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Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 09:30
by Argolance
PacificRW wrote:I repeat myself but I insist on the fact that with headsets, when configuring, at some point in time, I'm faced with a request for a choice of Bluetooth channel. I can choose between... 100 channels! How do I know?
I tested about 20 of them. Without success.
:arrow: Source
Good question...


Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 11:52
by LeithR
I'm running Slacko6.9.9.9 and would very much like to use Bluetooth when I watch movies. I've downloaded the above .pets etc... but when I try opening the bluetooth manager in Network (I do have the bluetooth entry in there)
I get a splashscreen with:

No bluetooth adapters found.
Switch ON the bluetooth adapter or plug it in. And an option to click OK.

Clicking OK does nothing.

I do not get the bluetooth icon in my bottom right menu bar.

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 12:08
by matchpoint
Hello LeithR,

Which items were installed from page 1?

Does either "sdptool browse" or "hcitool scan" see your device?

Is the Bluetooth daemon running (htop, then F3 to search: bluetoothd)?

If those commands don't discover your device, post your "lsmod" output here and leave a link.

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 12:37
by LeithR
From the first post in this thread I downloaded and installed all of these:
- bluez ( ... VBhaDgwUzA)
- bluez-alsa (already included in the package)
- bluez-tools ( ... lpXZTFBS1U)
- obexd
- a2dp-alsa by jamesbond (already included in the package, Source code: ... 02.tar.bz2)

I also downloaded

The two commands you asked me to try gave the following results:

# sdptool browse
Inquiring ...
Inquiry failed
# hcitool scan
Device is not available: No such device

The link to my posting on postbin is

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 12:58
by matchpoint
The opening post can be confusing for some: a2dp-alsa by jamesbond (already included in the package)

:D You're a victim.

If you were to extract the contents of mistfires`pBluetooth pet, you'd find "a2dp-alsa" packaged along with it.

No problem, but I'd probably remove it, then reinstall the pBluetooth pet.

You didn't comment whether bluetoothd was running, which would correspond with those commands failing.

And having looked at your lsmod it's obvious there aren't any bt modules loaded.

I'm also not sure these packages are suitable for Slacko. I'd need to test.

What kind of a bt transmitter is plugged into your computer?

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 13:18
by LeithR
It would appear that I'm on a hiding to nothing, I don't have a BT dongle fitted, didn't clearly understand that I required one. I'll cast about and see if I can get hold of one. Thanks

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 15:48
by matchpoint
When shopping, make sure Linux is mentioned on the packaging. IOGear, Panda and TP-Link come to mind.

Posted: Tue 13 Feb 2018, 17:06
by did18
Hello mistfire

Would it be possible to modify pBluettoth so that the button "Bring device up (if down)" displays the real state of the device?
For example a green circle if the device is active.
Round orange if it's on standby.
Red circle if stopped.

Would it also be possible to display the signal strength as a percentage?

Have a nice day.

translated by deepl

Posted: Mon 19 Feb 2018, 12:33
by Pro
Signal strength without realtime update - not needed for all. Realtime indication from script not implemented

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2018, 22:00
by reliant_turbo
i just installed this pet today and the required libraries and got this error.

bluetooth-agent: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

any ideas? im not quite done digging yet but wondered if anyone had this same issue here.



Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2018, 23:22
by reliant_turbo
hmmmm loaded the 32 bit libraries and it seemed to take care of the first issue.

now i have this error when i try to pair:

Can't get default adapter
Method "DefaultAdapter" with signature "" on interface "org.bluez.Manager" doesn't exist


more fiddling.....


Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2018, 23:51
by reliant_turbo
hmmmm. maybe i jumped the gun and didnt RTFM......

I installed the packages via the puppy package manager and they were newer revisions.

should i have stuck to the ones in the thread?

i think ill whip up a fresh usb and stick to the instructions to a T.

also, im using an ASUS BT211 usb dongle.


Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2018, 11:28
by Semme
Hello Brian >> <Content removed due to lack of interest....>

Posted: Thu 30 May 2019, 06:11
by mistfire
New version of pbluetooth is released

It has a big improvements on detection management and it has now send file feature (highly experimental)

UPDATE: Sending file over bluetooth works. Requires obexftp

Posted: Fri 31 May 2019, 02:12
by mistfire
Take note dependencies of this package was changed.

Posted: Sat 19 Oct 2019, 11:56
by soniabu
Hello to all.
As Reliant_turbo (msg up) I have the same error (img attach). My S.O. it's bionicpup64 and I've installed all these blurtooth products: bluez - bluez-tools - obexd - openobex - obexftp.
I also downloaded the '' taken from the first page of this topic.
The thing that happens is this:
if I send a photo from my desktop to my cell phone, everything works fine;
vice versa, it gives me an error of non-connection.
In addition - as you can see from following image - if from desktop I request the pairing it gives me an error.
Does anyone have any ideas?
txs Sonia

P.S. sorry for the big picture; otherwise the error message could not be seen.

Posted: Fri 08 Nov 2019, 09:49
by mistfire
@soniabu as of now pBluetooth was 32-bit. I'm trying to make pbluetooth architecture free. Your puppy was 64-bit so you must install 32-bit compatiblity sfs modules

Posted: Tue 19 May 2020, 15:49
by soniabu
OK, thx for y aswer

Posted: Sat 23 May 2020, 01:07
by Semme
If I send a file from my cell phone to my computer it gives me an error of non-connection.
GO WiFi >> ... 42#1056142