Insidious. There are many reasons. Main reason though is that I have used my time with Snow Puppy as my main OS.

Posted: Tue 15 Feb 2011, 15:11
by Colonel Panic
I've just downloaded and am posting from Insidious now. Although it's early days yet I think it works well as a stable and unpretentious "general purpose" Puppy, which most of the time is all I really want from a Puppy (or any other OS I'm using for that matter). Sod the bells and whistles - does it work reliably and without crashing the app / internet connection / X Windows etc.?

Thanks to everyone who's contributed to it anyway.


CP .

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 08:04
by disciple
Hi guys, I have Insidious Puppy 001 and have found that the option to update the package database does not work, because the Debian sites have been rearranged. Does the option work in 002? If so, do I need to get 002, or do I just need a copy of the new /root/.packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS file, or something like that?

Also, does anyone use the native Debian apt instead of the Puppy package manager? If so, what are your experiences of it?


Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 08:09
by disciple
Also, if possible it would be good to have a link to 002 on the front page, so people don't assume 001 is the latest (like I did) :)

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 08:42
by nooby
Yes but Iguleder is in the Army now so he only get back for 36 hours now and then to meet family and such.

So he change the front page when he is able to next time. No hurry :)

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2011, 10:59
by disciple
Even if you inserted the information in your post which is the second one in the thread people would probably see it...

Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 07:57
by Shep
Anyone got a link for Insidious 002 :?:
I keep finding this 001 thread, but have lost sight of the 002 thread. :(

Also, might be worth pointing out that ttuuxxx recently did some more work on one of gposil's dpups. See here for ttuuxxx's improved dpup476:


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 08:38
by James C
Shep wrote:Anyone got a link for Insidious 002 :?:
I keep finding this one, but have lost the later version. :(
Check here.... ... 2-SCSI.iso

md5 ... so.md5.txt


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 08:50
by Shep
James C wrote:
Shep wrote:Anyone got a link for Insidious 002 :?:
I keep finding this one, but have lost the later version. :(
Check here.... ... 2-SCSI.iso
Oh. So there isn't a thread? Sorta explains why I couldn't find it, then. :oops:

EDIT: Okay, so Insidious 002 is a sub-thread. :lol: Jump in here: ... 910#481910


Posted: Mon 28 Feb 2011, 19:34
by disciple
It's a couple of pages up in this thread, which is what I was just complaining about...