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Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 01:43
by rokytnji

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 02:32
by starhawk
@Sky -- love the fox in the terra cotta urn. That's hilarious!

@Sky,roky -- you both posted a particularly cute desert fennec. Not complaining for sure, he's adorable! But that must be some wind he's walking into, given how blown back his ears are...

@roky -- I have to confess I'm not sure how to pronounce the name 'rokytnji' :oops: too many consonants in a row for me to figure it, lol. I've been mentally pronouncing 'roky' as "row-key" ('row' as in what you do in some boats) but I'm not sure of that, either...

My Puppy is more gorgeous than yours!

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 02:43
by Sky Aisling
starhawk, rokytnji

Baby Fennec fox.

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 03:30
by starhawk
D'aaaaaaaaawwww... cuteness overload, lol.

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 19:44
by rokytnji
It's pronounced row-kit-knee guys. Anyways. That is the country boy way to say it.
The Ukranian inflections are just a tiny bit different like when Latinos/Spaniards play with their "rrrrrrrrs".

It is a old handle/alias my ancestors used when on the run from the Russian Czar.

I like simple backgrounds lately is why the desert fox appeals to me. Stays out of conkys way.

Our Local breed ... _cameo.jpg ... Nevada.jpg

which is a grey/calico. They live under the abandoned industrial buildings here in Pecos.

Bunches here

Edit: :)
I like this boys attitude ... b1ca248ca0

Posted: Tue 01 Apr 2014, 20:01
by starhawk
Your folks hail from Eastern Europe / Russia? That's cool -- my father's family is IIRC half Austro-Hungarian (his mother was a Krehel*) and half Russian (my last name is Havel**)... I'm told that three generations back from my father, you're smack in the middle of Russia).

There's actually a small chance that I'm related to the late great Vaclav Havel, but it's not that likely. My father always wanted to meet him, but it didn't happen.

BTW, for the record, my mother's side is all British except for a Welsh family (the Morgans), one Scot (a McPherson), and one very brave Austrian lady whose last name I can't spell without help :oops:

* Krehel is pronounced "creel", for those not in the know.
** Havel is with an 'a' as in 'apple' and NOT as in 'father' or 'amen'.

Posted: Tue 22 Apr 2014, 13:15
by john biles
Legacy OS 2.1 LTS with Macish and Win7 Icewm Themes

Posted: Sun 04 May 2014, 09:15
by Fanofscifi
Hello everybody,

Thought it would be funny to participate and share m desktop too.

This is NO puplet. It's Puppy Precise 5.7.1 with the E17 desktop and a wallpaper found on the net

Posted: Mon 05 May 2014, 03:19
by nilsonmorales
just gtk2desklet, I like my Pupjibaro desktop

Posted: Tue 13 May 2014, 09:30
by greengeek
Dejan555 - do you have this icon set available somewhere? I would be keen to get hold of them if poss.

Posted: Tue 13 May 2014, 09:36
by greengeek
vicmz wrote:This is meant to be closer to the original theme, but now Lxpanel combines with GreyFX icons.
Are these greyFX icons available 'off the shelf' in any standard puppy that you know of? thx

Posted: Thu 15 May 2014, 23:57
by musher0
Hello, all.

As compared to the above, this is a more traditional Puppy desktop style.
It has been achieved with pekwm-1.14, the pwidgets and a rox-panel at
the bottom. The base Puppy is BK's original PuppyPrecise 5.7.1

To make more room in the bottom rox-panel, stalonetray and xload are
used as independent apps and placed near the menu. (See bottom right.)
These are pekwm specific; if you go back to using jwm, jwm already has
them in its panel, so the tray and xload are not launched independently.

The desktop icons in the characteristic Puppy "triangle" have been poured
in the second rox-panel at the left. (See second picture.) The "set square"
icon acts as a lever for alternating the rox-panels, and the yellow and
blue pills further control the independent display of the rox-panels.

The menu in the center is pekwm's, while the menu to the left of it is an
improved aemenu (my evolution of aragon's spm2, now at version "g".)
In this derivative, you can have two menus on screen, if it helps you to
find a program or speeds up access somehow.

Just another example of what can be done in Puppy with a little
imagination! :)



Posted: Fri 16 May 2014, 23:24
by musher0
Hello, people!

The next day! :)

Incidentally, the original screen resolution of those screen captures is 1280x1024.



Posted: Sat 17 May 2014, 05:21
by dejan555
greengeek wrote:Dejan555 - do you have this icon set available somewhere? I would be keen to get hold of them if poss.
Raised version from here: ... 018#502018

Posted: Sat 17 May 2014, 06:07
by greengeek
dejan555 wrote:Raised version from here: ... 018#502018
Thanks Dejan - that icon exchange is great. Some fantastic stuff there.

Posted: Sun 18 May 2014, 13:41
by musher0

Following up on ... ost#777803
above, I managed to get pekwm's "Harbour" working. (See attached pic, top right.)

One may think that dockapps are passé, but some have stood the test of time and are
just the ticket in certain desktop environments. You can still find a good selection of
dockapps in the amigolinux section of the ibiblio site.

Also, in pekwm, you can show them when you need the info and hide them the rest of
the time, by using the key combinations Mod4+H, or Cntrl+Alt+H. Not so in MU's
icewm in his Muppy 0.84, if I remember correctly.

As well, with the thicker rox-panel at the left like that, and the light compositing, this
little dog is starting to look like a big recent Ubuntu...



Posted: Mon 19 May 2014, 18:46
by rokytnji
Just a scooter tramps go to desktop in the desert.
Carolina 1.2

Posted: Thu 22 May 2014, 17:00
by musher0
Getting ever closer to the PPP (PuppyPrecise Pekwm)... :)

Posted: Fri 30 May 2014, 23:08
by nAiL
My Puppy Linux :)

Posted: Sat 31 May 2014, 00:45
by jp734