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Posted: Wed 25 Nov 2015, 04:46
by DJ Puppio
This thread has inspired me to try to come up with some unique desktop designs. This one is an orange pup.

Desktop Only

Desktop with taskbar/windows/menus/controls/etc.

Posted: Sat 28 Nov 2015, 03:33
by DJ Puppio
My new win xp configuration. :lol:

Desktop only

With decorations

Posted: Sat 28 Nov 2015, 04:52
by rufwoof
Nice DJ Puppio!

Perhaps have a think about creating multiple separate desktops with different wallpapers and icons on each desktop and combine them together in a single Puppy. ... sp=sharing

See ... 548#874548

Posted: Sat 28 Nov 2015, 05:04
by DJ Puppio
rufwoof wrote:Nice DJ Puppio!

Perhaps have a think about creating multiple separate desktops with different wallpapers and icons on each desktop and combine them together in a single Puppy. ... sp=sharing

See ... 548#874548

I'll take a look at that, thanks. But I will say I am enjoying trying out so many different different puppies, heh. I tried FatDog, last night. Seems really nice, but I couldn't get the firewall running. :(

Posted: Sat 28 Nov 2015, 06:27
by greengeek
rufwoof wrote:Perhaps have a think about creating multiple separate desktops with different wallpapers and icons on each desktop and combine them together in a single Puppy. ... sp=sharing
Wow, thats good! You are doing some great stuff. Just hope I can get to grips with some of the techniques you are developing.

My Tahrpup

Posted: Sat 12 Dec 2015, 06:23
by jss83

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 16:28
by rufwoof
With desktop drives in a wbar, having different windows, wallpapers, icons/icon arrangements on each desktop is a breeze. Just a different PuppyPin for each desktop (and the content/details would have to be stored somewhere anyway) and then a rox command to flip to each different desktop PuppyPin

rox -p <puppypin>

which is just a extension to the existing desktop tag in jwmrc-personal. My Desktop tag in /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal for instance looks like

<!-- Number of virtual desktops -->
<Desktops width="3" height="1">

<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin2</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin3</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin4</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin5</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin6</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin7</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin8</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin9</Background></Desktop>
<Desktop><Background type="command">/usr/local/bin/rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin10</Background></Desktop>


I'm using three desktops as present in Tahr 6.0.2 32bit PAE, the first more for startup type icons, the second more as a worktop, and the last more for shutdown type functions.

The drive icons being in a wbar are animated and balloon in size when hovered over.

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:03
by rufwoof

With the likes of grub4dos boot manager installed you can grab a new puppy iso, open it up to view in ROX-Filer, create a new directory on your hard disk and drag/drop copies of initrd.gz, the zdrv sfs and puppy sfs to that directory and then edit menu.lst to boot that pup.

I usually use a entry of something like

title Tahr602PAE
root (hd0,2)
kernel /TAHR602PAE/vmlinuz pfix=ram
initrd /TAHR602PAE/initrd.gz

in menu.lst

Then when you boot you can select that puppy from the grub4dos menu, or even set it as the default choice with a timeout. Mine for instance has at the top of menu.lst

timeout 3
default 0

so after three seconds it defaults to the first 'title' it finds in menu.lst (default 1 is the second choice ...etc).

Boot and configure the settings and set up the puppy as you like, create a savefolder when you shutdown/reboot and then

rename the zdrv sfs to adrv sfs
rename then puppy sfs to zdrv sfs
create a copy of the savefolder and save it as puppy sfs. For instance if the savefolder is tahrsave and the puppy sfs is called puppy_tahr_6.0.2.sfs then

mksquashfs tahrsave puppy_tahr_6.0.2.sfs

Then reboot again (still using pfix=ram) and the pup will boot up with all of the configuration and changes preserved. The savefolder can even be deleted.

Booting the exact same read only puppy each and every time is great IMO. You can try things, change things, and if you screw the session up a simple reboot has you back to the working version again. No savefile/savefolder so that can't get messed up and read only so any virus caught only persists for the single session - a reboot clears it out.

Don't create a savefile/folder at each shutdown and the puppy is 'cast in stone'. Provided you store data/docs outside of puppy space (on hard disk) then if you're happy with the puppy as-is then there's no need to change things (if it ain't broke don't fix it).

I use portable versions of firefox and google, which are stored/run on HDD, so online email, latest browser updates etc are all preserved along side your data/docs. The only other thing I sym link out is osmo, so calender, contacts etc changes are preserved across reboots (during the first setup phase I move /root/.osmo directory to the HDD and then drag/drop and create a sym link of that directory back to /root).

I use the portable browsers for general browsing as they preserve bookmarks etc. For online banking I reboot and use the puppy's internal browser - that after a fresh reboot is factory fresh/clean (usually seamonkey or Pale Moon). Provided you go straight to your banks web site after first firing that up, nowhere else before (or after), and shutdown/reboot after, then that browser is clean (unlike the portable browsers that have been used to surf here-there-everywhere and may have been compromised).

You could in concept run a similar 'factory-fresh' version/arrangement with Windows - the big difference is that a factor-fresh "reinstallation" of puppy is very quick, with Windows it can take hours .. and hours.

I love running factory-fresh - and puppy is perfect for that. Hence the reason why ILF.

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:15
by starhawk
Wrong thread...?

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2015, 21:05
by DJ Puppio
My glass setup.

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 08:53
by musher0
DJ Puppio wrote:My glass setup.
Hi DJ Puppio.

Just a word to tell you that your screen cap at photobucket doesn't
display. BFN.

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 09:07
by phat7
Displays w/o problems when JavaScript enabled.

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 10:46
by DJ Puppio
Ok. Let me try to resize and attach. The original image is a full megabyte, so I only post a link....

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 22:31
by musher0
That's called cheating, you know! :twisted:
M$ could sue you for misrepresentation! :twisted:

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015, 22:43
by DJ Puppio
Don't give 'em any ideas. You never know, it just might be a down time for their armada of high profile lawyers. :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 22:52
by DJ Puppio
So, here is what I did with the hand me down XP netbook. This works well for the tiny screen.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 03:24
by musher0
Very nice, DJ_Puppio!

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 03:28
by musher0
Hello all.

But it doesn't beat this, ah! :twisted: (The latest echinus tiling/dynamic window manager.)


Posted: Thu 24 Dec 2015, 06:20
by DJ Puppio
I'm home at last. :P

Posted: Thu 24 Dec 2015, 10:18
by musher0
Anybody paying you to post that?