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Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.2.14 with cpu 2 and up optimization

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 02:37
by Jim1911
Double post.

Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.2.14 with cpu 2 and up optimization

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 02:38
by Jim1911
Upgraded 5.X.3.2.11 save file on an old Dell desktop with a 2 core intel processor. Upgrade was fine and everything appears to be working including a usb logitech wireless mouse, identical to those on my other systems.

mount command for ntfs

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 04:29
by shinobar
Not a big problem but note.
Suppose sda1 is a ntfs partition. Next command fails on Dpup Exeprimo 3.X.3.2.14.

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /mnt/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
Whereas no problem on lupu-528 nor wary-5.3. I remember some old version of puppy has the same problem.
With '-t ntfs' option is safe for Dpup Exeprimo and also most of Puppy.

Code: Select all

mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
I suspect the version issue of the mount-FULL.
lupu 2010.3.6
dpup 2010.3.6
wary 2010.8.8

lupu util-linux 2.13-pre7
dpup util-linux-ng 2.17.2
wary util-linux-ng 2.18

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 05:22
by pemasu
James C. In full install somehow the symlink from /dev/input/mice to /dev/mouse does not appear or alternatively symlink from /dev/psaux to /dev/mouse

ln -snf /dev/input/mice /dev/mouse or ln -snf /dev/psaux /dev/mouse
should fix the freezing mouse. I suspect that something with PUI or with rc.sysinit does not function properly in dpup builds.

About mounting ntfs. Needs inspection.

ANOUNCE: updated pupsaveconfig-2.2

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 05:38
by shinobar
Long persistent bug of pupsaveconfig.
Was failed with the bootfash comboformat install. Thanks to Ghost Dog who reported this.
# v2.2 8apr12: fix was failed with no space partition(tnx to Ghost Dog), fix was failed with SAVEMARK, fix was failed mmc card, default partition and folder, exit 0 (thanks to don)
# v2.2 10apr12: sync with woof 20409, kill acpid (rc.shutdown) ... 719#618719

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 17:04
by pemasu
Thank you shinobar. I have updated to the latest pupsaveconfig...I have the latest rc.sysinit with /tmp purge and I believe I have fixed the full install mouse freezing. The problem really was the missing symlink. I did slight edit to the rc.sysinit and the symlink should be now persistent.

I will create the updated 5.X. now....I will upload it when I have tested the full install.

mount without filesystem definition still eludes my attempts. Just updating mount-FULL and ntfs-3g binaries didnt resolve the problem. I will let it be atm...
The possible fix wont be in next update.

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 19:44
by don570
I did a minor upgrade of puppy clock.
Pmusic needs to be recent to avoid a looping problem.

Could you put puppy clock on the start menu of exprimo's
Enlightenment WM


Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 20:07
by pemasu
I have slight problem now. I was creating the next release with those above mentioned updates and fixes....I got the main sfs woofed and I was under the devx sfs creation....when my 1 Tb usb hdd decided to end our relationship. I get the sound at same interval from it. I cant get it recognized anymore. And it was yesterday that I copied temporarily my main linux partition into it. To give room for my full install experiments. Basically it contained all my work....

It sounds like reading head has broken.

Now I have full install of Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.2.14 and....quite a lot of stuff on my old data partition in laptop hdd. And my backups I made on January to the other usb hdd. So...I havent lost all....but all recent work is in that dead usb hdd. might take some time before I am back....

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 20:58
by ciento
Sorry to hear of this loss to your system. One always expects expensive devices will last. Last year, after hearing one-too-many horror stories
of very new drives failing, I decided all the data I can't replace, goes on three drives, plus physical media stored off-site.

Fire, theft, flood, lightning, earthquake, there are so many evils to
guard against. Hope your synapses inspire even greater code in
the aftermath!

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 21:05
by don570
Ironically I just complained to Zigbert
about his Pmirror program. :cry:

If it worked better people would use it more often.


Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 21:19
by smokey01
pemasu, at least you have a fair collection of stuff on my web site you should be able to recover.

It takes a lot to keep a good man down, and you surely are one of those.


Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2012, 22:25
by pemasu
Yes. I have all the stuff easily gathered together...from my backups....using gnewpet and with databasefiles and from my builds... I get the lost ones back. It just take some time. I have another linux dedicated usb hdd which I used for Saluki. It has also my January woof platforms for Exprimo as backups.

All my personal data is safe...I have learnt to keep my important personal data in safe.

But I did lose my development stuff and it takes some time to put them back...

Well...I removed the full install and now I have empty 40 Gb partition in my hdd also for linux. So I can start from scratch to gather together what I need.

And thank you of sympathy..empathy and support.

Broadcom STA wl driver pet for Exprimo 5.X.3.2.14

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 08:01
by peebee
[EDIT] 040612 - attachment deleted - now superceded by All-In-One multi-kernel pet available here [/EDIT]

Here is the Broadcom WL driver compiled for k3.2.14 for anybody who wants to try it on Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.2.14

This is compiled from the latest Broadcom sources with just the necessary k3.2 patches and creates an eth% device.

Background here


Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 19:40
by jim3630

sorry to hear of your loss. installed last upload of 5x3.2.14 on dual p6100 hp laptop frugal to ext4 hdd,

logitech mouse auto-detected as well as my broadcom bcm 4313 driver on wan0. all works so far. thanks

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 22:49
by James C
pemasu wrote:I have slight problem now. I was creating the next release with those above mentioned updates and fixes....I got the main sfs woofed and I was under the devx sfs creation....when my 1 Tb usb hdd decided to end our relationship. I get the sound at same interval from it. I cant get it recognized anymore. And it was yesterday that I copied temporarily my main linux partition into it. To give room for my full install experiments. Basically it contained all my work....

It sounds like reading head has broken.
I feel your pain.....

The most common piece of hardware I've had to fail is the hard a nice ,neat stack of defective hdd's here.Just purchased a new internal hdd about a month ago, installed it and...... click,click,click.... :lol:

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2012, 01:49
by jim3630
still on my first external hdd. being fairly new to it's usage the salesman told me don't leave it plugged
into the laptop will extend it life. so this one is only plugged maybe once every 3 weeks.
hoping not to hear that clicking for some years. will let you know how it goes.

Nvidia drivers in SFS

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2012, 11:43
by shinobar
UPDATE: nvidia-glx-sdl-295.33-1.sfs works on Dpup Exprimo with kernel 2.6.39, 3.1.10-dpup, 3.2.11-dpup or 3.2.14-dpup

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2012, 14:43
by playdayz
Pemasu, My condolences on the crash. Do you have a Stellarium pet or sfs by any chance. We do have one for Lucid and it has been tested and works for me, but it is crashing on one person who would like to use it. It is a nasty complicated business with Qt but I thought that if anyone had it working it would be you. Thanks.

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2012, 16:05
by pemasu
Playdayz. I didnt have. But you did flatter me and I couldnt resist. You should be

I did download the source and I compiled the latest one. I did use the dpup Qt-4.8.0 and the version which I used was ...
I didnt test if it would have compiled with more stripped Qt4 libs. Maybe. But I remembered that Stellarium needs I did choose the most extended-opengl supported version of my compiles.

Then I loaded xorg-high and I had to rerun xorgwizard to get opengl loaded.

It seemed to work.
Download link for Stellarium-0.11.2, splitted as main and NLS pets:

And straight link to the main pet: ...

And you need supporting Qt4 libs for it to work. I recommend my has worked really well.

Posted: Thu 12 Apr 2012, 17:54
by jim3630
pemasu wrote: It seemed to work.
Download link for Stellarium-0.11.2, splitted as main and NLS pets:

And straight link to the main pet: ...

And you need supporting Qt4 libs for it to work. I recommend my has worked really well.
Playdayz. I didnt have. But you did flatter me and I couldnt resist. You should be

I did download the source and I compiled the latest one. I did use the dpup Qt-4.8.0 and the version which I used was ...


installed above pet with on Lupuplus OS
got this error

sh-4.1# stellarium
stellarium: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

sure it is a quick fix for you. or should have used other qt pet?