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Posted: Thu 21 Sep 2017, 07:26
by greengeek
Flash wrote:Bad as politicians and especially politics can be, I wouldn't want to live in a country without a functioning government..
I don't know if it's true - but my stepson (he is good at history) told me that Germany used to be made up of about 300 small kingdoms that functioned well without any form of central government.

Then there was a move to "federate" the kingdoms and unite them.

The rest is history I guess. The "Third Reich" movement tried to bring the whole world under one government. But those that wanted to unite the world by force have been taken over by those that want to unite the world by peace and soft words. But what has happened to Germany now that it has been taken over by the "unite the globe" brigade?

It doesn't work.

Maybe we need to go back to smaller areas of likeminded people without the attempts to make everyone live the same culture.

Vive la difference.

Posted: Thu 21 Sep 2017, 11:06
by Burn_IT
I think we should not impose
such pictures on them, on this forum, even as "caricatures".
Just let them see the violence at school???

Posted: Thu 21 Sep 2017, 12:00
by musher0
Hi burn_IT.

I don't know if violence is tolerated in schools in your country. I know there
are gangs in some high schools here bartering drugs and revolvers on a
daily basis. But as a personal belief, I think adults should not try to destroy
a child's innocence prematurely.

If it helps Lazy Puppy get out of his lousy depressive mood, I'll send him a
punching bag with my face on it. :lol: (He'll have to get the gloves locally.) ;)

But that picture ? We all saw violent pictures on the news from France,
Tunisia, the UK, Germany, etc. Plus the Breivik massacre in Norway in
2011. Our kids saw them too.

IMO, additional reminders of violence from any origin like the above image
serve no purpose. They are also in very bad taste on our forum.


Posted: Thu 21 Sep 2017, 12:14
by Burn_IT
No we don't allow violence at school, but you should know as well as anyone that bullying and such does go on no matter how much you try to stop it.
Surely it is better for your kids to be exposed to it where you can at least give some support.

Posted: Thu 21 Sep 2017, 12:28
by musher0
Burn_IT wrote:No we don't allow violence at school, but you should know as well as anyone that bullying and such does go on no matter how much you try to stop it.
Surely it is better for your kids to be exposed to it where you can at least give some support.

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2017, 05:24
by LazY Puppy
musher0 wrote:Hi Lazy Puppy.

If it weren't for the gory drawing you attached, I wouldn't care. Think of me
what you like.

But kids of grade school age do visit this forum. I think we should not impose
such pictures on them, on this forum, even as "caricatures".

You should learn to listen German and then watch this video: Imad Karim, 24 Minutes against the ARD Fake-News (ARD = German Television).

This video should be shown to ALL grade school kids all over the world in the so-called brave world of democracies. This video shows the true character of current democrapts in current democraptcies.

Everyone should try to understand what Imad Karim is talking about in this video, to understand what's truly going on in Germany and Europe. It's time to give a hard response to these religious fascists, it's time to give a hard response to the responsible politicians in all those democraptcies. Really, this video has made my mind up and cleared my view about all those left-winged federal liars, like you musher0.

Time for revolution. Now, 24. of September will be pay-day in Germany!

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2017, 06:13
by LazY Puppy
musher0 wrote:
Flash wrote:What's that growing in the background?
Something soon to be legalized in Canada? :)
Kids of grade school age do visit this forum. I think we should not impose
such pictures on them, on this forum.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Musher, you are really a zero! :lol: :D

Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2017, 06:17
by musher0
Hi Lazy_Puppy.

Oh. I'm a "federal liar", now, am I ? :lol: Is this worth a reply? NOT.

I sincerely hope you get well soon, though. We need your talent here doing
Puppy programming, not out there doing silly politics.


Posted: Sat 23 Sep 2017, 06:20
by musher0
LazY Puppy wrote:(...)
Musher, you are really a zero! :lol: :D
Recognition. Finally. :lol:

Posted: Sun 24 Sep 2017, 15:51
by bark_bark_bark
LazY Puppy wrote:Musher, this image is especially dedicated to you and the likewise. I just stumbled over it in a German Forum of MGTOW movement.

Original Link to the article and image

Have fun, suck it and...

So this is the picture pussies are whining about? It's not really that bad.

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 00:39
by LazY Puppy
musher0 wrote:Recognition. Finally. :lol:

In Germany we do have a saying: Einsicht ist der erste Weg zur Besserung. :wink:

So, Germany has voted today and it has been a big disaster for all established political parties. Defaming critical people into the racist right-wing just didn't work to keep the AfD small. The sword of defamation has become blunt. Instead they made the AfD strong as defaming people into the racist right-wing just has had made obvious the left-winged just being weak.

This said: I will sleep very well over the next four years, as it's a fact my political allies won't. 8) :lol:
bark_bark_bark wrote:So this is the picture pussies are whining about? It's not really that bad.
Yes, the truth hurts sometimes. If it hurts, people start whining - just usual human behaviour. :wink:

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 02:31
by musher0
Hello, Lazy_Puppy.

My initial impression about you was right.

When French forum member "oui" "introduced" you to me a few years
ago, hoping for a collaboration between us. and I discovered that you only
wanted to work your Puppies in German, I asked if you were some sort of
German separatist. You said you were not.

You are not a separatist in the Canadian sense: you do not want a
province of Germany to secede from Germany. But you are a separatist
in that you want Germany to secede from Europe. That's still separatism.

I am not German, but I am very happy that Ms. Merkel got elected today,

-- She is for Europe, for federalism, and for international unions and
commercial exchanges.

-- She also is a great lady in that by saving so many Syrians and Middle-
Eastern people, she symbolically compensated for what a certain German
leader in the 1930's and 1940's did to the Jewish people -- another people
of Middle-Eastern origin.

(Of course those atrocities can never be compensated, but Ms. Merkel sent
a powerful symbolic message to the World that the German people can
also be welcoming.)

-- She has the brains, the power and the philosophy to keep deranged US
Pr. Trump in check.


About your peaceful sleep: I hope the above sounds like The [biblical]
Song of the Teenagers ("Gesang Der Jünglinge") by Karlheinz Stockhausen
playing full-blast in your bedroom at 3 in the morning.

Rest assured that true democrats like myself (democats, democarps,
democraps or whatever label you want to stick on our backs) will do
everything possible to get you, your AfD party and your various
Neandertahlian incarnations back in the hell hole you all came out of.

Peaceful nights for the right-wing, eh? Don't count on it.


Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 03:08
by Flash
Lazy, can you leave it at that?

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 11:03
by LazY Puppy
Lazy, can you leave it at that?

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 11:06
by musher0
LazY Puppy wrote:
Flash wrote:Lazy, can you leave it at that?
So will I.

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 03:10
by tallboy
musher0 wrote:She has the brains, the power and the philosophy to keep deranged US Pr. Trump in check.
Haven't we all? :P

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 03:59
by bigpup
Pic of the Day!!

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2017, 11:18
by musher0
tallboy wrote:
musher0 wrote:She has the brains, the power and the philosophy to keep deranged US Pr. Trump in check.
Haven't we all? :P
Wise words, tallboy...

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2017, 00:37
by bigpup
Do you?

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2017, 01:29
by musher0
Hey, wow, bigpup, you found a selfie of Abraham Lincoln! Great find!